Corporation tax -- business Flashcards
What is corporation tax payable on?
All income profits
Chargeable gains
Body corporate
Arising in its accounting period
What is a TTP?
Sum of a company’s income profits and chargeable gains
Which year (financial or tax) is corporation tax calculated by
Financial (1 April - 31 March)
What is ‘24 corporate tax for companies with TTP of more than 250k?
What is ‘24 corporate tax for companies with TTP of less than 50k?
What is ‘24 corporate tax for companies with TTP of between 50k and 250k?
Marginal, tapering relief
What constitutes the CGT portion that makes up the TTP?
The same calculation for CGT as individuals
What type of income is not including in the calculation to find the amount of income included in the TTP?
What criteria must expenditure meet to be deductible for income TTP purposes?
Wholly and exclusively spent for trade
Not prohibited by statute
Be of an income nature
What common types of expenditure cannot be deducted from income for TTP?
Client entertainment
Provisions in bad/doubtful debts
What does it mean to be of an ‘income nature’ in order to be deductible for TTP?
There is an element of recurrence
rent, utility, energy, interest paid, wages, repair
Is interest paid on business loans a deductible expense?
But if total expense is more than 2mil it will be capped to 30% of its income receipts
What is a capital allowance?
When you can deduct the value that an asset is depreciating by from your income receipts
What common sorts of assets qualify for capital allowance deductions?
Plant and machinery
Long life assets
Costs of construction and renovation of commercial buildings
What is the main rate capital allowance?
E.G., each year, the machine becomes worth 18% less
What is the annual investment allowance?
Business can deduct 100% of expenditure on new, used, and refurbished plant and machinery up to 1 million per year (for 2024)
Given the annual allowance provision, when is capital allowance needed?
Usually for plant and machinery worth more than 1 million (e.g., everything that is in excess)
What sale and purchase deadlines are there for replacement assets in roll-over relief?
Must be purchased within 12mo BEFORE sale of asset or within 3 years after the sale of the asset
What assets qualify for roll-over relief?
Fixed plant/machine
Ships and hovercraft
Lyods syndicate capacity
What happens in roll-over relief if not all the sale proceeds are used to acquire the new asset?
The relief is reduced by 1 pound for every 1 pound of sale proceeds (before deductions) not invested
If the sale proceeds exceed the cost of the new asset by more than the gain, roll-over is not available
How do you calculate chargeable gains for companies?
Sale proceeds - allowable expenditure - indexation allowance - capital/trading losses
What is indexation allowance?
Ensures a company won’t be charged for gains arising solely due to inflation
Can’t be claimed for any period commencing after 1 Jan 2018
What can trading losses be off-set against?
Current year profits (same year as the loss)
Previous year profits (losses from the accounting year previous)
What is the deadline to claim trading losses against profits?
Within 2 years after the end of the accounting period where the trading loss arose
What special trading losses can a company claim if it ceases trading?
Any trading loss in the final 12mo of trading can be carried back and set off against any profits made in the 3 years prior to the start of the final 12mo
What is the future trading profits set-off?
If after claiming annual loss deductions from the current and previous year, losses remain outstanding
They will automatically be applied to future profits OF ANY TRADE that company operates as long as you are still operating the loss making trade
What is the future trading profits cap?
There is a 5 million pound cap, renewing every year
Essentially, you can’t deduct more than 5 million in losses against profits each year
If your company is a group of companies, it is shared across all companies in that group
What is corporate group relief?
If one company in a group makes a loss, it can gift its loss to a profitable company and erase that company’s income tax liability
Can capital losses be carried forward, backwards or both?
Forwards only
What can capital losses be set off against?
Capital gains
**except for capital allowances for plant and machinery
What can trading losses be set off against?
Trading profits
What happens when you exceed the future trading profits cap?
After 5 million, you can only relieve a maximum of 50% of the remaining unrelieved gains
How long can capital losses be carried forward for?
What is a close company?
A company under the control of:
5 or fewer participators
Any number of participators when all of them are also directors
What is a participator?
A person with a share or interest in capital or income of the company
What is the definition of ‘control’ for close companies?
Power over company affairs OR
Issued share capital of more than 50% income distribution
Greater part of assets of the company on winding up
What companies are excluded from close companies?
Shares are on stock exchange
Is a wholly owned subsidiary of a non-close company
How are loans to participators in close companies treated?
They are taxed except for:
Giving credit or loans to participators, when the nature of the trade of that company is already financing and loans and credit is paid back within 6mo
Loans under 15k aggregate to full-time employees who don’t have more than 5% ordinary share capital and aren’t entitled on winding up to more than 5% of assets available
Why are there special taxation rules for close companies?
They are trying to prevent loans being used instead of dividends to extract profits and evade tax
What tax rate is applied to close companies on the amount of the loan?
The higher rate for income tax payable on dividends
What is the deadline for a close company to pay loan tax?
9mo and 1 day after the end of the accounting period when the loan was made
Can the close company claim a refund on the tax paid if the loan is repaid, satisfied, written off or waived?
What happens to the recipient if the loan is written off or waived?
Deemed to receive a dividend equal to the amount that the loan was written off
No effect if paid back in full
What is included in the the definition of distributions for close companies?
Dividends AND ALSO
Living accommodation (not for bettering of job)
What IHT loophole does the close companies procedures aim to close?
Giving gifts through a company because companies aren’t subject to IHT
How does the close companies laws close the IHT loophole?
For every gift given, the value is apportioned between its shareholders and it as if they each made a gift for their own IHT purposes
What loophole is the close companies legislation around transactions in securities trying to close?
Anything where income which is normally taxable is turned into a capital whereby other rules out of scope wind up in there being less tax
What do close company participants have to do if they have a transaction changing income into capital?
Apply to HMRC for advance clearance