Orbit and Nasal Cavity Flashcards
i) what is its function?
ii) what four bones does it contain?
iii) what three main cartilages is it comprised of?
iv) what three projections are found in the interal surface of the lateral wall? what is the function of these structures?
v) what does the nasal cavity open out into?
vi) it gets arterial supply from branches of which two arteries?
vii) which three nerves supply it?
i) to filter dust entering the respiratory system
ii) contains paired nasal bones, maxillae, frontal bone and septum
iii) comprised of lateral, major alar and septal
iv) internal surface of the lateral wall contains superior, inferior and middle conchae
- function to warm area and direct it to the rest of the respiratory tract
v) nasal cavity opens up into the nasopharynx
vi) nose gets arterial supply from branches of opthalmic and maxillary arteries
vii) supplied by olfactory, opthalmic and maxillary nerve
label nose structures A-E

A = superior concha B = middle concha C = lateral nasal cartilage D = alar cartilage E = nasal bone
i) what type of nerve is it?
ii) what is it an extension of?
iii) where does it exit the skull?
i) special afferent - sensory
ii) extension of the forebrain
iii) exits the skull at the cribiform plate
i) what is olfaction aided by?
ii) what is the function of conchae?
iii) where are olfaction receptors found?
iv) what is secreted form the epithelial cells in the nose and what does this allow?
iv) what is anosmia? give three things that may cause this?
i) olfaction is aided by air flow through the nasal cavity
ii) conchae warm and moisten the airr
iii) olfaction receptors are found in the epithelium lining the roof and walls of the nose
iv) epithelial cells secrete mucus and odiferous gases are dissolved into the fluid and then detected by the olfactory nerves
iv) anosmia is absence of olfaction
- can be caused by common cold, trauma or parkinsons
i) what are they?
ii) name the four paranasal sinuses - where are they found and what do they drain into?
iii) label sinuses A-C
iv) where does sinus C drain into?
v) name two functions of paranasal sinuses

i) air filled extensions of the nasal cavity
ii) 1) **paired frontal sinuses
- ** found in the frontal bone
- drain through the frontal nasal sinus
2) ethmoidal sinus
- invaginations into the ethmoid bone
- drain into the middle meatus (anterior and middle) or the superior meatus (posterior sinus)
3) sphenoidal sinus
- found in the sphenoid bone
- drain intto tthe spheno-ethmoidal recess
4) paired maxillary sinus
- found in maxilla
- drain into the middle meatus
iii) A = frontal sinus
B = ethmoidal sinus
C = maxillary sinus
iv) middle meatus
v) lighten skull and voice resonance
i) label bones A-G
ii) label foramina 1-3

A = frontal, B = zygomatic, C = spehnoid, D = ethmoid, E = maxilla, F = lacrimal, G = nasal
ii) 1 = optic canal
2 = superior orbital fissure
3 = inferior orbital fissure
i) name the three layers of the eye and their associated structures
ii) how many chambers is it divided into?
iii) which side is information from the R visual field picked up on the retina? why?
iv) what lobe of the brain is the visual cortex found in?
i) outer fibrous = sclera and cornea
vascular = iris
inner = retina
ii) divided into anterior and posterior compartments
iii) info from R visual field is picked on LHS of retina due to crossing at the optic chiasm
iv) visual cortex found in the occipital lobe
i) what type of nerve is it?
ii) where does it exit the skull?
iii) what embryonic week does it develop? what grows outs and what grows in?
iv) label structures A & B

i) special afferent - sensory
ii) exits skull at the optic canal
iii) develops embryonic week 4/day 22
- optic stalk grows out and the lens vesicle grows in
iv) A = optic stalk
B = lens vesicle
i) which movements are the following 7 extraocular muscles responsible for & what is their nerve supply?
1) superior oblique, 2) inferior oblique, 3) superior rectus, 4) inferior rectus, 5) medial rectus, 6) lateral rectus, 7) levator palpebrae
ii) what three axes does the eyeball move in?
i) 1) sup oblique = down (trochlea)
2) inf oblique = up and out (oculomotor sup branch)
3) superior rectus = up and in medially (oculomotor sup branch)
4) inf rectus = down and in medially (oculomotor inf branch)
5) medial rectus = medial (oculomotor sup branch)
6) lat rectus = lateral (abducens)
7) lev palpebrae = lifts eyelid (oculomotor)
ii) eyeball moves in vertical, transverse and anteroposterior
which muscles are responsible for movements A > P?

A = inferior rectus
B = superior rectus
C&D = superior rectus & inferior oblique
E = superior rectus
F = inferior oblique
G&H = medial & lateral rectus
I&J = medial and lateral rectus
K = superior oblique
L = inferior rectus
M&N = superior oblique and inf rectus
O = inf rectus
P = sup oblique
which muscle are being clinically tested in the eye movements A-F?

A = superior rectus B = inferior rectus C = lateral rectus D = superior oblique E = inferior oblique F = medial rectus
(lateral is rectus muscles on same side but medial movement is oblique muscles on opposite side)
i) what type of nerve is it to the extra ocular muscles? except which two?
ii) which nerves does it pass via to the cilliary body and sphincter pupillae? what does this cause? what type of nerve is it here?
iii) where does it exit the skull?
iv) which four muscles does the superior branch supply?
v) which muscle does the inferior branch supply?
i) general motor to extra ocular muscles apart from superior oblique (trochlea) and lateral rectus (abducens)
ii) passes via short cilliary nerves to CB and SP - this causes constriction
- general efferent parasympathetic
iii) exits skull at superior orbital fissue
iv) superior branch supplies - lev palp superioris, superior rectus, medial rectus and inf oblique
v) inferior branch supplies inferior rectus
i) which nerve is labelled A?
ii) which muscles are labelled B & C?

i) A = oculomotor nerve
ii) B = levator palpebrae
C = inferior oblique
i) what type if nerve is it?
ii) what extra ocular muscle does it innervate?
iii) where does it exit the skull?
iv) which structure does it emerge next to? is it a thick or thin nerve?
i) somatic motor
ii) innervates the superior oblique
iii) exits skull at superior orbital fissue
iv) emerges next to the cerebellar peduncle and is a thin nerve
i) what type of nerve is it?
ii) which extra ocular muscle does it innervate?
iii) where does it exit the skull?
i) somatic motor
ii) innervates the lateral rectus
iii) exits the skull through the superior orbital fissue
which nerves are labelled A & B and what do they innervate?

A = trochlea nerve innervates the superior oblique
B = abducens nerve innervates the lateral rectus
i) which nerves may be implicated in
a) inability to perform specific eye movements (3)
b) dilation of pupil (1)
c) ptosis (drooping of eyelid) (1)
d) abnormal pupil reflex
ii) which nerve may be implicated in
a) aneurysm of cerebral artery
b) orbital fracture
C) cav sinus lesion
iii) which nerve is implicated in the diagram? which muscle isnt working properly?

i) a) trochlea, oculomotor and abducens
b,c,d) oculomotor
ii) a) OM
b) trochlea
c) abducens
iii) abducens as the lateral rectus isnt working so eye sits in a medial position
i) what two parts does the lacrimal gland consist of?
ii) when lacrimal fluid is secreted across the eye, what does it pass to? (3) what duct is this via?
iii) what supplies a) parasympathetic and b) sympathetic to the lacrimal gland? what function does each have?
i) lacrimal gland consists of orbital and palpebral
ii) lacrimal secreted across the eye to the lacrimal papilla, lacrimal sac and to the inferior meatus
- via the nasolacrimal duct
iii) psym = facial nerve = secretomotor
sym = sup cervical ganglion = vasoconstrictive
i) which foramen does the facial nerve pass through?
ii) what does it then branch into? what artery does this run closely to?
iii) which two nerves join into the pterygoid canal and what does this pass to?
iv) which two nerves do the fibres jump around to reach the lacrimal nerve?
v) which nerve is the lacrimal nerve a branch of?
i) facial nerve passes through the internal acoustic meatus
ii) facial branches into the greater petrosal nerve which runs closely to the internal carotid artery
ii) greater petrosal and deep petrosal nerve join to make the pterygoid canal which passes to the pterygopalatine ganglion
iv) nerve fibres jump around maxillary V2 and the zygomatic nerve to reach the lacrimal
v) lacrimal nerve is a branch of V1 trigeminal
name structures labelled A-D

A = greater petrosal nerve B = deep petrosal nerve C = pterygopalatine ganglion D = lacrimal V1
i) which ANS branch governs pupil dilation?
ii) which ANS branch governs pupil constriction?
iii) which three arteries supply the orbit?
i) dilation = sympathetic
ii) constriction = parasympathetic
iii) opthalmic artery, infraorbital artery and the central artery
i) what are the three branches and what foramina do they pass through?
ii) what two types of nerves does it contain?
iii) which branches are labelled in green, orange and blue?

i) opthalmic V1 = superior orbital fissue
maxillary V2 = rotundum
mandibular V3 = ovale
ii) contains general sensory and somatic motor to derivates of 1st pharyngeal arch
iii) green = opthalmic V1
orange = maxillary V2
blue = mandibular V3
i) what structures does it send sensory fibres to? (5)
ii) what three sections does it branch into? which one of these contains psym fibres from CNVII?
iii) where does it exit the skull?
iv) label the branches A-D

i) sensory fibres to skin, mucous membranes, conjunctiva, front of head and nose
ii) branches to lacrimal, frontal and nasocillary
(lacrimal also contains psym from facial nerve)
iii) exits skull at superior orbital fissue
iv) A = trigeminal ganglion
B = trochlea
C = frontal > supraorbital
D = lacrimal
i) what major artery does it originate from and where does this pass through?
ii) after passing through the optic canal what does it branch into?
iii) what are the four branches of this artery?
iv) which two veins drain the eye
i) originates from the internal carotid which passes through the cavernous sinus
ii) passes optic canal and branches to opthalmic artery
iii) opthalmic artery branches to the central retina, lacrimal. long & short post cilliary arteries and the supraorbital artery
iv) superior and inferior opthalmic veins