Topics Flashcards
Policies and inequality topics
Britain before, 1988
Coalition government after 2010
Policies in Britain before 1988
Tripartite system
Role of comprehensive
comprehensive system
Formula, finding
Cream, skimming and league tables
Gerwitz parental choice
New labour policies
Myth of parentocracy
Colaisation of schools
Policies on gender and ethnicity
Coalition government after 2010
Free schools
Policies and inequality
Internal factors - education
Self fulfilling prophecy
sub cultures
Ray rits
Dunne and gazely
Becker and Jorgensen
Criticisms of labelling theory
Gillborn and youdell a-c economy and ed triage
Polarisation and differentiation
abolishing streaming
Self fulfilling prophecy
Teach expectations
Sub cultures
Symbolic capital and symbolic violence
Pro-and anti-sub cultures
Variety of pupil responses
Self exclusion, Sarah Evans
Nike identities
External factors
Cultural deprivation
Material deprivation
Cultural capital
Cultural deprivation
Language, Speech codes
Myth of cultural deprivation
Parent education/style
Working-class culture
Compensatory education
Material deprivation
Fear of debt
Diet and health
Cultural capital
Bourdeiu three types
Cultural capital 
role of education topics
Neoliberal/new right
Functionalist view
Durkheim, social solidarity and skills
Parsons meritocracy
Davis and Moore role allocation
Marxist view
Althusser ideological state apparatus
Bowles and gintis schooling in capitalist America, correspondence principle, and hidden curriculum and Myth meritocracy
New right/neo liberal view
Chubbs and moe consumer choice
New right view
Two roles of the state
Ethnicity topics
External factors
Internal factors – labelling, responses, and identities
Internal factors – institutional racism
Ethnicity external factors
- Cultural deprivation – intellectual and linguistic skills, attitudes and values, family structure, and parental support
- Gangs
- Asian, white, working-class families
- Racism in wider society
- Material deprivation
- Criticisms
Internal ethnicity- institutional racism
Critical race theory
Locked in inequality
Marketisation and segregation
Ethnocentric curriculum
Criticisms of Gillborn
Internal factors, ethnicity– labelling, identities, responses
- Labelling and teacher racism, black pupils – streaming and discipline, Asian pupils
- Pupil identities - archer - teaches pupil identities, Chinese Pupil
- Responses - fuller + mac an ghaill rejecting negative labels, mizra failed strategies, Sewell variety of responses
Gender topics
Internal and external factors
Identity,class and girls achievement
Boys and achievement
Gender and subject choice
Pupils sexual and gender identities
Pupils sexual and gender identity
Male peer groups
Teacher discipline
Double standards
Male gaze
Genders, internal and external factors
External - Changes in the family, changes in women’s employment, girls, changing ambitions
Internal – positive role models, teacher attention, selection + league tables, two views of girls achievement
Gender and subject choice
As and A-levels and vocational courses
Gender role, socialisation
Single sex schooling
Peer pressure
Gendered career opportunities
Boys and achievement
Boys and literacy
Feminisation of education
Shortage of male primary school teachers
Laddish subcultures
Gender class, and ethnicity
Identity, class and girls achievement
Symbolic capital
Hyper heterosexual, feminine identities
Working-class girls dilemma
Successful working-class girls