Tracts Flashcards
- Crosses at medulla in cuneatus – up to thalamus (primary somatosensory cortex)
- Discriminative touch
- Pressure
- Vibration
- Proprioception
- Kinesthesia
Lateral Spinothalamic Tract
- crosses at spinal cord - goes to thalamus/cortex
- Pain
- Temperature
Anterior Spinothalamic
- crosses at spinal cord - goes to thalamus/cortex
- crude & light touch
Posterior Spinocerebellar
- ipsilateral
- goes to cerebellar cortex via inferior cerebellar peduncle
- LE (T1-L2) - unconcscious
- Proprioception
- Pressure & tension of muscles
- Coordination & mvmt of MUSCLES
- Sensory info from:
- Muscle spindles
- Joint receptors
Anterior Spinocerebellar
- crosses at spinal cord
- goes to midbrain - most fibers recross then enter cerebellum
- LE - unconscious
- Proprioception
- Pressure & tension of muscles
- Coordination & mvmt of LIMBS
- Sensory info from:
- Muscle spindles
- Joint Receptors
- enters at SC (T6 & above)
- ipsilateral - goes to cerebellum
- info from UE & trunk (unconscious)
- Proprioception
- Pressure & tension of muscles
- Coordination & mvmt of MUSCLES
- Sensory info from:
- Muscle spindles
- Joint Receptors
- enters at cervical
- ipsilateral - goes to cerebellum
- info from UE & trunk (unconscious)
- Proprioception
- Pressure & tension of muscles
- Coordination & mvmt of LIMBS
- Sensory info from:
- Muscle spindles
- Joint Receptors
Lateral Vestibulospinal
-Originates at lateral vestibular nucleus
-ipsilateral - entire length of SC
-goes to ipsilateral proximal limb muscles
-activates POSTURAL muscles
-Lateral vestibulospinal – vestibular nucleus in medulla down to spin – regulates more automatic mvmt
Positioning and movement of the body and head, muscle tone, maintain center of gravity over base of support
Medial Vestibulospinal
- originates at medial vestibular nucleus
- facilitates motor neurons to NECK
- Positioning of head, neck, eyes in response to postural changes
- Medial vestibulospinal – vestibular nucleu, crosses in medulla, down to spine
Medial Longitudinal Fasciculus
- Head moves RIGHT, eyes move LEFT
- Bilateral connections w/ the extraocular nuclei (CN III, IV, & VI) & superior colliculus, influencing eye & head mvmts
- Descending from vestibular nuclei out ot motor neurons
- Ascending to vestibular nuclei & cranial nerves
- Eyes positioning – CN 3,4,6
Rubrospinal tract
- Motor coordination
- Innervate flexors in upper limb
Reticulospinal tract
- Medullary (lateral)
- Pontine (medial) - Medial reticulospinal – reticular activating system of pons to spine
- Locomotion, gait, automatic movements
- General positioning (trunk/postural muscles + extensors) and muscle tone
Tectospinal Tract
- Only cervical segments
- Reflexively turns head to visual & auditory stimulus
- Reflexive action toward pain as well
- Tectospinal – tectum of midbrain (4 colliculi = bumps) – superior colliculi, crosses in midbrain, down to spine
- Reflexive response to visual and auditory stimuli
Medial corticospinal
-(15% of the pyramidal tract)
– straight down from motor cortex
– runs near midline
-Voluntary movement, primarily of the neck, shoulder & trunk muscles
Lateral corticospinal
-Arises Primary motor & pre-motor areas internal capsule (band of axons)
Down to medulla – crosses at lower medulla
i.e. stroke in cortex – right side stroke – left side weakness in hand
-(85% of the pyramidal tract):
-Voluntary movement, primarily of the extremities,
-Fractionation/individuation of movement (individual finger movement, in hand manipulation)
Red nucleus – Midbrain – crosses right in midbrain
-Voluntary movement of trunk and limbs
Lateral reticulopsinal
-Lateral reticular – reticular of midbrain, down to spinal cord (doesn’t cross)
+ flexor motor neurons (excites)
- extensor motor neurons except walking (inhibits)
Corticobulbar tracts
- (bulbar = brainstem)
- Motor cortex –> Cranial nerve nuclei in brainstem
- Muscles of face, tongue, pharnyx and larnyx, trapezius, sternocleidomastoid
- Upper face: bilateral innervation
- Lower face: contralateral innervation
- Accessory nerve, glossopharyngeal, etc.
- Enhance activity of interneurons and motor neurons in spinal cord
- Emotional motor system
- Enhance activity of interneurons and motor neurons in spinal cord
- Emotional motor system