Tradecraft ESTH: Lingkungan Kita Flashcards
Pencemaran / Polusi udara dan air
Perlindungan satwa liar yang terancam punah
Managament/protection of wild animals which are threatened with extinction
Pemanasan global
Global warming
Penanaman kelapa sawit
Planting of palm trees
Penggundulan hutan tropis
Denuding of tropical forest
Penebangan hutan
Logging / cutting down of forest
Pembakaran hutan
Burning of the forests
Preservation of…
Kepala Biro Lingkungan Hidup
The head of the Environmental Bureau
Bisa meluangkan waktu untuk…
Can spare time for…
Di tengah-tengah kesibukanmu
In the middle of all your activities
Pokok persoalan yg gawat
Point of issue (hot topic) which is serious
Belum bisa dipecahkan
Cannot yet be solved
Masalah yang diakui
A problem which is recognised
Kelalaian pada masa lalu
Neglect from the past
Belum dipahami tingkat kesulitan
The level of difficulty is not yet understood
To be made more difficult
Bermacam-macam industri
Various kinds of industry
Mencemari bersihnya air sungai
Polluting the cleanliness of the river water
Apakah keadaannya tidak bisa tertolong lagi?
Can the conditions not be helped anymore?
Perlu waktu
It needs time
Perkembangan industri diperlukan untuk memajukan perekonomian
Industrial development is needed to advance the economy
Keinginan sektor industri seringkali bertentangan dengan pelastarian lingkungan alam
The wishes of the industrial sector
Prokasih (Program Kali Bersih)
Program for clean rivers
Adakah industri yang menolak ikut Prokasih?
Is there an industry which refuses to follow Prokasih?
Nama perusahaannya akan diumumkan
The company’s name will be published
Supaya usahanya terlihat
So that the effort can be seen
Ini membuktikan bahwa…
This proves that…