toxicology Flashcards
organophospates act on what
mimic ach CNS
for all the herbicides/pesticides, what is the treatment?
supportive care unless op/carbamate then atropine
what causes myotonia and weakness in the rear legs of dog
phenoxy- dicamba
what does paraquat do
creates superoxides that cause lung fibrosis and renal tubular necrosis
what causes dog cataracts thats a pesticide
in general what do all of the pesticides cause
CNS signs unless a rodenticide or paraquat or diquat
what rodenticide causes delayed cns signs
vit k antag because it takes time to deplete
LD 50 for dicamba in dogs
myotonia. 100
what does zinc cause
hematopoietic effects
in general where do the metals/mineral target
what causes liquifactive necrosis
alkali products– draino, oven cleaners, ammonia
oven cleaners has what label
danger label <50mg/kg
for all the household cleaners what is the treatment
cats are more sensitive to what cleaner, why
phenols- phenolic and pine oil
they lack the MOA to eliminate it
caution label LD 50