Topography of the brain Flashcards
i) which germ layer forms the nervous system?
ii) where do neurectoderm cells recieve inductive signals from?
iii) when the NE cells thicken - what do they form?
iv) what has to happen for the neural tube to form?
v) at what day is the neural tube formed?
i) ectoderm
ii) NE cells recieve inductive signals from the notochord
iii) NE cells thicken and form the neural plate
iv) the lateral neural plate margins have to fold inwards to form the neural tube
v) neural tube is formed at embryonic day 20
i) when the neural crest cell migrate to the periphery what 4 things do they form?
ii) label diagram A-E and what each layer later becomes
iiii) at what embryonic day does the neural crest migration and neural tube thickening happen?
iv) what layer does the brain parenchyma and spinal cord arise from?
i) form into 1) autonomic and sensory neurons/glia
2) cells of adrenal gland
3) epidermis
4) skeletal/connective tissue of the head
ii) A - neural crest cells (migrate to periphery and form into 4 cell types)
B - ectoderm (sits over the top)
C - mantle layer (bulk of neural tube and becomes the brain parenchyma - spinal cord)
D - Ependymal layer (becomes lining of ventricles of brain)
E - Lumen (becomes ventricles and central canal of spinal cord)
iii) embryonic day 24
i) how many out of 1000 established pregnancies do NT defects occur in?
ii) what defect is due to failure of anterior neuropore to close? is this embryonic lethal?
iii) what defect is failure of the posterior NT to close? is this embryonic lethal?
i) 1 in 1000 establish pregnancies = neural tube defects
ii) failure of ant NT to close = ancephaly (forebrain herniates out the foetus) = fatal
iii) failure of post NT to close = spina bifida = not embryonic lethal
i) is the failure of which end of the neural tube to close?
ii) what % mortality is it associated with? how can this be reduced?
iii) what does it lead to?
iv) what is a) spina bifida oculta and b) spina bifida cystica?
- which one is more serious?
v) what type of spina bifida is shown in the picture?
i) failure of the posterior NT to close
ii) associated with 25% mortality and this can be reduced by taking folic acid supplement
iii) leads to an open vertebral canal
iv) a) oculta = hidden and vertebral arch defect only
b) cystica = meninges project out (meningocele which is full of CSF and spinal contents can herniate out)
- SB cystica is more serious
v) spina bifida cystica
i) what are the three primary vesicles and what do they become?
ii) after folding the flexures are developed - what are these called? label the areas A-E on the folded brain
iii) label A-C on the primary vesicle diagram
i) three primary vesicles = prosencephalon > forebrain
mesencephalon > midbrain
rhombencephalon > hindbrain
ii) cephalic and cervical flexure
A - prosencephalon
B - mesencephalon
C - rhombencephalon
D - cephalic flexure
E - cervical flexure
iii) A = prosencephalon
B = mesencephalon
C = rhombencephalon
i) which end expands to form the secondary vesicles?
ii) name the structures that the prosen, mesen, rhomben further differentiate into? label the diagram
iii) which flexure is developed on folding of the secondary vesicles? which structures does it develop between? label the folded diagram
i) cranial end
ii) prosen
(A1) telencephalon > cerebral hemis
(A2) optic vesicles > eyes
(A3) diencephalon > thalamus/hypothalamus
- doesnt differentiate into anything, just keeps growing
(C1) metencephalon > pons/cerebellum
(C2) myencephalon > medulla
iii) Flexure X = pontine flexure is developed between the meten and myencephalon
which brain vesicles did each structure develop from?
- ceb hemispheres - telencephalon
- thalamus/hypothalamus - diencephalon
- midbrain - mesencephalon
- pons - metencephalon
- medulla - myelencephalon
i) what does grey matter predominantly contain? give two examples
ii) what does the white matter mainly contain?
iii) what weighted is the MRI? what colour are grey and white matter on this kind of scan?
i) grey matter contains neuronal cell bodies eg cerebral cortex and brain nuclei
ii) white matter contains myelinated axons
iii) T1 weighted (dark fluid)
GM - dark
WM - light
i) which vesicle do these arise from? which two brain areas also arise from this vesicle?
ii) what are the four lobes of the cerebrum?
iii) label the gyri and sulci on the picture A-D
i) arise from the telecephalon (basal ganglia and limbic system also arise from here)
ii) frontal, temporal, parietal, occipital
iii) A = lateral sulcus (divides temporal and parietal)
B = precentral gyrus (motor)
C = central sulcus (div frontal from parietal)
D = post central gyrus (sensory)
i) what % of the brain cortex do sensory and motor areas constitute?
ii) what does the primary motor cortex control? where does it sit on the brain?
iii) what does the somatosensory cortex control? where does it sit on the brain?
iv) what lobe is the visual cortex found in?
v) what lobe do the auditory, olfactory and gustatory cortex sit in?
vi) what area does motor speech area of broca sit in?
i) 20% of brain cortex
ii) primary motor cortex = movement and sits in the precentral gyrus
iii) somatosensory controls touch, pain, proprioception and sits in the post central gyrus
iv) visual cortex is found in the occipital lobe
v) aud, olfactory and gustatory are found in the temporal lobe
vi) brocas area is in the prefrontal cortex
i) what is it?
ii) what are the three parts of the CC from ant to posterior? where do motor anx sensory axons it?
ii) what is the nname of the white matter wiring that spreads to all different parts of the brain?
i) white matter tract linking the cerebral hemispheres
ii) genu > body > splenium
- motor axons @ genu and sensory axons @ body
iii) white matter wiring spreading into brain = corona radiata
i) which two brain vesicles does it span?
ii) label A-E
iii) what is the fornix? what two structures does it connect?
i) spans the telencephalon and the diencephalon
ii) A - cingulate cortex
B - fornix
C - thalamus
D - hypothalamus
E - amygdala
iii) fornix is a semicirculat white matter tract that connects the hippocampus with the mamillary bodies of the hypothalamus
what is the structure labelled A?
the fornix
i) where does it sit anatomically?
ii) what is label A and B?
i) sits in the floor of the lateral ventricle
ii) A = fornix
B = hippocampus
what brain structure is highlighted on the MRI?
the hippocampus