Training the Force Flashcards
Understand the army manuals that instruct how soldiers should be trained.
What field manual/Army publication is titled “Training the Force”?
FM 7-0 / ADP 7-0
What is performance oriented training?
The philosophy that soldiers learn best by hands on training.
The army time management system is composed of what 3 phases?
- Green: collective tasks with individual and leader tasks integrated
- Amber: small unit, crew, leader and individual soldier training
- Red: sub-organizations take advantage of all training opportunities to conduct individual, leader and crew training.
What is training?
The instruction of personnel to increase their capacity to perform specific functions.
What are the types of evaluations?
- Informal: real time feedback on the training environment
- Formal: dedicated evaluators scheduled in the training plans
- Internal: performed by the organization conducting the evaluation
- External: performed by a headquarters at an echelon higher in the chain of command, or an outside headquarters
What does realistic training inspire?
It builds competence and confidence by developing and honing skills.
What 6 things must commanders do to accomplish their training responsibility?
- Be present at training
- Base training on mission requirements
- Train to applicable standards
- Assess current levels of efficiency
- Provide the required resources
- Develop and execute training plans that result in proficient individuals
What is the goal of combat level training?
To achieve combat level standards
What are the 3 types of training plans?
- Long range
- Short range
- Near term
What does evaluation of training measure?
The demonstrated ability of soldiers, commanders, leaders, battle staffs, and units against the army standard.
What is force integration?
The process of incorporating new doctrine, equipment, and force structure into an organization while simultaneously sustaining the highest possible levels of combat levels of combat readiness.
What is battle focus and what does it do?
The concept of planning, prepping, and executing assessments with the intentional effort for soldiers to training as they are going to fight.
What does realistic training require?
For organizations to train the way they fight or support within all dimensions of the battlefield.
What does AAR stand for and what does it provide?
After Action Review
What are the 3 training domains the army uses?
- Institutional: training and education systems including base centers and schools.
- Operational: conducted at home stations, maneuver combat training centers, during joint exercises, at mobilization centers, and while deployed.
- Self Development: goal-oriented learning that increases the competency and proficiency of a soldier by complimenting the other types of training.
(remember IOS like on a phone)