Training Bulletin # 179- Residential Garage Fires Flashcards
What features of garage fires pose risk to LAFD members?
- Construction Features
- Hazardous Fire Loading
- Illegal Residential Conversions
Residential Garages are either “attached” or “detached”
What ordinance in Los Angeles City prescribes standards governing residential conversions?
Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU)
Residential conversions complicate firefighting operations by increasing the likelihood of a potential _.
Life Hazard
Both legal and illegal conversions may be difficult to recognize from the exterior.
An illegal conversion may lack certain safety features creating considerably more hazardous conditions for firefighters.
What are some indicators that may assist of a garage conversion to residential use?
- Air conditioning Units
- Window Curtains
- New paint
- Stucco
- Upgraded openable windows
- Updated utilities
- Security doors
What are the most reliable methods to identify if a garage has been converted to residential?
- Lack of garage door
- Presence of additional address numbering including 1/2 addresses.
- If the above indicators are seen, communication over the radio should be done to provide to improve situational awareness.
Note **
Garage interiors are often unfinished and may have additional storage located above open or plywood-decked ceiling joists or collar beams. Depending on the framing, this may significantly increase the load placed on the roof system.
Garage roofs may be constructed of lumber with _ dimensions than the associated residence, spaced further apart, and with a relatively low pitch.
- Smaller
Attached garages are required to be separated from the dwelling unit and its attic space by what?
Fire-Rated Drywall
* Drywall is usually compromised by the addition of items such as electrical conduit, plumbing, or heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) components.
Are fire sprinklers and smoke detectors required by the Fire Code in unfinished and/or detached garages?
It is imperative that first-in company officers conduct a 360 degree survey of the involved building to determine the garages type and use, identify exposure problems, unusual hazards, and any immediate rescue problems.
If a 360 survey is UNABLE to be completed, the assigned officer must attempt to visualize as much of the building as possible, PRIOR to communicating the subsequent size up.
The decisions to initiate an interior attack on a garage fire, or to support it with vertical ventilation, should be made only after completing a RISK ANALYSIS and addressing factors including, but not limited to what?
- Garage type and occupancy status
- Fire involvement and burn time upon arrival
- Likelihood of occupants, and consideration of survivability based on observable conditions
- Fire load and presence of known or observed excessive storage or hazardous materials
- Priority of exposure protection, search and rescue, or other functions, based on findings
During the size up, particular attention should be paid to indicators of a residential conversion. Information gathered will help to inform priorities, strategy , and tactics.
What considerations should fire attack company consider when deploying handlines?
- To reach farthest portion of involved garage
- Take consideration any immediate exposures that may take precedence if the garage is well involved upon arrival.
- Consider obstacles (cars, trailers, etc) when trying to deploy handlines
Efforts should be made to communicate locations where fire attack companies are operating in order to avoid opposing hose lines.
A detached garage which is out of sight from the street may not experience the same level of upkeep as the associated structure, and structural collapse (partial or complete) of the garage should always be a safety consideration.
A _, although mandated to carry a fire rating in an attached garage, is the primary portal for fire spread into the residence.
Connective door
What is the primary consideration for the IC with an attached garage fire?
Quickly applying water onto the bulk of the fire through most accessible portal, while simultaneously assigning a company to make entry into the livable space through the front door to control this portal and identify any extension.
It is imperative that the residential attic space be checked for extension as soon as practical. If drop ladder found use to access attic to check for extension.
Alternative tactics such as Transitional Attack combined with horizontal ventilation should be considered whenever possible.
A “row” of residential garages(not to be confused with covered carports) is often associated with apartment complexes and _-style developments.
* Interior walls usually lack fireproofing between the individual garage spaces, and may feature a common attic, or an open space toward the tops of these dividers.
A risk analysis must be performed, and vertical ventilation on a garage fire should be the EXCEPTION, NOT THE RULE.
Horizontal ventilation may be accomplished rather than vertical ventilation due to risk provided what?
- Effective ventilation
- Improved visibility
- Access to seat of fire
- Greater survivability for occupants
Improved conditions for personnel
Roof operations on a garage fire should only be conducted when conditions allow for safe and effective execution.
When life safety is NOT a concern, the IC must immediately shift from Rescue Profile to _ or _ Profile, and match tactics accordingly.
- Property Profile
- Exposure Profile
Vertical ventilation is NOT the preferred method on garage roofs supported by _ construction.
Lightweight Truss
* may fail early with little or no warning, storage above ceiling joists or collar beams adds weight, and may contribute to early failure.
Companies operating inside the residential portion should make early access into the _ to determine whether there has been extension, and clearly communicate their findings.
Attic Space
Detached Garage Definition
A fully enclosed structure designed for automobile storage, which is free standing, and completely separated from the associated residential structure.
Attached Garage Definition
A garage that is connected to the residential structure, generally sharing one or more walls, and oftentimes featuring direct access into the residence.
Common styles of garage doors
- Sectional (home garage door)
- Roll-up (rolling steel)
- Tilt-up
- Swinging
- Sliding/“Barn” Style
The concept of “training under fire conditions” for vertical ventilation on garage fires alone will NOT justify a disproportionate risk to member safety.
While firefighting comes with inherent risks, _ are tasked with identifying, and reducing or eliminating those risks.
LAFD Officers
Activities that present a significant risk to the safety of members shall be limited to situations where there is a potential to save endangered lives. (DB 15-11)
- Risk a lot to save a lot
- Risk a little to save a little
- Risk nothing to save nothing
- LAFD philosophy of “Everyone Goes Home”
- LAFD committed to creating a “Culture of Safety”