Topic # 8 Flashcards
- is a complex organ, with parts derived from ectoderm and mesoderm in the head
Parts of the Adult Eye
- Eyeball
- Muscles of the eye
- wall, anterior compartment, posterior compartment and lens.
- intrinsic and extrinsic muscles
Muscles of the eye
The wall of the eye consists of three layers or tunics
a. Fibrous tunic
b. Vascular tunic
c. Nervous tunic
- cornea and sclera
Fibrous tunic
- choroid, ciliary body and ciliary processes and iris
Vascular tunic
- retina
Nervous tunic
is composed of anterior and posterior chambers that contain
aqueous humor.
The anterior compartment
The posterior compartment consists of the vitreous chamber that contains
eyes develop from the
optic field
Through tissue interaction between the optic field
and the head mesoderm, the single optic field separates into bilateral (2)
lateral eye-forming
After formation of the five (5) brain vesicles the two (2) lateral eye-forming regions
associated w/ the diencephalon evaginate laterally to become bilateral
optic vesicles
, which connects w/ the diencephalon through the optic stalk, invaginates to form a doublewalled optic cup and the original lumen of the optic vesicle becomes slit-like
The optic vesicle
The outer wall of the optic cup thins out to become the
pigment layer of the retina.
The inner wall of the optic cup collapses and thickens to become
the sensory
(rods and cones) layer of the retina.
During invagination of optic cup a gap along the optic stalk,the ________
is created
choroid or optic fissure,
The vitreous or posterior compartment develops from the
concavity of the optic cup
The vitreous or posterior compartment develops from the
concavity of the optic cup
is formed from ectomesenchyme that
enters the compartment through the optic fissure
the vitreous body
surface ectoderm overlying the optic vesicles, by induction from the optic vesicles and placode
formation, thickens to form the
lens placode.
cells in the deep or inner pole of the lens elongate to form_______ that push
toward the cavity of the lens vesicle, almost obliterating it.
lens fibers
Cells in the outer or superficial pole of
the lens form a single layer of cuboidal or columnar epithelium called
lens epithelium
Cornea develops from 2 sources:
corneal epithelium
Surface ectoderm
Surface ectoderm that overlies the invaginated lens
vesicle, by induction from the
lens vesicle and optic cup
forms a 2-cell thick (basal and superficial)
corneal epithelium;
secrete a collagenous matrix called primary stroma
the basal cells
later on the corneal endothelial cells secrete into______ the primary
stroma causing it to swell
hyaluronic acid
Fibroblasts from mesoderm migrate to the primary stroma and produce_____
(that destros the hyaluronic acid); and coarse collagen
Secondary stroma becomes the
substantia propria of the cornea.
is formed by choroid ectomesenchyme and the superficial edge of the optic cup;
The Iris
is the reduced opening of the optic cup
is derived from the thickened choroid
ectomesenchyme and caudal part of the overlapping portion of the optic cup
Ciliary apparatus (ciliary
body, ciliary processes and ciliary muscles)
The sclera provides attachment to the
muscles of the eyeball. In chick, 14 bony rings called______ surround the outer margin
of the cornea
sclera ossicles
Development of the Accessory Structures of the Eye
- Eyelids
- Conjunctival Sac
- Lacrimal Gland
Formed by upper and lower folds of ectoderm (skin), each fold includes a mesenchyme
➢ Derived from the space between the eyelid and the cornea
Conjunctival Sac
➢ Develops by invagination and budding of conjunctival ectoderm.
Lacrimal Gland
Malformations of the Eye
- Cyclopia
- Anophthalmia
- Coloboma
- Microphthalmia
- Medial strabismus
- Cataract
- development of a single eye in the center of the head due to failure of the optic
field to separate into 2 lateral eye-forming regions
- absence of eye due to failure of optic vesicles to form or to severe inference
w/ normal growth of optic cup
- a defect due to failure of the optic fissure to close
- small undeveloped eye; results from failure of the vitreous body to exert
sufficient pressure for growth, often because a coloboma allowed vitreous humor to escape.
- medial deviation of the eyeball. Common in Siamese cat.
Medial strabismus
- loss of clarity of the lens. Mainly affects dogs.
Divisions of the Ear
- Inner or Internal Ear
- Middle Ear
- Outer or External Ear
An elaborate system of membranous labyrinth filled with
Lies within the bony labyrinth excavated ftom the temporal bone and separated from it by
the perilymphatic space filled with
- contains sense organs for hearing (cochlea) and detecting
head acceleration (vestibular apparatus or vesticule), the latter is important in
balance. Innervated by the cochlear and vestibular divisions of cranial nerve VIII.
Inner or Internal Ear
- contains bones (ossicles) that convey vibrations from the tympanic
membrane (ear drum) to the inner ear.
Middle Ear
- channels sound waves to the tympanic membrane.
Outer or External Ear
Parts of the Membranous Labyrinth
- Utricle
- Saccule
- Endolymphatic duct and sac
- Semicircular canals
- Ductus reuniens
- Cochlear duct
At about 35 hrs of incubation in chick embryo, the surface ectoderm overlying the
dorsolateral wall of myelencephalon by _______, thickens to form a pair of auditory
or otic placodes
placode formation
38 hrs of incubation, the otic placodes _____ to form auditory pits.
deepen to form an otic cup.
The otic pits
gives off an evagination, the tubular
endolymphatic duct.
The dorsal wall
At about 50 hrs of incubation the otic cup closes and separates from
the ectoderm (vesicle formation) forming an
otic vesicle (otocyst)
is formed by apposition of endoderm of 1st pharyngeal pouch and
ectoderm of 1st branchial groove.
Tympanic membrane
Dorsal part of forms the lining of
the ________auditory tube and tympanic cavity (in the horse a dilation of the auditory tube develops into
the guttural pouch)
the first pharyngeal pouch
is derived from VA 1 and VA 2 (ectomesenchymal cells) flanking the 1st
branchial groove, that expand laterally.
is composed of the nasal cavity, alae or wings, bridge, nostrils or anterior
nares, choanae or posterior nares, nasal septum and nasolacrimal duct.
The nose
is the part of the nose that contains the nasal conchae. It is divided into
right and left chambers by the nasal septum
The nasal cavity
Nasal placodes invaginate to form
olfactory or nasal pits.
anterior nares
Posterior opening of nasal pit ->
posterior nares.
; the ectoderm
Nasal pit deepens to form the nasal cavity
Depression between the lateral nasal process and the maxillary process of the visceral
arch 1 deepens to form the
nasolacrimal groove.
closes over to form the nasolacrimal duct
The nasolacrimal groove
closes over to form the nasolacrimal duct
The nasolacrimal groove
are groups of specialized (chemoreceptive) epithelial cells localized
principally on the papillae of the tongue. Cranial nerve VII and IX innervate the taste
Taste buds