Eimeria Flashcards
Morphology of Oocyst of Eimeria:
4 Sporocysts each with 2 Sporozoits
-is either unsporulated or sporulated
What are the 3 phases of Eimerias life cycle:
- Sporogony = Exogenous
- Merogony/Schizogony = Endogenous
- Gamogony = Endogenous
Describe the Life cycle of Eimeria:
Monoxenous-Only in one host
External environment
1. Sporogony occurs (asexual), where Oocysts “sporulate” or become infective (in right conditions)
2. Oocyst is ingested
In the host
1. Sporozoite enters the intestinal cells of the host becoming a trophozoite and multiply
2. Eventually producing first genteration Merozoites, that then enter the cells of the host
3. A second generation of Merozoites enering the host cells again
4. Becoming either Male (microgametocyte) or Female (macrogametocyte)
5. Fertilization, the male (microgametocytes) travel to a female (macrogametocyte) forming a Zygote within the Oocysts
4. Infected host sheds the Oocysts containing a Zygote that undergoes sporulation in the environment
What are the main species of Eimeria in Chickens: (4)
- E. tenella
- E. necatrix
- E. acervulina
- E. maxima
What are the main species of Eimeria in Turkeys: (2)
- E. adenoides
- E. meleagrimitis
What are the main species of Eimeria in Pigeon: (2)
- E. columbarum
- E. labbeana
What are the main species of Eimeria in Geese: (2)
- Eimeria anseris
- Eimeria truncata (affect kidney)
What are the main species of Eimeria in Ducks: (1)
- Eimeria danailovi
What are the main species of Eimeria in Rabbits: (3)
- Eimeria stiedai (epithelium of the bile ducts)
- Eimeria magna
- Eimeria intestinalis
What are the main species of Eimeria in Hare: (2)
- Eimeria europaea
- Eimeria hungarica
What are the main species of Eimeria in Horses: (1)
- Eimeria leuckarti
What are the main species of Eimeria in Bovine: (3)
- Eimeria zuernii
- Eimeria bovis
- Eimeria elipsoidalis
What are the main species of Eimeria of Small Ruminats: (9)
- Eimeria intricata
- Eimeria ovina (bakhensis)
- Eimeria parva
- Eimeria ovinoidalis
- Eimeria ninakohlyakimovae
- Eimeria caproovina
- Eimeria arlonigi
- Eimeria caprina
- Eimeria christenseni
What are the main species of Eimeria of Pigs: (4)
- Eimeria debliecki
- Eimeria neodabliecki
- Eimeria scabra
- Eimeria suis
What are the main species of Eimeria in Mice: (2)
- Eimeria falciparum
- Eimeria ferrisi
What are the main species of Eimeria in Rats: (2)
- Eimeria contorta
- Eimeria nieschulzi
Diagnostic methods of Eimeria:
- Flotation technique
-with Breza flotation solution for rabbit, ruminant
-with Kosak-Magra flotation solution for chicken