topic 9 classic experiments Flashcards
who first tested predator-prey models? how?
- G. Gause (1934): first empirical tests of predator-prey models
- Predator: Unicellular protist, Didinium nasatum
- Prey: Unicellular Paramecium caudatum
- Simple system - Test tubes: oat medium (food for prey)
what did gause see at first
• At 1st no predators, prey grew exponentially
• Predators added at day 2 - predators regulate
• By 4 - prey extinct
• By 6 predators extinct
only one cycle, no stable persistence, predator lags behind prey
how did cause make it more complex
• Environmental heterogeneity (creating prey refuge) may stabilize populations
• Added sediment (prey refuge)
○ Prey will enter sediment but
predators will not
• Predators consumed visual prey then went extinct - prey then grew exponentially
how did gause further complicate it (third try)?
• Next - interference from outside the system necessary? Added an individual every 3 days
• Got multiple cycles
• Concluded: stable oscillations not a property of simple predator-prey interaction as L-V
models suggest. Need interference from outside system (immigration
why did huffaker question gause?
- Carl Huffaker (UC Berkeley)
- Questioned Gause’s conclusion that predator-prey systems are unstable without outside interference
- Gause used too simple of habitat (even with sediment)
- Need to achieve partial prey refuge
describe huffaker experiment
• Need to achieve partial prey refuge • Six-spotted mite Eotetranychus sexmaculatus as herbivore and Typhlodromus occidentalis as predatory Mite on oranges • • Results similar to gauses • Then added increasing levels of environmental heterogeneity
* Still unstable * Continued to increase levels of heterogeneity * Neither population crashed
mechanism behind huffakers 3rd try - where results were similar to LV model predictions
• Mechanism:
○ Increasing habitat complexity provided PARTIAL prey refuge
• Pockets of surviving prey allows population to rebound
• Concluded: partial escape from predation/prey refuge a key component ofmaintaining predator-prey cycles
• Factors that stabilize predator prey interactions
• the problem: the simplest predators-prey interactions are not very stable
what is the solytion?
• The solution: other kinds of biology can help stabilize these interactions
1. Interference from outside the system (e.g., immigration) 2. Escape from predation - partial prey refuge 3. ....TBD
escape from predation evironment vs traits of organisms
• Characteristics of environment:
-Heterogeneous environments: prey refuges
• Traits of organisms:
– Escape in time (evolution of life cycles)
– Escape in space (dispersal & apparency)
– Behavioral (e.g., intimidation or confusion of predators)
– Physical or chemical defence mechanisms
describe escape in time w life cycles
• Prey life cycles evolve to minimize predation
• Minimizing amount of time spent in vulnerable stages, e.g., juveniles, immobile stages
– Increase speed of development
• Synchronize reproduction
– Have many offspring in a short time period
– Predators satiated without a large proportion of prey population being killed
• Unpredictable life cycle:
– Difficult for predators to adapt to
look at cicadia ex
ok, escape in time emerging with prime number life cycles - 17 yr or 13 yr
• Predator satitation - emerge in mass events - predators satiated immediately
describe escape in space
• Dispersal ability • Apparency of prey – If prey are rare it is difficult for predators to develop a search image – Reduces predator efficiency – Hard to specialize on rare prey
describe 3 types of behavuoral escape
• confusion of predators
– Killdeer drawing attention away from nest using broken wing display
- Schooling of fish: confuses predators who need to focus on an individual to hunt effective
l Intimidation
– Toads fill with air
– Birds ruffling feathers
• Playing dead
– Possums play dead & emit “decay” odour from anus
– Predators do not want decaying prey
physical defenses against pred?
• Animals: quills, spines, scales, cuticle thickness, slime etc. • Plants: thorns, seed coat, waxes etc. • Size
chemical defenses against predators
• Chemical (toxins) • Synthesize their own (many amphibians) • Acquire from food (monarchs acquire cardiac glycosides from milkweed)
coloration defense
• Coloration • Cryptic/camouflage • Confusion: false heads • Startle patterns: owl spots • Warning patterns – Aposematic: warns of chemical or physical defense (bright colours, stripes)