Tourism Flashcards
Give an example of a country dependant on tourism
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
- 30% of GDP from tourism - largest industry
- Attractions: Palms, The World (man-made islands), Burj Khalifa
- Brings in foreign income, multiplier effect, jobs
Also Barbados - 80% GDP is tourism
Describe the attractions of an extreme environment that you have studied.
Antarcitca, The Antarctic
- Different, unique landscape
- Unique wildlife + habitats
- Extraordinary holiday expirience
- Activities - sailing, trekking, wildlife watching, skiing, etc.
Describe the impacts of tourism on an extreme environment that you have studied.
Antarctica, The Antarctic
- Extreme tourism is ‘high impact’
- Vists to most picturesque areas are often during nesting + breeding times. Can damage wildlife
- Shipping main route into area - disturbs ecosystems
- M/V Explorer sank in 2007 + caused 1.5km2 oil spill
Describe the measures in place to protect an extreme environment that you have studied
Antarctica, The Antarctic
- International Association of Antarctic Tour Operators (IAATO) manages tourism
- Aims to reduce tourist numbers to 47,000 to 26,000 a year in 2011/12
- Ban on all ships carrying 500+ passengers
- SSSIs set up - Bird Island no people
- Penguins + seals protected by 5m radius. In past, adults abandoned young + eggs after human contact
Name and locate an ecotourism resort you have studied
Kigio Conservancy, Rift Valley, Kenya
- Set up in 1997
- At the forefront of ecotourism in the Rift Valley
- ‘Dedicated to wildlife, environment, and community’
- Aims to be completely sustainable + carbon neutral
Describe the sustainable methods used by an ecotourism resort you have studied.
Kigio Conservancy, Rift Valley, Kenya
- Accomodation‘cottages’ made from mud, timber, thatch, and reclaimed materials from local area + built using local methods.
- Furniture is made from reclaimed timber
- No electricity, oil lamps used
- Works with local schools, raising money for new classrooms + other projects (e.g. water tanks)
- Patnerships with conservation organisations such as Tusk Trust
- Employs local people
- Conservation activities e.g. looking after orphaned wildlife. Took in baby giraffe from orphanage in Nairobi
Describe the attractions of a mass tourism in an area you have studied
Kenya, Africa
- Good climate (tropical) - sunshine all year round
- Hot + humid
- Safari holidays e.g. Kigio
- Cultural expirience e.g. Masai tribe
- Coastal holidays e.g. Mombassa
Describe the positive effects of mass tourism in an area you have studied
Kenya, Africa
- New infrastructure
- Earns foreign currency
- Creates demand for local food + farming
- National parks created
- Multiplier effect
- New leisure faccilities (if locals can afford to use it)
- More jobs with reliable wages
- Can increase GDP, which can be diversified over time
Describe the positive effects of mass tourism in an area you have studied
Kenya, Africa
- Seasonal income + employment
- Income rarely benefits locals or even country - instead goes to companies
- Visitor numbers fluctuate
- Dependant on external factors (Election violence 2007)
- Pollution
- GDP becomes dependant on tourism
Describe the strategies and plans to decrease the impacts of mass tourism and make it more beneficial in an area you have studied
Kenya, Africa
- Sustainable tourism - Kigio Conservancy
Draw and label the stages of the Butler Tourist Resort Life Cycle Model
Stage 6 is either:
- Rejuvenation
- Steady Decline
- Major Decline
Time should be labeled on the x axis

Describe the stages of the Butler Tourist Resort Life Cycle Model
- Exploration Few wealthy visit + identify good location. Few attractions
- Involvement Bussinesses + locals see potential. Attractions begin to be developed
- Development Large numbers of tourists start to visit + attractions are developed
- Consolidation Destination has established itself. Tourist tends to dominate region
- Stagnation Few new attractions, numbers start to plateau or decline
- Rejuvenation/ Steady Decline/ Major Decline
What are the stages of the Butler Tourist Resort Life Cycle Model?
- Exploration
- Involvement
- Development
- Consolidation
- Stagnation
- Rejuvenation/Steady Decline/ Major Decline
Even In Darkness, Chicken Still Roasts Steadily Mostly…
What stage of the Butler Tourist Resort Life Cycle Model is Blackpool in?
Stage 5 - Stagnation
Describe the stages how a UK Coastal resort which you have studied progressed through the stages of the Butler Tourism Model
Blackpool, Lanchashire, UK
- Exploration: Early 1800s few wealthy visit to bathe in sea to cure ailments
- Involvement: Late 1800s. Central Pier built 1868
- Development: 1900-1960s companies invest. Hotels + package holidays developed. Toursit jobs increase. Pleasure Beach built 1904
- Consolidation: 1950s-70s UK seaside resorts very popular
- Stagnation: Present day. Decrease due to overseas competition + bad rep.
Describe the reasons for stagnation in a UK Coastal Resort that you have studied
Blackpool, Lancashire, UK
- Stag-do mentality - ‘tacky’ + cheap reputation
- Enviornmental degradation
- Boredom - lack of attractions, especially new ones
- Low cost flights to summer sun destinations
What visitor/rejuvenation strategies has a UK Coastal Resort that you have studied put in place?
Blackpool, Lancashire, UK
- Supercasino bid
- New attractions added to Pleasure Beach - Big One
- Visit Blackpool Youtube campaign - Love from Blackpool
- Gay Blackpool - embraced diversified tourism market
- Regeneration by Light - Laser on tower, lights in CBD
Evaluate the effectiveness of the visitor/rejuventation strategies implimented by a UK Coastal Resort that you have studied
Blackpool, Lancashire, UK
- Supercasino bid failed - went to Manchester in 2007
- Big One very popular. When first built it was the tallest + biggest in the world
- Youtube films not effective
- Regeneration by Light aesthetically pleasing but little long-term impact
- Gay Blackpool has further added to binge-drinking + stag-do reputation
What is the future of a UK Coastal Resort that you have studied?
Blackpool, Lancashire, UK
Looks bleak with competition from low cost flights to Spanish coastal destinations
Give advantages of mass tourism
- More jobs with reliable wages
- New infrastructure
- Construction creates jobs
- New leisure facilites (if locals can afford them)
- Increased GDP - over time country could diversify this away from reliance on tourism
Give disadvantages of mass tourism
- Seasonal
- Pollution + not sustainable
- Over development - unused attractions pointless + can put people off
- Temporary?
- Large, multi-national companies dominate and prevent locals from benefitting
- Economy still under-developed + overly-reliant on tourism
- Vulnearble to external factors (e.g. terrorism)
- Traditional livelihoods + culture lost
- Numbers can fluctuate
Why has tourism increased globally?
- Change in mindset - people want to discover new locations and now can!
- Europe + traditional resorts saturated
- Budget airlines + more destinations
- Disposable incomes increased
- Ease of booking online
- Language barriers decreased
- LEDCs cheaper due to weaker currencies
- More leisure time
- More DINKS
- More varieties of tourism, so new destinations have developed to accompany these
How can tourism be influenced by external factors?
- Terrorism
- Natural disasters
- The economy/currency
- Politics
- Recession
What are the two types of tourism?
International and domestic
Define mass tourism
Tourism on a large scale to one country or region.
Occurs during development/consolidation stages (3/4)
What is stewardship?
The personal responsibility for looking after things, in this case the environment.
No one should damage the present/future environment