Trainee Packet Flashcards
CSFD’s Commitment (Cadre Commitment)
Service provided to 1) Taxpaying Citizens, 2) Line Operations Personnel, and 3) the success of you, the Trainee.
Cadre will provide…“teaching, training, and mentoring necessary to learn the material.”
“We will not accept mediocrity. The responsibility for success rests with the Trainee.”
Training Battalion Chief
BC Justin White
Training Academy Captain
Captain Ken Anderson
Officer Development Captain
Captain Josh Winter
Training Academy Lt.
Lt. Luke Wardell
Training Lt/Driver Coordinator
Lt. Jason McFarren
Administrative Specialist
Janet Risovi
A/V Specialist
Luke Pruessing
Cadre Members
Not assigned yet
Trainee Commitment
- Learning the required material
- Practicing each required skill and demonstrating acceptable proficiency in those skills throughout the Academy.
- Conducting themselves in a manner consistent with the City of CS Standards of Conduct, the CSFD Code of Conduct, and the Standards of Conduct established for the Academy.
- Demonstration of dedication, effort and attention to detail.
- The success of their team.
- Maintaining a high level of physical fitness.
CSFD Core Value
- Accountability
- Courage
- Honor
- Professionalism
- Service
Core Value: Accountability
The CSFD remains accountable to our employees and the community through responsible stewardship of our resources and ownership of our actions.
Core Value: Courage
The CSFD demonstrates physical courage when taking calculated risks during the mitigation of emergencies and shows moral courage by doing what is right for the protection of our coworkers and our community.
Core Value: Honor
The CSFD stands united in promoting excellence of character and integrity while adhering to what is right and ethical.
Core Value: Professionalism
The CSFD exhibits professionalism through pride, passion, and dedication with intense preparation toward mastery over all with which we have been entrusted.