TPOA contract Flashcards
Who shall TPOA only discuss contract negotiations with
City Manager
What shall the TPOA bulletin board be used for
Recreational social labor relations news, notice of meetings, information on elections, official reports of committees or executive board
What is the max number of TPOA reps and City reps that can make up a contract negotiation committee
5 and 5
How many TPOA association days each year are allowed for members to conduct certain business
What will the TPOA presidents shifts be
Weekday shift assignments
How many grievance reps is TPOA allowed
What is the max number of TPOA and TPD management reps allowed to attend a Conference Board meeting
How far in advance shall TPOA and TPD advise the other of what subjects that want to discuss in a Conference Board meeting
2 weeks
Regarding Administrative Investigations - The department should take action within how many days of the occurrence or discovery of an infraction that may lead to disciplinary action
30 Days
The department will strive to complete the investigation into a non-criminal action matter within how many days of the initiation of the investigation and who can authorize an extension
30 days and Chief or Assistant Chief
An employee shall be informed of the existence of all admin investigations within how many days
30 days
Upon completion of an investigation and upon request by the employee the department shall provide basic summary of discipline and investigation of member of similar rank and violation within past how many years
How long does COC have to review investigative packets
30 days
Disciplinary action includes what
Written rep, suspension, demotion, reduction in pay or position
What discipline is appealable to Civil Service
Dismissals, demotion, reduction in pay or position and suspension of more than 10 days
Prior to imposing discipline in discharge cases what must the department do
provide employee with Notice of Intent To Discipline at least 7 working days in advance of the pre-discharge review meeting
In Non-discharge cases how far in advance of pre-discharge meeting shall the Notice of Intent be given
At least 2 workdays
What is the max number of days from notice of decision that a suspension shall start
60 days
What rules apply to suspensions
Imposed on consecutive workdays and include loss of holiday pay, Not be imposed in increments of less than one work day, Hours of suspension will not count towards hours of work in terms of OT,
For bereavement leave what is considered immediate family member
Spouse, Domestic partner, Mother, Father, MIL, FIL, Stepparent, grandparents, child, adopted child, stepchild, grandchild, parent surrogate, brother or sister
How many hours of bereavement leave is given
40 hours
How many working days of BL is given for death of grandparents in law or other household member
3 days
SL 0-10 years
4 hours
SL 10-15 years
4 Hours 38 min
SL Over 15 years
6 Hours 10 min
How much OT is provided for pretrial phone call
1 Hour min or time of actual call
For call out duty when will a meal break be included
When call out exceeds 4 hours
The city agrees to repair or replacement of uniforms, clothing and equipment items under what circumstances
when damaged, lost or stolen in performance of assigned duty without fault or negligence
Any member shall have the right to present a grievance arising out of what circumstances
Interpretation - application - operation or alleged violation of admin directive or policy, Disciplinary action of less than 10 days
What are not situations that are grievable
Actions that can be brought to civil service, employee evaluations, salary, position classification or assignment, EEO complaints, management rights, merit increases, policies established by Mayor and Council
The burden of just cause resides with who
The department
What is the 1st step in the grievance process
Informal resolution between employee and immediate supervisor within 20 working days
How is the grievance process initiated
By member verbally informing immediate supervisor of the complaint to which the supervisor has 5 working days to respond
If the member disagrees with supervisors initial response to a grievance what shall they do
Within 5 working days utilizing the grievance form indicate their proposed solution and give it to supervisor to which the supervisor has 5 working days from receipt to respond
If the member disagrees with the supervisors written response to a grievance what shall they do
Within working days submit the grievance to the reviewing section head who has 5 days to respond
How long does member have to agree or disagree with section head
5 working days
After the section head who is the next person in line to get the grievance
division commander who has 5 working days to respond
After the division commander who next gets the grevance
A.C who has 5 working days to respond and then it goes to chief of police who has 5 working days to respond
If the grievance goes to the City Manger how many days does he have to respond
10 days after reciept
What composes a Grievance committee
2 city employees, 1 neutral third party member. 1 member selected by TPD 1 member selected by TPOA
When will the Grievance committee meet and how long do they have to decide an outcome
15 calendar days and 15 calendar days
How much is second language pay and how do you earn it
$30 per pay period and must use at least 5% of work week.
How much is certified bi-lingual pay and how do you earn it
$85 per pay period and must use 5% or work week and must demonstrate fluency
At 15 years of service how much SL must you have to start sell back and how much can you sell
480 hours and maximum of 104 hours per year
At 17 years of service how much SL must you have to start sell back and how much can you sell
544 hours and 156 hours per year
At 20 years of service how much SL must you have to start sell back and how much can you sell
600 hours and 208 hours per year