Topic 7: Run for your life Flashcards
Non-elastic tissue which connects muscle to bone.
elastic tissue that joins bone together & determines the amount of movement possible at a joint.
The area where two bones bone are attached for the purpose of permitting body parts to move. They’re made of fibrous connective tissues & cartilage.
Skeletal muscles
Muscles attached to bones, they are arranged in antagonistic pairs.
Antagonistic muscle pairs
Pairs of muscles which pull in opposite directions - as one muscle contracts (the agonist), the other relaxes (the antagonist). Extensors act to straighten the joint, while flexors act to bend the joint.
When the triceps (the extensor) relaxes, the biceps (the flexor) contracts to lift the arm.
When the quadriceps (the extensors) relax, the hamstrings (the flexors) contract to bend the leg.
Muscle fibre structure
- sarcolemma = Cell membrane
- sarcoplasm = cytoplasm
- T-tubules = Inward folds of the sarcolemma across the muscle fibre, which stick into the sarcoplasm. Help to send electrical impulses through the sarcoplasm so they reach all parts of the muscle fibre.
- Sarcoplasmic reticulum = internal membranes running through the sarcoplasm. Store & release calcium ions needed for muscle contraction.
- mitochondria = provides ATP needed for muscle contraction
- multinucleate
- contain myofibrils = long, cyndrical organelles made of proteins. Highly specialised for contracion.
Myofibril structure
Contain bundles of thick and thin myofilaments, which move past each other to make muscles contract:
- Thick myosin filaments - dark bands
- Thin Actin filaments - light bands
Areas of a myofibril:
H band - area containing only thick myosin filaments
I band - Only thin actin filaments present
A band - Contains areas where only myosin filaments are present & areas where myosin & actin overlap
M line - Middle of myosin filaments
Z line - Attchments for actin filaments. Mark the ends of each sarcomere. Sarcomeres are joined lengthways at their Z-lines.
Sarcomere - The section of a myofibril between two Z-line.
What happens to the bands when a sarcomere contracts?
Myosin and actin filaments slide over one another to make the sarcomere contract. As a result:
- I band gets shorter
- H zone gets shorter
- A band stays the same length
- Sarcomere gets shorter
Muscle contraction: Sliding Filament Theory
- Calcium ions released from sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) upon nervous stimulation (arrival of an AP at neuromuscular junction). Bind to troponin molecule - changing its shape.
- Myosin binding sites exposed, myosin head moves forward to form an actomyosin cross bridge.
- ADP + Pi released, myosin head moves forward, pulling the actin filaments and shortening the sarcomere.
- Free ATP binds to myosin head , myosin head changes shape and detaches from actin filament.
- ATPase in myosin head hydrolyses ATP (to ADP+Pi), which causes myosin head to move back to its original position - recovery stroke.
- Repeated stimulation, the presence of calcium ions and ATP causes continued contraction - myosin head re-attaches further along the actin filament and the cycle repeats.
- If stimulation is stopped, ATP released is used to actively transport Ca2+ ions back into the sarcoplasmic reticulum. Actin filaments slide back to their relaxed position, which lengthens the sarcomere.
Fast twitch muscle fibres
- Short contraction-relaxation cycle.
- Fewer capillaries & low amounts of myoglobin - appear lighter
- ATP supplied mostly from anaerobic respiration
- Fewer, smaller mitochondria present
- Large store of calcium ions in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Large amounts of glycogen & phosphocreatine present
- Faster rate of ATP hydrolysis in myosin heads
- Fatigue rapidly due to greater lactate formation
Slow twitch muscle fibres
- Long contraction-relaxation cycle
- Denser network of capillaries, high amounts of myoglobin and haemoglobin - appear dark red
- ATP supplied mostly from aerobic respiration
- Many large mitochondria present
- Small store of calcium ions in the sarcoplasmic reticulum
- Small amounts of glycogen present
- Slower rate of hydrolysis in myosin heads
- fatigues more slowly due to reduced lactate formation
Summaries the stages of aerobic respiration
- Glycolysis - phosphorylation & splitting of glucose - occurs in cytoplasm.
- Link reaction - Decarboxylation & dehydrogenation of pyruvate - occurs in matrix of mitochondria.
- Krebs cycle - cyclical pathway with enzyme controlled reaction - occurs in matrix of mitochondria.
- Oxidative phosphorylation - production of ATP through oxidation of hydrogen atoms - occurs in innermembrane of mitochondria.
Phosphorylation of glucose
- Requires 2 ATP molecules to provide phosphates and produces 2ADPs and 2 triose phosphates. -
Oxidation of triose phosphate
After triose phosphate loses hydrogen, it forms two molecules of pyruvate.
The hydrogen ions are collected by NAD which forms two reduced NAD.
Triose phosphates are dephosphorylated
4ATPs are produced but 2 were used in phosphorylation of glucose meaning there is a net gain of 2ATP molecules.
Aerobic respiration
Aerobic respiration is the splitting of a respiratory substrate, including glucose, reuniting hydrogen with atmospheric oxygen to release a large amount of energy and carbon dioxide as a waste product. It is a multi-step process, with each step controlled and catalysed by a specific intracellular enzyme. It yiels ATP, which is used a source of energy for metabolic reaction.
Link reaction
1) Pyruvate (3C) is decarboxylated (one carbon atom is removed in the form of CO2)
2) Pyruvate is oxidised/dehydrogenated, changing into acetate (2C). NAD collects the hydrogen atom from pyruvate becoming reduced NAD.
3. Acetate combines with coenzyme A (CoA) to form acetyl conenzyme A (acetyl CoA).
Occurs 2x for every glucose molecule.
Krebs Cycle
In the mitochndrial matrix:
- Acetyl CoA (2C) enters the krebs cycle and acetyl is accepted by the four carbon compound oxaloacetate (4C) to form citrate (6C). CoA is released and reused in the link reaction
- 6C citrate is converted to a 5C molecule
- Decarboxylation of citrate releases CO2 as a waste.
- Oxidation (dehydrogenation) of citrate, releases a H atom that reduces NAD. - 5C molecule converts back to oxaloacetate (4C)
decarboxylation & dehydrogenation occur sagain, producing 1reducedFAD and 2reducedNAD.
Substrate-linked phosphorylation occurs when a phosphate is transferred from an intermediate compound to ADP, forming 1ATP to supply energy.
Total products:
What is substrate level phosphorylation
Substrate level phosphorylation is when ATP is produced due to a phosphate group from an intermediate compound being directly transferred/added to ADP.
(when a phosphate group is directly transfered from one molecule to another).
Oxidative phosphorylation
The process in which ATP is synthesised via chemiosmosis in the electron transport chain.
- Reduced coenzymes carry hydrogen ions and electrons to the electron transport chain, which occurs on the inner mitochondrial membrane.
- Hydrogen atoms are split into protons & electrons: H > H+ + e-
- Electrons are carried from one electron carrier to another is a series of redox reactions (the electron carrier which passes the electron on is oxidised, whereas the electron carrier which receives it is reduced).
- protons are actively transported across the membrane into the intermembrane space - using the energy released for the redox reactions. As a result, the concentration of protons in the intermembrane space is high.
- The protons return to the matrix via facilitated diffusion through the channel enzyme ATPsynthase.
- The movement of protons down their electrochemical gradient provides energy for ATP synthesis, which occurs on stalked particles using ATP synthase.
- oxygen acts as the ‘final electron acceptor’ and combines with protons and electrons at the end of the ETC to form water.
Work out how many molecules of ATP can be made from one glucose molecule during aerobic respiration
- 3ATP are made from each reduced NAD
- 2ATP are made from each reduced FAD
Glycolysis = 2ATP
Glycolysis = 2reducedNAD = (2x3) = 6ATP
Link Reaction (x2) = 2reducedNAD = (2x3) = 6ATP
Krebs cycle (x2) = 2ATP
Krebs cycle (x2) = 6reducedNAD = (6x3) = 18ATP
Krebs Cycle (x2) = 2reducedFAD = (2x2) = 4ATP
Total ATP = 38
Describe the effect of metabolic poisons such as carbon monoxide on aearobic respiration
Some metabolic poisons target electron carriers in oxidative phosphorylation, preventing them from passing on electrons down the electron tansport chain. This stops chemiosmosis. There’s no energy released to phosphorylate ADP/produce ATP, consequently ATP synthesis in the cell is hugely reduced.
Reduced NAD and FAD are no longer oxidised, so NAD and FAD aren’t regenerated for the krebs cycle, causing the kreb cycle to also stop.
Why do the link reaction and the kreb cycle occur in the mitochondria when glycolysis occurs in the cytoplasm?
The matrix contains all the enzymes necessary (I.e coenzyme A) for the biochemical reactions involved in the link reaction and kreb cycle.
Core practical 16: Investigate the rate of respiration
1) Describe how a respirometer works
2) What is the control for this practical?
3) How do you find the volume of oxygen consumed using a respirometer?
4) How can the volume of carbon dioxide produced be found?
5) How is the rate of respiration calculated using data from the respirometer?
6) State the hazard andsafety precaution involved in the practical
1) It is a chamber/test tube connected to a capillary tube with a drop of dye. As the organism in the chamber respires and uses oxygen, the pressure decreases and the liquid moves in the capillary.
2) Replace the organism with an inert object of the same mass.
3) Place a fixed mass of soda lime in the respirometer with the organism. Measure the distance moved by the dye, and use the formula: volume = distance X πr^2 (area of respiratory tube)
4) Perform two set-ups, one with soda lime (A), and one without (B). Find the volume of gas used in a given time. Volume of carbon dioxide: Volume of A - Volume of B
5) Rate = Volume of oxygen used / mass of organism / time
6) The soda lime is corrosive. Wear eye protection and handle with gloves.
During exercise muscles contract more frequently and need more energy. This requires an increas in aerobic respiration to take in more oxygen and remove more CO2. How does the body do this?
- By increasing breathing rate and depth - to obtain more O2 and remove more CO2.
- Increasing heart rate - to deliver O2 (and glucose) to the muscles faster and remove extra CO2 produced by the increased rate of respiration in muscle cells.
Explain how breathing rate is controlled
1) The inspiratory centre in the medulla oblongata sends nerve impulses to intercostal and diaphragm muscles to make them contract.
2) This increases the volume of the lungs, which lowers the pressure in the lungs to slightly below atmospheric pressure. (The inspiratory centre also send nerve impulses to the expiratory centre to inhibit it).
3) Air enters the lungs due to the pressure differnece between the lungs and air outside.
4) As the lungs inflate, stretch receptors in the lungs are stimulated. The stretch receptors send nerve impulses back to the medulla oblongata and inhibit the action of the inspiratory centre.
5) The expiratory centre (no longer inhibited) then sends nerve impulses to the diaphragm and intercostal muscles to relax. This causes the lungs to deflate, expelling air. As the lungs deflate, the stretch receptors become inactive. The inispiratory centre is no longer inhibited and the cycle starts again.
Explain the effects of exercise on breathing rate
1) The **extra CO2 **that is produced due to the increase in rate of respiration during exercise dissolves in the blood to form carbonic acid, which dissociates into hydrogen ions (H+) & hydrogencarbonate ions (HCO3-).
2) The increase in the concentration of H+ ions decreases the pH of the blood (it becomes more acidic)
3) The decrease in pH is detected by chemoreceptors (receptors that sense chemicals and are located in the medulla oblongata, the aortic bodies, and carotid bodies).
4) This stimulate chemoreceptors to send nerve impulses to the ventiliation centre in the medulla oblongata , which sends more frequent nerve impulses to the intercostal & diaphragm muscles to increase the rate & strength of contractions.
5) This increases the rate & depth of breathing, causing gaseous change to speed up. The CO2 levels drop and extra O2 is supplied for the musclees - the pH returns the normal and breathing rate decreases.
Define the term ‘ventilation rate’ and describe how exercise effects it
Ventilation rate is the volume of air breathed in or out in a period of time, e.g. a minute.
It increases during exercise because breathing rate and depth increases
What is the function of a spirometer?
Measures breathing respiration
i) Define ‘Tidal Volume’
ii) How is it found using a spirometer?
i) Tidal volume = The volume of air that is breathed in or out during normal breathing (at rest).
ii) It is the distance from peak to trough when the participant is breathing normally.