Tradecraft ESTH: Checking with the Doctor Flashcards
DOCTOR: So how are you feeling this week?
DOKTER: Bagaimana rasanya minggu ini, Bu?
CATHY: Berat rasanya, Dok
DOCTOR: Let’s check your weight.
DOKTER: Coba saya periksa berat badannya.
DOCTOR: Let’s see. You have gained 11 (eleven) kilograms in total, 25 (twenty-five) pounds. That’s not bad. Let’s check your pulse.
DOKTER: Coba lihat. Wah, Berat badan Ibu bertambah 25 kilo. Tidak jelek. Sekarang, coba saya periksa detak nadinya.
CATHY: I feel really heavy. I’ve beenhaving a lot of backache.
CATHY: Saya merasa berat, Dok. Sudah lama punggung rasanya sakit.
DOCTOR: Did you have backache before you were pregnant?
DOKTER: Apa sudah suka sakit punggung sebelum hamil?
CATHY: No. I sometimes had pain around my neck, but this is in my lower back.
CATHY: Tidak, Dok. Kadang-kadang, terasa sakit di sekitar leher, tetapi sakit yang sekarang, di punggung bagian bawah.
DOCTOR: Your extra weight is making your back hurt. Your pulse is normal. That’s good.
DOKTER: Penambahan berat badan Ibu yang membuat punggung terasa sakit. Detak nadi Ibu normal. Bagus, kok.
CATHY: I’m trying to take care of myself. I’m being careful about the food I eat.
CATHY: Saya berusaha jaga diri. Hati-hati dengan makanan saya.
DOCTOR: Good for you! You’re already a good mother. Do you still have headaches?
DOKTER: Bagus, Bu. Itu tandanya ibu yang baik. Masih suka pusing?
CATHY: Not really, but if I get a cold, my, my nose and head hurt.
CATHY: Tidak terlalu, Dok. Tapi kalau pilek, hidung dan kepala sakit rasanya.
DOCTOR: Those are the sinuses. They get blocked. That’s normal. The sinuses can get very swollen.
DOKTER: Oh, itu sinus, Bu. Jadi hidung dan kepala terasa tersumbat. Itu normal. Sinus bisa membuat muka bisa bengkak.
CATHY: Sometimes I can’t breathe through my nose. I have to breathe through my mouth.
CATHY: Kadang-kadang saya tidak bisa bernafas lewat hidung, harus lewat mulut.
DOCTOR: In that case, try not to get sick.
DOKTER: Kalau begitu, usahakan jangan sampai sakit, Bu.
CATHY: I’m trying not to!
CATHY: Iya. Dok. Saya usahakan.