Trachte: Mechanics of Breathing Flashcards
How do inspiration and expiration differ?
Inspiration occurs by CONTRACTION of the diaphragm.
Expiration is a PASSIVE PROCESS.
What innervates the diaphragm?
Phrenic nerve
If the phrenic nerve is paralyzed, why does the diaphragm move UP w/ inspiration?
The pressure in the thoracic cavity is lower so it gets sucked in.
Why is the expiration process passive?
Elastic recoil of the lung
Why is expiration active during exercise?
Muscles of the abdominal wall and the internal intercostals pull the ribs downward
When does inflation of the lung occur?
When pressure around the lung becomes SUBATMOSPHERIC
Does it require a greater pressure differential to inflate or deflate a lung?
What is hysteresis?
Different shapes of inflation and deflation
Why does the lung volume never go to 0?
Because some air is always trapped in the lung (Residual volume)
What is the airway closure pressure?
The pressure to exhale COLLAPSES some small airways
What is compliance?
The relationship of volume change per pressure change
What is compliance NORMALLY for the lung?
200 ml/cm
What will reduce compliance? How does this affect your breathing?
Fibrotic disease
can’t expand lungs easily–> small breaths
What will increase compliance? How does this affect breathing?
Slower breaths
Why does the lung have elasticity?
Collagen and elastin
Why is it important that the lung collapses after inspiration?
Reduces the work of exhalation
How does surface tension contribute to elastic behavior?
Shrinks the lung
What is surface tension?
Attraction between adjacent molecules
What is the law of LaPlace?
Tension= Pressure x radius/ 2 for a sphere
How can the law of La Place be used to determine pressures in 2 alveoli if one has a smaller radius than the other?
The alveoli with a SMALLER r has to have a GREATER P. This results in the smaller alveoli emptying into the larger one.
What prevents smaller alveoli from emptying into larger ones?
What does surfactant do?
Alters surface tension at small volumes
What is surfactant?
dipalmitoyl phosphatidylcholine (detergent)
How does a detergent reduce surface tension?
Provides a physical BARRIER that prevents WATER MOLECULES from interacting at SMALL volumes