Face, temporal and infratemporal fossa Flashcards
i) what two things are muscles of facial expression responsible for?
ii) give the function of the key muscles and which letter they correspond to on the picture
1) occipitofrontalis
2) orbicularis oculi
3) orbicularis oris
4) zygomaticus major
5) buccinator
6) platysma

i) responsible for closing the eye/mouth and conveying mood
ii) 1) occipitofrontalis - elevates eyebrow (C)
2) orbicularis oculi - closes eyelids (E)
3) orbicularis oris - closes mouth (B)
4) zygomaticus major - elevates labial commisure (outer aspect of mouth - smiling) (F)
5) buccinator - compresses cheek (keep food bolus in mouth) (A)
6) platysma - depresses mandible against resistance and tenses fascia of neck (D)
label structures A-F

A - occipitofrontalis
B - orbicularis oculi
C - facial arteries and veins
D - zygomaticus major
E - orbicularis oris
F - platysma
i) what nerve supplies cutaneous innervation?
ii) what nerve supplies the muscles of facial expression?
i) cutaneous innervation by trigeminal nerve
ii) facial expression by the facial nerve
i) what type of information does it convey? (4)
ii) what route does it take when it exits the skull? (passes three structures)
iii) name the six motor branches? (acronym)
iv) which ganglion do the parasympathetic branches go to? what do they regulate?
v) via which nerve is taste conveyed? what area of the tongue is innervated?
vi) which general sensory area is supplied?
i) conveys sensory, taste, general motor and visceral motor
ii) goes through the internal acoustic meatus > facial canal > stylomastoid foramen
iii) 6 motor branches are PTZBMC (please tell zoos bears mustt crawl)- posterior auricular, temporal, zygomatic, buccal, marginal mandibular, cervical
iv) psym branches go to the pterygopalatine ganglion and regulate mucosa in nose and have fibres to the lacrimal gland
v) taste is conveyed via chorda tympani via lingual nerve from anterior two thirds of the tongue
vi) general sensory supply to skin over external auditory meatus
name the branches of the facial nerve A-F

A = temporal B = zygomatic C = Buccal D = marginal mandibular E = cervical F = posterior auricular
i) name the three glands in the head - which is the biggest?
ii) does the parotid gland sit superficial or deep to muscles?
iii) as the duct leaves the anterior edge - which muscle does it pierce?
iv) where does the parotid duct enter the oral cavity?
v) which vein, artery, nerve run through it?
i) parotid, submandibular and sublingual
- the parotid is the biggest
ii) PG sits superficial to muscles
iii) parotid duct leaves the gland and pierces he buccinator muscle
iv) parotid duct enters the oral cavity at the upper second molar tooth
v) retromandibular vein, external carotid artery and facial nerve pass through it
i) which gland is shown here?
ii) what artery and vein are labelled A and B?
iiii) what is the nerve labelled C?

i) parotid gland
ii) A = retromandibular vein
B = external carotid artery
iii) C = facial nerve
i) name the four muscles of mastication & their action?
ii) which is the only one of these responsible for depression?
iii) which nerve supplies the MOM?
i) 1) temporalis - elevation and retraction of the mandible
2) masseter - elevation
3) medial pterygoid - elevation and side to side
3) lateral pterygoid - protrusion and depression
ii) only one responsible for depression is the lateral pterygoid
iii) all are supplied by the motor branch of V3 (mandibular branch of the trigeminal nerve)
i) which muscles are labelled A & B?
ii) where do these muscles attach?

i) A = lateral pterygoid
B = medial pterygoid
ii) lat ptery attaches to the lateral aspect of the lateral pterygoid plate
med ptery attaches to the medial aspect of the lateral pterygoid plate and the mandible
i) what two types of fibres are here? they run to derivatives of what?
ii) what are the three divisions?
iii) where does each branch exit the skull?
i) somatic (general sensory) and somatic motor
- run to derivatives of the first pharyngeal arch (anything to do with oral cavity and jaw)
ii) V1 - opthalmic
V2 - maxillary
V3 - mandibular
iii) V1 exits at superior orbital fissue
V2 exits at foramen rotundum
V3 exits at foramen ovale
i) what type of fibres does it have? name five places they carry information from
ii) what are the three branches?
iii) where does it exit the skull?
iv) label diagram A-G

i) sensory fibres to skin, mucous membranes, conjunctiva, front of head and nose
ii) 3 branches are nasocillary, frontal and lacrimal
iii) exits the skull at the superior orbital fissure
iv) A = trigeminal ganglion
B = trochlea
C = frontal
D = lacrimal
E = lacrimal gland
F = supra-orbital
G = supra-trochlear
i) what type of fibres are there? what six places do they pass from?
ii) which fossa does V2 enter at? which ganglion does it give off branches to and where does it pass through to do this?
iii) where does it exit the skull?
iv) name the three branches of V2
i) sensory fibres from the dura, nasal, upper cheek, lip and teeth
ii) V2 enters at the pterygopalatine fossa
branches to the pterygopalatine ganglion and passes through the inferior oribital fissue
iii) exits the skull at foramen rotundum
iv) three branches of V3 are infraorbital, zygomatic and superior alveolar
i) what three types of nerves does it contain? what structures to each of these pass to?
ii) where does it exit the skull?
iii) what are the four sensory branches? which branches to the mental nerve?
iv) which artery does the auricoluotemporal nerve pass around?
v) what are the five motor branches?
vi) where do the parasympathetic fibres pass to?
vii) which branch of the mandibular nerve does the chorda tympani from the facial nerve hitchhike with?
viii) is the motor or sensory root the biggest?
i) contains sensory to lower face, lip and teeth
motor to muscles of mastication + mylohyoid
and also mixed sensory/motor
ii) exits the skull at foramen ovale
iii) sensory branches are auriculotemporal, buccal, lingual, inferior alveolar (branches to mental) - all bear love india
iv) auriculotemporal passes around the middle meningeal artery
v) motor branches are to temporalis, masseter, med and lat pterygoids and mylohyoid
vi) psym fibres to the salivary glands
vii) chorda tympani hitchhikes with the lingual nerve
viii) sensory is the biggest root
label the diagram A-F

A = sensory root B = motor root C = lingual nerve D = inferior alveolar E = nerve to mylohyoid F = chorda tympani
i) what two things does the temporal fossa contain?
ii) which two muscles, artery, three nerves and veins does he infratemporal fossa contain?
i) temporal fossa contains the temporalis muscle and branches of V2 (maxillary)
ii) infratemporal fossa contains:
two muscles = medial and lateral pterygoids
three nerves = V3 (mandibular), branches of facial nerve and glossopharyngeal nerve
veins = pterygoid plexus of veins
i) what major artery supplies the face?
ii) what are the four key branches?
iii) label the diagram A-E
iv) which branch is the biggest and gives rise to the middle meningeal artery?

i) external carotid artery
ii) lingual, facial, maxillary, superior temporal (lets find more sun today)
iii) A = ext carotid
B = lingual
C = facial artery
D = maxillary
E = superficial temporal
iv) the maxillary gives rise to the middle meningeal
i) which vein drains the majority of the face? where does it start from?
ii) where does this vein ultimately drain into?
iii) which vein does the superior temporal vein drain into?
iv) which vein is labelled A?

i) the facial vein drains the majority of the face and starts from near the eye
ii) facial vein ultimately drains into the internal jugular vein
iii) superior temporal drains into the external jugular vein
iv) facial vein