is located outside of the peritoneal cavity in the dorsolateral body wall.
urinary system
The adult urinary system consists of the kidneys (2),
ureters (2),
renal pelvis (2)
, urinary bladder
and urethra
The urinary system is derived from
intermediate and somatic mesoderm.
Intermediate mesoderm and adjacent somatic mesoderm (mesothelium lining the coelom) forms
urogenital ridge.
is the first to appear.
It consists of 7-8 pairs of primitive that appear in sequence, starting at the
level of somite 5 to 16
pronephric tubules
The tubules fuse to form a that grows caudally and terminates in the cloaca.
pronephric duct
Functional kidney for fish, amphibians and young embryos of birds and mammals
Functional adult kidney and ureter of older embryo, reptiles, birds and mammals
Metanephros Originates from two sources;
ureteric bud and metanephrogenous mass.
Slender stern of the ureteric bud =
Expanded cranial end of the ureteric bud is enduced by the metanephrogenous mess =
in large ruminants and pig, gives off branches, the major calyces .
renal pelvis
Each major calyx gives off branches, the .
minor calyces
Each major calyx gives off branches, the .
minor calyces
Each minor calyx gives off several branches, the
papillary ducts.
Each papillary ducts gives off branches, the
collecting tubules
The papillary ducts and collecting tubules comprises the medulla of the
adult kidney
Adjacent to collecting tubules, mesodermal cells proliferate to form cell cords that canalize and
elongate, becoming S-shaped and eventually nephrons.
metanephric tubules
develop from deep to superficial in the kidney
Urinary bladder develops from , the expanded proximal part (intraembryonic) of allantoic
he cranial end of the (ventral part of the cloaca separated from the
dorsal parts , rectum and anal canal , by a urorectal septum .
urogenital sinus
develops from the urogenital sinus
(cystic /polycystic kidneys) - may result from ureteric atresia or from failure of
nephrons to communicate with collecting tubules
(urachal fistula)- results from a failure of the allantoic stalk to close at birth. Also,
vesicourachal diverticulum (urachus persisting as a blind pouch) is a sourced of chronic cystitis
and chronic dribbling of urine at the umbilicus
Patent urachus
- entry of the ureter into the urethra or vagina instead of the urinary bladder that
results in urinary bladder infection or incontinence (urine dribbling) because urine is deposited
beyond the urinary sphincters
Ectopic ureter
rectovesicular; rectovestibular; rectourethral - Due to faulty separation of the
cloaca into rectum and urogenital sinus, a fistulous tract may remain that leads to abnormal
elimination of urine and feces and urinary tract infection
Urorectal fistula: