Toxoplasma Flashcards
What is the main species of Toxoplasma: (1)
Toxoplasma gondii
What is the Final host of Toxoplasma gondii: (2)
Domestic cat and wild felids
What are the Intermediate hosts of Toxoplasma gondii:
Vertebrates (Sheep and Humans)
Morphology of Oocyst of Toxoplasma:
Has 2 Sporocyst and 4 Sporozoites in each
Describe the Life cycle of Toxoplasma:
Final host
1. Cyst from infected intermediate host is ingested
2. Bradyzoites enter the small intestine and infect the cells where Schizogony happens (asexual phase) and then Gamogony (sexual phase)
3. Unsporulated Oocyst is formed and excreted in faeces
In the environment
1. Sporulation occurs
Intermediate host
1. Ingest Oocyte eventually forming Tissue cysts with Bradyzoites in Myocardia, CNS and Skeletal muscles
Human transmission can also occur by:
-Eating or handling raw meat
-Vertical transmission to foetus from pregnant woman in contact with infected cat poop
Shedding of Toxoplasma gondii in cat:
Infected cat will only shed the parasite once in their lifetime for 2 weeks
What are Tachyzoits:
Pseudocysts in various tissues, rarely in raw goat milk
Toxoplasma causes in humans:
-Immunocompetent individuals: Asymptomatic, lymphadenopathy
-Immunocompromised patients (HIV): Encephalitis, Pneumonia, Vision problems
-Pregnant women: Abortus, Hyrdocephalus, Uveitis
Toxoplasma causes in animals:
Sheep, goat
-Reproduction problems
Pallas cats, marsupials, lemurs, NW apes, Brown hare
-Acute fatal toxoplasmosis
What are the diagnostic methods for Toxoplasma:
Final host
-Flotation technique: Oocysts that are 12x10um
Intermediate host
-Biological assay: mice, cat