Neck and Oral Cavity Flashcards
i) name two functions of the oral cavity
ii) what do the a) outer oral vestibule and b) inner oral cavity include?
iii) name two muscles that form the floor of the cavity
iv) label structures A-C

i) part of digestive system and manipulating sounds produced by the larynx
ii) a) outer oral vestibule = lips and cheeks
b) inner oral cavity = teeth
iii) floor of cavity = mylohyoid and geniohyoid
iv) A = palatopharyngeal arch
B = Uvula
C = palatoglossal arch
i) what area is classed as oral and what area is classed as pharyngeal?
ii) which type of papillae dont have tastebuds on their surface?
iii) what seperates the right and left sides of the tongue?
i) oral = anterior two thirds
pharyngeal = posterior third
ii) filiform papillae dont have tastebuds on their surface
iii) frenulum
i) name three functions of the intrinsic muscles
ii) what are the four extrinsic muscles of the tongue and what does each do?
iii) what is the tongues arterial supply and venous drainage?
iv) label muscles A-D
i) precision movements for speech, eating, swalloing
ii) palatoglossos - elevates back of tongue and depresses soft palate
hyoglossus - depresses tongue
genioglossus - depresses and protrudes tongue
styloglossus - retracts tongue
iii) supplied by lingual arteries and drains to lingual veins
iv) A = genioglossus
B = hyoglossus
C = styloglossus
D = intrinsic tongue muscles
i) what main nerve does taste sensation to the anterior 2/3 come from? what two nerves does this travel via?
ii) which nerve gives general sensation to the anterior 2/3?
iii) which nerve gives taste and general sensation to the posterior 1/3?
iv) which nerve is motor to the whole tongue? (apart from palatoglossus)
v) which CN is palatoglossus innervated by
i) facial nerve gives taste sensation to ant 2/3 via chorda tympani which hitchhikes with lingual nerve (V3)
ii) lingual nerve (V3) gives general sensation to ant 2/3
iii) taste and general sensation to post 1/3 is glossopharyngeal
iv) hypoglossal nerve is motor to the whole tongue apart from palatoglossus
v) palatoglossus is innervated by CN 10
label the diagram

A = CN 7 (facial)
B = chorda tympani
C = lingual nerve (V3)
D = stylomastoid foramen
i) what four types of nerves are there?
ii) where does it exit the skull?
iii) what two areas does it give sensory innervation to?
iv) which area does it give taste innervation to?
v) which muscle does it give motor innervation to?
vi) which gland does it give visceral innervation to? what does stimulation of this gland by CN IX cause?
i) sensory, taste, motor, visceral
ii) exits skull at jugular foramen
iii) sensory innervation to post 1/3 of tongue and oropharynx
iv) taste to post 1/3 of tongue
v) motor innervation to stylopharyngeus muscle
vi) visceral innervation to the parotid gland and causes secretions
i) which two groups of muscles does it supply motor innervation to?
ii) where does it exit the skull?
iii) if the right side of the hypoglossal nerve is damaged, which side of the face will the tongue deviate to?
i) motor innervation to intrinsic and extrinisc muscles of the tongue
ii) exits skull through hypoglossal canal
iii) if damaged on right side then the tongue will deviate to the right side (side of injury)
i) what are the two main roles?
ii) what are the two most important ligaments contained within it?
iii) which CN does it recieve sensory and motor supply from? which two branches are these via?
iv) which artery supplies the upper and lower half?
v) label the cartilages A-E

i) 1) provides a protective sphincter for air passage
2) produces phonation
ii) vestibular and vocal ligaments
iii) sensory and motor supply from vagus nerve via the superior laryngeal and recurrent laryngeal branch
iv) upper half - superior thyroid artery
lower half - inferior thyroid artery
v) A = epiglottic cartilage
B = cuneiform cartilage
C = corniculate cartilage
D = arytenoid cartilage
E = cricoid cartilage
i) what are the three sections?
ii) which three constrictor muscles does it consist of?
iii) what CN is the motor supply via? (apart from stylopharyngeus)
iv) what CN supplies motor to stylopharyngeus?
v) which three nerves is sensory innervation from?
i) nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx
ii) three constrictors = superior, middle and inferior
iii) motor supply via vagus nerve
iv) stylopharyngeus is supplied by glosspharyngeal
v) sensory from V2 (mandibular), glossopharyngeal and vagus
i) label muscles A-C
ii) label sections 1-3

i) A - superior constrictor
B - inferior constrictor
C - middle constrictor
ii) 1 - nasopharynx
2 - oropharynx
3 - laryngopharynx
i) where does it emerge from the brain?
ii) which foramen does it pass through and where does it continue through?
iii) where does it have sensory innervation from? (2)
iv) where does it have taste innervation from? (2)
v) where does it have visceral sensory from?
vi) where does it have motor innervation to? (3)
vii) where does it have visceral motor to? what branch of the ANS is it part of?
i) emerges on the medulla
ii) passes through the jugular foramen and continues through the carotid sheath into head and thorax
iii) sensory from larynx and dura mater
iv) taste from epiglottis and pharynx
v) visc sensory from aortic bodies, aortic arch, bronchi, heart, lungs, midgut, foregut
vi) motor innervation to palatoglossus, muscles of pharynx and muscles of larynx
vii) visceral motor (psym) to smooth muscle in pharynx, larynx, thoracic viscera, foregut and midgut
i) which vertebrae support it posteriorly?
ii) which mobile bone does it contain?
iii) what are the three layers of deep fascia of the neck? which layer does each colour correspond to on the diagram?
iv) what is they key role of fascia? (2)
v) what layer of fascia does the carotid sheath blend with?
vi) what does the carotid sheath contain? (2x arteries, 1x vein, 2x nerves and LNs)

i) seven cervical vertebrae
ii) contains the hyoid bone
iii) pretracheal fascia (pink) prevertebral fascia (blue, investing fascia (green)
iv) key role is to reduce spread of infection and enables structures to move past eachother during movement
v) carotid sheath blends with pretracheal and prevertebral fascia
vi) carotid sheath contains common and internal carotid arteries, int jugular vein, vagus nerve and carotid sinus nerve & some deep cervical lymph nodes
i) what structure divides the neck into anterior and lateral/posterior?
ii) what is the posterior compartment bounded by posteriorly?
iii) what divides the posterior compartment into two triangles? what are the two trianges called?
i) SCM
ii) trapezius
iii) divided into two triangles by the posterior belly of the omohyoid into the occipital triange and the omoclavicular triangle
i) what binds the submandibular triangle (2 bellies of same muscle) and whats contained in it? (1x gland, artery, vein)
ii) what muscle binds the submental triangle? what does it contain? (1)
iii) what two muscles bind the muscular triangle? which two muscles are contained within it?
iv) which four muscles bind the carotid triangle? what 1x artery, 1x vein and 3x nerves does it contain?
i) submandibular - bound by anterior and posterior bellies of digastric
contains submandibular gland, facial artery and vein
ii) submental bound by digastric
contains LNs
iii) muscular triangle bound by omohyoid and SCM
contains supra and infrahyoid muscles
iv) carotid triangle bound by SCM, omohyoid, digastric and stylohyoid
contains common carotid, IJV, CN X, XI and XII
label triangles A-E

A = sub mandibular B = sub mental C = muscular D = carotid triangle E = posterior triangle
i) name the four suprahyoid muscles and their innervation
ii) name the four infrahyoid muscles and their innervation
iii) label 1-7

i) stylohyoid, digastric, mylohyoid and geniohyoid
- stylo & post digastric = facial nerve
- mylohyoid = trigeminal
- geniohyoid = hypoglossal
ii) omohyoid, sternohyoid, thyrohyoid and sternothyroid
- all innervated by C1-C3 of ansa cervicalis
iii) 1 - myelohyoid
2 - digastric
3 - stylohyoid
4 - thyrohyoid
5 - sternothyroid
6 - omohyoid
7 - sternohyoid
i) which artery, vein, 2x plexi and CN does it contain?
ii) what is the occipital triangle bound by?
iii) what is the supraclavicular triangle bound by?
i) subclavian artery, external jugular vein, brachial & cervical plexi and CN 11 (accessory)
ii) occipital triangle bound by SCM, trapezius and omohyoid
iii) supraclavic bound by SCM, clavicle and omohyoid
i) what major artery does supply start? what does it continue to be?
ii) which carotid artery splits into 6 branches to supply the head and neck? what are those branches? (some anatomists like freaking out poor medical students)
iii) which artery major artery is the inferior thyroid a branch of?
iv) which carotid artery has no branches until it is inside the skull?
i) brachiocephalic which continues to be the common carotid artery
ii) external carotid splits into 6 branches to supply the head and neck
- superior thyroid, asc pharyngeal, lingual, facial, occipital, posterior auricular, maxillary, superficial temporal
iii) inf thyroid is a branch of the subclavian artery
iv) internal carotid has no branches until inside the skull
i) which vein drains the brain, face, cervical viscera and neck muscles?
ii) which two other veins drain the neck?
iii) label veins A - C

i) internal jugular vein drains the brain, face, cervical viscera, neck musc
ii) external and anterior jugular also drain the neck
iii) A = IJV
i) what two muscles is it motor to?
ii) what action does it allow you to do
iii) where does it exit the skull
i) motor to the SCM and trapezius
ii) allows shrugging shoulders
iii) exits skull at jugular foramen
i) what two types of nerve is it?
ii) which two nerves does it divide into after it exits the skull?
iii) which foramen does it pass through to exit the skull?
i) sensory and special somatic afferent
ii) divides into vestibular and cochlear nerves
iii) exits through external acoustic meatus