Training Bulletin #93: Thermo-Gel Fire Blocking Gel Flashcards
The super absorbent polymers in thermo-gel liquid concentrate can absorb _ times their weight in water.
What two ingredients does the gel need to work as needed?
- Thermo-Gel
- Water
Thermo-Gel provides a high level of protection from what three things?
- Radiant Heat
- Flying embers
- Direct flame impingement
Foaming agents such as Class “A” foam are mixed with air and water to produce air bubbles in a process known as _.
At what temperatures do air bubbles burst when exposed to heat?
170 degrees F
How long does it take for foam blankets to break down following application?
15-30 minutes
What is the biggest difference from Class “A” foam and thermo-gel?
Class “A” bubbles contain air, thermo-gel bubbles contain water.
How long does it take for thermal gel to break down following application?
6-36 hours
What is done when thermal gel dries?
Apply a fine mist.
Thermal Gel is non toxic. Does thermal gel harm paint or metal surfaces?
When the use of the thermal gel has passed how can you get rid of it off surfaces?
By hosing it off with an ordinary garden hose
What exterior surfaces can thermal gel be applied?
All (metal, glass, stucco, and wood)
*Usually for exposure protection
Can thermo gel be used on vegetation surrounding a structure?
Yes, because it increases the defensible space between fire and exposure.
Direct fire attack should NOT be made with thermal gel. True or False?
TRUE. It is expensive and does not provide the reach and handling characteristics normally associated with fire department hose streams.
How much thermal gel does one container hold?
1 gallon
What equipment is used to apply thermal gel?
- 1 gallon container
- Spray tip
- Eductor
- Shut-off
- 1” to 1 1/2” increaser
- Plastic pick up tube with check valve metering device
Normal day to day, how much Thermo-gel shall companies carry on their apparatus?
4 - 1 gallon containers (1 case)
When the probability of brush fires increases (extreme or red flag rating) companies shall carry a total of _ of thermal gel.
12- 1 gallon containers (3 cases)
What is the nozzle pressure for barricade nozzle?
75 psi
What is the gpm delivered by the nozzle?
15 gpm (TB), 20 gpm (Hydraulic calculator)
What is the friction loss per 100’ of 1”?
10 psi
How much psi for the nozzle appliance?
60 psi
Working back towards your apparatus, where do you start application on a home?
Start with roof and then coat the vertical surfaces.
*only coat area threatened by fire
Coat the objective until white and with a covering thickness of _.
Thermal gel should only be dispensed from the one gallon container. True or False
*mixing thermal gel into water tank of pump with cause a thick mixture which will clog the pump.
When coating roof areas what needs to be done?
Apply from a ladder and do not walk on roof when applying due to slippery state of gel.
The 1 gallon container will cover approximately _ square feet.
After use of the equipment cleaning the appliance should not be delayed more than _ hours.
* Soaking the parts of appliance in hot/warm water will assist with cleaning.
Dried thermal gel shall be removed within _ hours before it becomes too difficult to remove.
* If dry reapply water to wash down, if too dry try stiff bristle brush.
Is there a shelf life for thermal gel?
Before use what shall be done with the container?
Shake for 2 minutes and inverting the containing while shaking.
What is the weekly with the thermal gel?
Shake every week
What is the monthly with thermal gel?
Exchange containers on apparatus with containers in storage.
* Helps rotate the stock for “shaking while driving.”
What needs to be done every 6 months?
Shake each container on apparatus and storage with the Battalion issued shaker.
How long do you shake the container for when using Battalion issued shaker?
5 minutes
Containers on apparatus or in storage should be stored how?
On their side
* Keeps product from settling on bottom of container.
Thermal gel not harmful to clothing but difficult to get off. What are recommendations to get it off?
- Wash off much as possible with pressurized water.
- Machine wash several times
Do not get water inside of container. One _ can react with the gel enough to potentially clog the metering valve.
Drop of water