HAZMAT Terms Section Flashcards
Boiling Point
Liquid turning to a gas
Corrosives (pH)
A measure of the acidity or alkalinity of a solution (power of hydrogen).
Flammable Range
The percentage between the lower and upper explosive limits (LEL/UEL) of a material.
Flash Point
The lowest temperature at which a liquid will give off enough vapors to form an ignitable mixture with air at the surface.
Ignition (Auto Ignition)
Temperatures: minimum temperature at which a material will ignite without a spark/flame present.
Specific Gravity
The weight of a solid or liquid substance as compared to the weight of an equal volume of water.
Vapor Density
The weight of a vapor or gas compared to the weight of an equal volume of air.
Vapor Pressure
The amount of force that is pushing vapors from a liquid.
Water Soluble
Soluble in water
Ionizing Radiation
High-energy radiation (alpha, beta, x-ray, gamma)
Opposite of a base with a pH of under 7.
A flammable material that will ignite at ambient temperatures when exposed to air.
A material that causes or speeds up chemical reaction.
Substance consisting of 2 or more elements that have been united chemically.
Substance consisting of 2 or more materials not chemically united.
In a solution, the % of a substance in comparison to the whole.
The accumulated amount of a chemical to which a person has been exposed.
Expansion Ratio
The amount of a gas produced from a given volume of liquid escaping from a container at a given temperature.
Period of time required for any radioactive substance to lose half of its strength or reduce its total present energy.
Halogenated Hydrocarbons
Chemical compounds that contain carbon plus 1 or more elements from Halogen series.
A substance which can stop or retard a chemical reaction.
Maximum Safe Storage Temperature
A temperature below which an oxidizer must be stored and shipped to remain safe.
Melting Point
Temperature at which a solid becomes a liquid at one atmosphere.
Freezing Point
Temperature at which a liquid becomes a solid.
The ability of a gas or liquid to dissolve in another gas or liquid (then separate).
Nerve Agent
Toxic agent that attacks the nervous system by affection the transmission of impulses.
Matter other than plant or animal.
Material that comes from plant or animal.
Measure of acidity or an acid or the level of alkaline in a base. Scale 1-14. 7 being neutral.
A chemical reaction in which 1 or more small molecules combine to form larger molecules.
Any process by which unstable nuclei increase their stability by shooting out particles (Alpha, Beta) and Gamma rays.
Self-Accelerating Decomposition Temperature (SADT)
Temperature at which a oxidizer will decompose and continue to decompose at a faster and faster rate.
A liquid mixture.
Direct change of solid to a gas without becoming a liquid.
The measurement of the flow properties of a material, expressed as its resistance to flow.
Ability of a substance to vaporize easily at a relatively low temperature.
Parts per million (ppm)
Parts of vapor or gas per million parts of air by volume at 25C and 1 atmosphere pressure.
Parts per billion (ppb)
Parts of vapor or gas per billion parts of air by volume at 25C and 1 atmosphere pressure.
Lethal Dose (LD50)
The single dose of substance that causes death of 50% from an exposure to the substance by any route other than inhalation.
Lethal Concentration (LC50)
The concentration in air that is expected to kill 50% of group when administered as a single exposure by inhalation in a specific time period.
Permissible Exposure Limit (PEL)
An OSHA term covering exposures to hazardous chemicals. Relates to legally enforceable TLV limits.
Threshold Limit Value Time-Weighted Average (TLV-TWA)
Airborne concentration of material to which nearly all workers can be exposed day after day without adverse affect/8-hr/day, 40-hr/week.
Threshold Limit Value Time-Term Exposure Limits (TLV-STEL)
A fifteen-minute exposure to a chemical followed by a one-hr break between exposures. Only allowed 4 times a day.
Threshold Limit Value Ceiling (TLV-C)
The maximum TLV allowable.
IDLH (Immediate Danger to Life and Death)
A concentration of a hazardous material that poses an immediate threat to life, or cause an irreversible or delayed adverse health effect.
Radiation Absorbed Dose.
English system unit used to measure radiation exposure (gamma and X-ray).
Process that occurs when the characteristics of a material are altered (Molecular breakdown) through contact with a chemical substance (cracking, brittleness, discoloration).
Process that occurs when a hazardous material enter an opening or a puncture in a material.
Process that occurs when a chemical passes through a fabric on a molecular level (no visible evidence).
Sucking up the material.
Attracting the material to cling to the sorbent’s surface.
3 Types of Container Stress
1-THERMAL: Excessive heat or cold causing expansion, contraction, and weakening.
2-CHEMICAL: Uncontrolled reaction/interactions of contents in container and container itself.
3-MECHANICAL: Physical application of energy.
6 Ways a Container can Breach
1-Disintegration 2-Runaway cracking (BLEVE) 3-Attachment (Closures) open or break 4-Puncture 5-Split or Tear 6-Metal Reduction (Corrosive action of an acid on steel)
4 Ways a Container can Release its Contents
1-DETONATION: Instantaneous and explosive release
2-VIOLENT RUPTURE: Immediate release caused by a runaway crack.
3-RAPID RELIEF: Fast relief through properly operation safety devices caused by damaged valves/piping.