Tort Flashcards
What is the sequence to determine whether a duty of care is owed?
What are the common duty of care precedents outlined in the materials?
Road users to other road users
Medical professionals to patients once accepted for treatment
Rescuers of somebody who did something stupid, and would know somebody would attempt to rescue them
Police from reasonable physical injury when carrying out an arrest
When is there duty of care for omissions?
statutory (occupiers liabilty)
sufficient control over claimant (parents, prisoners)
assumes responsibility (employment, teacher/pupil)
defendant creates the risk
Summarise the duty of care owed by emergency services
Ambulance: must respond to 999 within a reasonable time (no breach if triaged)
Fire: no duty to attend, but duty not to make worse if they do attend
Police: no duty to respond to calls, but they owe other duties (e.g., on arrest, when in custody)
What is the general rule in tort for failing to prevent a third party from causing harm to another?
No duty of care
In what 4 circumstances is there likely to be a duty of care for failing to prevent a third party from coming to harm?
Proximity between D/C
Proximity between D/third party
Defendant created danger
Risk was on D’s premises
Summarise the major caselaw principles for duty of care to third parties for sufficient proximity between D/C?
Sufficient proximity is when the claimant is an identifiable victim at risk over and beyond the public at large and the defendant has assumed responsibility for the claimants safety
Summarise the major case law principles for when there will be sufficient proximity between d/3rd party?
Where at the time of the harm committed, the 3rd party was under the care/control of defendant
E.G., supervisors, police custody, hospital custody
What is the key caselaw principle when establishing duty of care to 3rd parties when it is on D’s premises
They have to have known about the danger on their premises
What are the 3 key distinguishing factors when considering whether public bodies have a duty of care?
No duty of care is imposed if incompatible with the intentions of the statutory scheme
No DOC in relation to an omission to exercise powers granted to them
Statutory schemes may well expect resource allocation/policy matters would not give rise to a DOC
What 3 case examples were given for DOC for public bodies?
No duty to take children into state care
Policy considerations – floodgates
Operational errors (liable) vs policy errors (not liable)
What is the starting point for public body liability?
Same as for individuals
What are the 2 stages to determining breach of duty?
Standard of care
Did they fall below
What is the general rule for standard of care?
Reasonable person test (objective)
What is the standard set by?
Act not actor
What is the professional standard?
Reasonable professional in that field
Is there a lower standard for junior professionals?
What is the standard for children?
Reasonable standard for a child of their age
What adjustments to the standard can be made for disability
Circumstances which the defendant was reasonably unaware of
What is the Bolam test?
[A doctor] is not guilty of negligence if he has acted in accordance with a practice accepted as proper by a responsible body of medical men skilled in that particular art.
What facts and circumstances are considered to determine whether standard of care was breached?
Likelihood of harm
Magnitude of harm
Practicality of precautions
Benefit of defendant conduct
Common practice
State of art at time of breach
Special rules for sport
To what degree must the breach be proven?
Balance of probabilities
Who has the burden to prove breach of DOC??
What does the maxim res ipsa loquitur mean?
Facts speak for themselves
The ONLY plausible explanation for the claimants injuries is negligence
Who has the burden of proof to rebut a res ipsa loquitur case?
What 3 conditions must apply for res opsa loquitur to be engaged?
Thing causing damage was under the control of the defendant or someone they are responsible for
Accident would not normally happen without negligence
Cause of accident is unknown to the claimant
Is ascertaining the standard of care a question of fact or law
Is ascertaining whether the standard has been breached a question of fact or law?
What factors matter when determining whether someone/something is a responsible body of professionals
Not numbers of people in the body
But the merits of those people making up that body
When can a professional common practice still be deemed a breach by the courts
If it is illogical
Experts haven’t turned their minds to the comparative risks and benefits to reach a defensible conclusion
What is the current view on whether patients can expect state of the art treatment?
If it is very mainstream
Not if it is in some tiny obscure journal or is otherwise inaccessible
Does Bolam apply when looking at failure to warn of risks?
What risks do doctors have to warn of?
Material ones
What is the test for a material risk?
one which a reasonable person in the patient’s position would be likely to attach significance to, or the doctor is or should reasonably be aware that the particular patient would be likely to attach significance to.
When can a doctor withhold information about a risk?
if they reasonably consider that its disclosure would be seriously detrimental to the patient’s health
in circumstances of necessity, for example where the patient requires treatment urgently but is unconscious.
That the Bolam test isn’t applicable for risk warnings has recently evolved… how?
A doctor now has the obligation to take reasonable care to advise the patient of any reasonable alternative or variant treatments.
What 2 types of causation are there?
Factual: Is there a link between breach and damage?
Legal: should the link be regarded as broken?
What is the starting point for factual causation?
But for
To what degree must the but for test be satisfied?
Balance of probabilities
In clinical negligence cases, what is the other way that the but for test can be satisfied
Failure to advise on risks cases
If patient can prove they would not have had the treatment or would have deferred treatment had they been told of the risk
When will the courts depart from the but for test and what will they apply instead
If multiple causes operated together
Material contribution test
In what types of cases is the material contribution test often applied?
Industrial disease single agency
When has the ‘loss of chance’ argument been allowed to be applied?
In cases involving pure economic loss
When will there be sufficient causation for a disease caused by cumulation (e.g., non-tortious exposure and also tortious exposure)
Material contribution
More than negligible contribution to the loss
What is the material increase in risk test for?
Tortious and non-tortious exposure where you can’t be certain which exposure, if either, caused the breach (unlike cumulative where they both apply)
What is the material increase in risk test?
The breach materially increased the risk of injury
Where does the material increase in risk test apply e.g., what fields?
Basically only ever industrial disease with one causal agent
Basically always asbestos
What approach is taken by courts when multiple tortious factors have caused a loss?
Apportion liability between defendants
Can liability be apportioned for mesothelioma cases?
No, all defendants are jointly and severally liable
How is liability apportioned across two tortious events?
First D liable for initial injuries past point of second even
2nd D liable for additional losses
How is liability proportioned for a tort followed by a natural event?
Defendant liable for damage up to the natural event
How is liability proportioned for 2 defendants in a multiple sufficient causes case?
The first one is liable, because the liability already existed for the cure prior to the second thing causing the same loss
Only applies if loss is the same, and the cure has not been paid for yet
E.G., car hits car needs respray, before respray happens other car also hits it.. only 1 respray is required so only the OG D will pay
What are the 3 novus actus interveniens?
Acts of god
Highly unforeseeable acts of third parties
Acts of a claimant that are highly unreasonable
What is the test for remoteness?
Type of damage suffered must have been reasonably foreseeable
What happens if the specific damage suffered was not reasonably foreseeable?
Claimant will still succeed if the same type of damage was foreseeable
If the same type of damage was reasonably foreseeable then what 3 key points follow?
The way damage occurred does not need to be reasonably foreseeable
Claimant will success even if full extent of damage was not reasonably foreseeable
Defendant must take the claimant as they find them
Which case established reasonably foreseeability of damage?
Wagon mound 1
What approach will the court take when determining reasonable foreseeability in terms of narrow vs broad?
Generally they’ll go broad, especially for personal injury but will go narrow if the steps needed to prevent loss are egregiously onerous and its a small risk
What criteria need to be established to show the defence of consent?
Had capacity
Full knowledge of nature and extent (subjective)
Agreed to risk of injury (subjective)
Agreed voluntarily
What types of case can you never show defence of consent?
Motorists facing claims from passengers
What is needed to show consent for medical negligence?
Has to be an agreement to waive a claim for negligence
If a term limits/excludes liability for losses, does that mean the party has consented to those risks/losses?
To what degree must consent be proven?
Balance of probabilities
Will consent hold for suicide in police custody?
No, they have a duty of care to prevent it
Reduction for contributory negligence will apply
Will drunkenness negate capacity to consent?
Probably not unless they were like unconscious
Does knowing about a risk in advance imply consent?
No, unless it is something egregious like meddling with an unexploded bomb
Engaging in an intrinsically and obviously dangerous activity
How is consent impacted if it is an employee?
Because they have less power/fear of losing their job
Hard to imply they consented to a dangerous activity
What acts does statute prevent the defence of consent from working on?
Motorists facing claims from drivers
Unfair contract terms: restricting liability for death or PI resulting from negligence
Consumer rights: excluding liability for death or PI via negligence
What does the defendant need to show to establish contributory negligence?
Claimant failed to take reasonable steps for their own safety
Failure contributed to the claimants damage
When will the claimant be less likely to be at fault for failing to take reasonable steps?
Acted in an emergency
Are a child
Are a rescuer
What must the claimants failure contribute to, to establish contributory neglience?
The damage not the accident
What is the standard test to show whether a claimant failed to take reasonable steps for their own safety (contributory negligence)
Same degree of care as a reasonable and prudent person
What is the process for establishing defence of illegality?
Did claimant do illegal/gross immoral act?
Apply Patel v Mirza Test
1. Is the purpose of the law that was broken enhanced by denying the claim?
- Other relevant public policy where denial would have an impact?
- Is denying the claim proportionate to the illegality?
What factors are potentially relevant when examining whether denying the claim is proportionate to the illegality under Patel v Mirza?
Seriousness of conduct and centrality to the tort
Marked disparity in parties respective culpability
Loss directly caused by illegal act, making it contrary to public good to avoid damages
What is the latin term for illegality defence?
Ex turpi causa non oritur actio
What is the latin term for consent defence?
Volenti non fit injuria
What do special damages cover?
Provable and quantifiable financial losses at the time of trial
What do general damages cover?
Future financial losses which cannot be specifically proven and non-quantifiable losses
What is the basic approach to calculating future losses?
Take expense and multiply by number of years it will continue to be suffered
What does the court take into account when calculating future losses?
Amount that could be accrued by investments so that the claimant is not over compensated
What things are deducted from damages?
State benefits
Contractual sick pay
Redundancy payment
Contributory negligence
What things are not deducted from damages?
Insurance pay-outs
Ill-health pensions
Sums from gifts or charity
What can a persons estate claim when they’ve died for negligence?
Only everything lost from the accident up to date of death
What can dependents claim under fatal accidents?
Any losses, including income
Who is a dependent for the purposes of fatal accidents?
Close blood relations, cohabiters for over 2 years
What duty does an employer owe?
Personal and non-delegable duty to take reasonable precaution to ensure an employees safety
What things do employers need to provide employees?
Safe/competent employees
Safe/proper plant and equipment
Safe premises
Safe system of work
What is the difference between employers primary liability and vicarious liability
Vicarious: sue employer for employees negligence
Employer: employee sues their employer
What is the overarching single duty that employers owe to employees?
Reasonable precaution to ensure employee safety while at work
All the particulars are just examples of that, not separate duties
Does an employer have to take individual characteristics/vulnerabilities of specific employees into account?
What must be established to show vicarious liability?
A committed a tort
A is D’s employee, or in a relationship akin to employment
Tort was committed in course of employment
What test is it to show that the tort was committed in the course of employment?
Sufficiently close connection
- What functions/field of activities did the employer trust to the employee
- Is there sufficient connection between the position in which the employee was employed and the wrongful conduct to make it just for the employer to be held liable
Why is vicarious liability strict liability?
Cause they are liable even if they weren’t at fault
What common factors from prominent case law will help establish that the tort happened during employment?
Doing an authorised thing in an unauthorised manner
Travelling for a lunch break is a reasonable thing in employment
Doing an unauthorised thing or prohibited thing but ‘for the employers business’ and in line with role
Travelling to work, when paid for travel time
What factors from caselaw make it less likely that the tort happened during employment?
Frolic of your own
Doing a prohibited act, that is not incidental to duties in an unauthorised manner
Deviating from the route/purpose of an employment related travel journey for an un-work-related purpose
Can an employer recover any of their losses when they lose a vicarious liability claim?
Possibly indemnity from the employee
What test is applied to decide whether there is an employer/employee relationship?
Multiple factors test aka economic reality test
What presumption arises when an employee is lended to another employer?
Rebuttable presumption that the employer who loaned the employee will be vicariously liable for their loaned employees torts
When is a worker definitely not an employee?
If they are carrying out their own independent business
What are the 3 parts to the multiple factors test??
Renumeration in exchange for personal service and mutual obligations
All other contractual factors consistent with employment relationship
Will someone be an employee if they can choose to send somebody else in their place?
No, because employee duties are personal
Are 0-hour contract workers likely to be employees?
No, there is no mutual obligation to work or provide work
What are the ‘other factors’ which determine if somebody is an employee?
Tools/equipment provided by employer
Employee integrated into organisation
Labelled as such
What are the factors in the test you must consider when looking at whether it is fair, just and reasonable for this to be held as a relationship akin to employment?
Employer has more means to compensate
Tort committed while doing an activity on employers behalf
Torts activity is part of business activity of employer
By allowing tortfeasor to do the activity, employer created the risk of tort being committed
Tortfeasor to a greater or lesser degree was under the control of the employer
What is an actual victim?
Person suffering from psychiatric and physical harm
What is a primary victim?
Within danger zone, suffers a harm for reasonable fear for their own safety
What is a secondary victim?
Suffers a harm due to fear for someone else’s safety witnessing the event or immediate aftermath
What 2 types of psychiatric harm are recognised?
Diagnosed psychiatric condition
Shock-induced physical condition
Are bystanders and rescuers given special status under the psychiatric injury law?
Is reasonable fear objective or subjective?
What is the test to determine whether primary victims were owed a duty of care?
Whether physical injury was reasonably foreseeable
What happens if physical injury wasn’t foreseeable for an actual victim?
Consider precedents
Run Caparo
What is the likely outcome of running Caparo if physical harm was not foreseeable for an actual victim?
- Proximity is usually established because of geographic proximity (the actual victim was at the site)
- If defendant negligently/foreseeably put claimant in fear for safety, courts will likely find it fair/just and reasonable to impose DOC