Trace Elements Flashcards
Storage form of Iron in the Body (2)
Ferritin (Blood) and Hemosiderin (Liver)
What form of Iron is Absorbed in the Intestines?
Ferrous (Fe2+)
What causes deficiency of Essential Trace Elements? (4)
- Decreased Intake
- Impaired Absorption
- Increased Secretion
- Genetic
Why are Non-essential Elements of Medical Interests?
Because most of these elements are toxic
What is the Difference in reporting Trace Elements and Ultra-trace Elements?
Reporting Units
Trace: mg/L
Ultra Trace: ug/L
If urine should be collected for Trace Elements, what method of collection, what collection bottle and additive should be used?
- 24 Hour collection
- Polyethylene Bottles
- Glacial Acetic Acid
What regulates iron absorption in the upper gastrointestinal tract?
What does Hepcidin modulate/ inhibit during increased iron export?