Topic 3: Voice of the Genome Flashcards
3.1.6) magnification formula
magnification = size of image/size of real object
a) An insect is 0.5mm long. In a book, a picture of the insect is 8cm long. Calculate the magnification of the insect.
b) An image from light microscope shows a human cheek cell at x100 magnification. The actual diameter of the cell is 59um. What is the diameter of the cell in the image?
a) magnification = image size/object size
80mm / 0.5mm = x160
b) image size = magnification x object size
100 x 0.059mm = 5.9mm
converting um into mm
divide by 1000
Prokaryotic cells
A prokaryotic cell is a single-celled organism that lacks a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. They are smaller and simpler in structure that eukaryotic cells, e.g. bacteria.
Eukaryotic cells
Eukaryotic cells are cells that contain a nucleus and other membrane-bound organelles. Eukaryotic cells are complex and include all animal and plants cells.
Organelles compartments within the cell that perform a specific function. These compartments are usually isolated from the rest of the cytoplasm through intracellular membranes.
List the features in the ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells
- nucleus
- nucleolus
- ribosomes
- rough and smooth endoplasmic reticulum
- mitochondria
- centrioles
- lysosomes
- Golgi apparatus
- Large organelle
- Surrounded by a nuclear envelope (double membrane), which contains many pores.
- Contains DNA wrapped in histone proteins in a complex called chromatin, and a nucleolus.
- Controls the cell’s activities (by controlling the transcription of DNA)
- DNA contains instructions to make proteins.
- The pores allow substances to move between the nucleus and the cytoplasm.
- The nucleolus makes ribosomes.
- A round organelle surrounded by a membrane, with no clear internal structure.
- Contains digestive enzymes. These are kept seperate from the cytoplasm by the surrounding membrane, and can be used to digest invading cells or to break down worn out components of the cell.
- A very small organelle that either** floats free** in the cytoplasm or is attatched to the rough endoplasmic reticulum.
- made up of protiens and RNA.
- Not surrounded by a membrane.
- The site of protein synthesis.
Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum (RER)
- A system of membranes enclosing a fluid-filled space. The surface is covered with ribosomes.
- Folds and processes proteins that have been made at the ribosome.
- proteins made in the RER are sent to the Golgi apparatus.
Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum (SER)
- Similar to RER, but with no ribosomes.
- Synthesises and processes lipids.
Golgi Apparatus
- A group of fluid-filled, membrane-bound, flattened sacs. Often contains vesicles at the edges of the sacs.
- It processes and modifies proteins and lipids which have been made in the cell and packages them in vesicles to be transported out of the cell. It also makes lysosomes.
- Usually oval-shaped.
- Have a double membrane - the inner one is folded to form a structure called cristae.
- Inside is the matrix, which contains enzymes involved in respiration.
- The site of aerobic respiration, where ATP is produced.
- Found in large numbers in cells that are active and require a lot of energy.
- Small, hollow cylinders, made of microtubules (tiny protein cylinders). Found in animal cells but only some plant cells.
- Involved with the **seperation of chromosomes **during cell division.
3.10) Mitosis
- In mitosis a parent cell divides to produce two genetically identical daughter cells.
- Needed for growth of multicellular organisms, for re[airing damaged tissues and for asexual reproduction.
3.10) The cell cycle
Consists of interphase (a period of cell growth and DNA reapplication), mitosis (nuclear division), and cytokinesis (cell division).
3.10) Interphase
Period off cell growth and DNA replication
consists of 3 stages:
- G1: cell grows and new organelles and proteins are made. Organelles replicated.
- S (synthesis) Phase: Cell replicates it’s DNA
- G2: Cell keeps growing and proteins needed for cell division are made.
3.10) Stages of mitosis
1) Prophase: chromosomes condense. centrioles move to opposite ends of cell and form a network of spindle. Nuclear envelope breaks down
2) Metaphase: chromosomes line up along the middle of cell and become attached to the spindle by their centromere.
3) Anaphase: centromeres divide, separating each pair of sister chromatids. Spindles contract, pulling chromatids to opposite poles of the spindle.
4) Telophase: Chromatids reach opposite poles on the spindle. They uncoil - now called chromosomes again. Nuclear envelope forms around each group of chromosomes, so there are now two nuclei. Nucleoli reform. Spindle fibres break down.
3.10) Cytokinesis
cytoplasm divides and there are now two daughter cells that are genetically identical to the original cell.
3.3) The role of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) and the Golgi apparatus in protein transport
1) Proteins are made at the ribosomes.
2) The ribosomes on the rough endoplasmic reticulum make proteins that are excreted or attached to the cell membrane.
3) New proteins produced at the RER are folded and processed in the RER. They are then packed in vesicles.
4) Then they’re transported to the Golgi apparatus in vesicles. The vesicles fuse with the Golgi apparatus.
5) The Golgi apparatus further processes and modifies the proteins and sends them in vesicles to the plasma membrane.
6) The protein either attaches to the cell membrane or the vesicles fuse with the plasma membrane to secrete the finish protein product.
3.9) Meiosis
- Meiosis is a type of cell division that happens in the reproductive organs to produce gametes
- Cells that divide by meiosis have the full number of chromosomes to start with (diploid), but the cells that are formed from meiosis have half the number (haploid).
- Meiosis produces four new daughter cells that are genetically different from each other. These are the gametes
3.9) Why is miosis important?
It ensures genetic variation through the production of non-identical gametes as a consequence of independent assortment of chromosomes and crossing over of alleles between chromatids. Genetic variation is the differences between the individual’s genetic material in a population. This is important because it allows natural selection to occur and means if a disease were to spread across a population there is a higher chance of survival among the individuals.
3.9) Explain how independent assortment leads to genetic variation
- Independent assortment is the production of different combinations of alleles in daughter cells due to the random alignment of homologous pairs along the equator of the spindle during metaphase I
- The combination of alleles that end up in each daughter cell depends on how the pairs of homologous chromosomes were lined up
- The different possible combinations of chromosomes in daughter cells increases genetic variation between gametes
To work out the number of different possible chromosome combinations the formula 2n can be used, where n corresponds to the number of chromosomes in a haploid cell
3.9) Explain what crossing over is and how it leads to genetic variation
Crossing over is a process that happens during meiosis when chromosomes of the same type are lined up and exchange genetic material. This results in new allelic combinations in the daughter cells and increases genetic diversity. Crossing over occurs between non-sister chromatids of homologous chromosomes, which are chromosomes that contain the same genes but may have different forms of the genes.
3.11 i) Define what is meant by the term ‘stem cell’
Stem cells are unspecialised cells which have the ability to become specialised cells by the process of cell differentiation. Stem cells have an unlimited capacity to divide and can produce lots more stem cells by mitosis.
3.11 i) Define what is meant by the term ‘pluripotency’
pluripotent stem cells can differentiate into any type of specialised cell except the extraembryonic cells (the cells that make up the placenta) .
3.11 i) Define what is meant by the term ‘totipotency’
Totipotent cells have the ability to divide into any type of cell (including the extraembryonic cells which make up the placenta and umbilical cord).
3.11 ii) Evaluate the use of stem cells in medicine
- could be used to replace damaged tissues in a range of diseases e.g. leukaemia.
- Could save lives - Stem cells could be used to grow organs for those awaiting transplants instead of relying on donars.
- Could improve the quality of lives - e.g. stem cells could be used to replace the damged cells in the eys of people who are blind.
- Adult stem cells can be obtained from bone marrow in a relatively simple operation with very little risk and donor can give consent.
- Embryonic stem cells can divide into any type of cell.
- Obtaining stem cells from embryos created by IVF raises ethical issues because the procedure results in the destruction of an embryo that’s viable.
- Adult stem cells can’t develop into all the specialised cell types that embryonic stem cells can.
- If patient cannot use their own adult stem cells in a transplant there is a risk of rejection.
- Many ppl believe that at the moment of fertilisation a genetically unique individual is formed that has the right to life.
- Risks of infections and cancers with lab cultured stem cells.
3.11 ii) Give three ways in which regulatory authorities help society to consider the benefits and ethical issues of embryonic stem cells in research.
1) Cost-benefit analysis: Looking at proposals for research and deciding if they should be allowed considering the ethical issues - this ensures there is a good reason for stem cell research and that it won’t need to be repeated.
2) Licensing and monitoring centres involved in embryonic stem cell research ensures fully trained staff who are aware of implications and won’t waste resources e.g embryos. Helps avoid unregulated research.
3) Producing guidelines and codes of practice - ensuring scientist work in a similar manner for comparison , using acceptable sources and methods to make it as ethical as possible.
4) Monitoring developments in research - keeps guidelines up to date
5) Providing Info and advice to governments and professionals - improves society’s understanding of what’s involved in stem cell research and why it is important.
3.12) Explain how differential gene expression allows cells to become specialised
1) A stimulus acts on unspecialised cells
2) Activator and repressor molecules can bind to promotor regions on the DNA sequence. Some genes become switched on and are active whereas other genes are switched off.
3) Only the active genes are transcribed to produce MRNA
4) mRNA is then translated on ribosomes and used to produce protein.
5) The protein has the ability to change the structure and function of cells (causing cell modification).
Transcription Factors
Transcription factors control the expression of genes
They are Proteins that bind to DNA and activate or deactivate genes by increasing or decreasing the rate of transcription:
- Activators are transcription factors that increase the rate of transcription by helping RNA polymerase bind to the DNA and begin transcription.
- Repressors are transcription factors that decease the rate of transcription by preventing RNA polymerase from binding and so stopping transcription.
3.12) What is an operon?
An operon is a section of DNA that contains a cluster of:
- structural genes (which code for useful proteins) that are transcribed together.
- control elements, including a promotor (A DNA sequence that RNA polymerase binds to) and an operator (A DNA sequence that transcription factors bind to).
- A regulatory gene that codes for an activator or repressor.
3.12) Lac operon
The lac operon is found in E.coli and contains the genes that produce enzymes needed to respire lactose for when glucose isn’t available.
The LO as 3 structural genes - lacZ, lacY and lacA, which produce proteins that help the bacteria digest lactose.
When Lactose is NOT present:
The regulatory gene (lacI) produces the lac repressor, which binds to the operator site and blocks transcription because RNA polymerase can’t bind to the promoter.
When lactose is present:
It binds to the repressor, changing the repressor’s shape so that it can no longer bind to the operator site. RNA polymerase can now begin transcription of the structure genes.
3.14i) Phenotype
The expressed characteristics of an organism, which results from the interactions of the genes of the organism with the environment in which it lives.
3.14i) Continuous vs discontinuous variations in phenotype
- Continuous variation: When the individuals within a population vary within a range - there are no distinct categories. E.g. height, mass, skin colour.
- Discontinuous variation: When there are two or more distinct categories - each individual falls into only one of thee categories. E.g. blood group
3.14i) Monogenic characteristics
Characteristics that are controlled by only one gene. They tend to show discontinuous variation e.g. blood group.
3.14i) Polygenic characteristics
Characteristics that are controlled by a number of genes at different loci. They usually show continuous variation, e.g. height.
3.14ii) Epigenetics
Epigenetics refers to changes in DNA that alter the expression of genes without changing the base sequence of DNA itself. These changes can be caused by environmental factors and are heritable.
Two examples of epigenetic modification are DNA methylation and histone modification.
3.14ii) DNA methylation
When a methyl group (CH3) is attached to the DNA coding for a gene at a CpG site. Increased methylation changes the DNA structure, making chromatin more condensed (by tightening the DNA around the histone), so that the proteins and enzymes needed for transcription can’t bind to the gene so it inhibits transcription and the gene is not expressed - it’s repressed.
3.14ii) Histone Modification
Include the addition or removal of acetyl groups (-COCH3)
1) When histones are acetylated, the chromatin is less condensed and the genes are activated.
2) When acetyl groups are removed from the histones, the chromatin becomes highly condensed and the genes are repressed. Removal of acetyl groups increases the positive charge on histone proteins. This increases the attraction to phosphate groups on DNA and chromatin becomes more condensed.
3.14ii) How does the structure of chromatin affect transcription?
Histones are proteins that DNA wraps around to form chromatin which makes up chromosomes
Chromatin can be highly condensed or less condensed. How condensed it is affects the accessibility of DNA and whether or not the proteins and enzymes needed for transcription can bind to it.
3.14i) Give an example of a characteristic that is influenced by both genotype and the environment
1) Height - is a polygenic characteristic. However, height can be limited due to environmental factors like nutrition
- Cancer is the uncontrolled cell division that leads to the growth of tumours. The risk of developing cancer is affected by genes, but environmental factors such as diet and smoking can also influence the risk.
3.13) How are the cells of multicellular organisms organised into tissues, tissues into organs and organs into systems?
The cells in complex multicellular organisms like people are organized into tissues, groups of similar cells that work together on a specific task. Organs are structures made up of two or more tissues organized to carry out a particular function, and groups of organs with related functions make up the different organ systems.
3.8 i) what is meant by Locus?
The position of a gene on a chromosome is called a locus (plural: loci).
3.8 ii) Gene Linkage
Genes with loci on the same chromosome are linked because genes on the same chromosome will stay together during independent assortment and their alleles will be passed onto offspring together.
The only reason this won’t happen is if crossing over occurs.
3.8 ii) Sex-Linked characteristics
A characteristic is said to be sex-linked when the locus of the allele that codes for it is on a sex-chromosome.
Females = XX
Males = XY
Y chromosome is smaller and so carries fewer genes. Most genes on the sex chromosomes are only carried on the X chromosome. As males only have one X chromosome, they often only have one allele for sex-linked genes, therefore they express the characteristic of this allele even if it’s recessive. This makes males more likely to to show recessive phenotypes for genes that are sex-linked. Therefore they are much likely to show sex-linked recessive conditions such as colour blindness. These are know as x-linked disorders.
3.14 iii) Understand how epigenetic changes can be passed on following cell division
The epigenome is heritable (i.e. when a cell divides and replicates, epigenetic changes affecting the expression of genes in the DNA of that cell may be passed on to daughter cells).
Because it affects cell divison, all cells that arise from altered cells will possess the modifications. This includes gametes meaning the changes are heritable.
During gamete production, DNA in the parent cell usually undergoes de-methylation but often methyl groups are not removed and therefore are present in the DNA in the sperm or egg cells.
A potential explanation for why this occurs is that if an epigenetic change occurs in response to an environmental factor, it may be beneficial for this epigenetic change to also occur in daughter cells so that they are also better adapted for the environmental factor (in the same way the original cell was)
3.4) List the ultrastructure of prokaryotic cells
Always Present:
- Cell wall
- Cell surface membrane
- Cytoplasm (no membrane-bound organelles)
- Circular DNA
- Ribosomes (70S, smaller than in eukaryotes)
Sometimes Present:
- Flagellum
- Capsule
- Mesosomes
- Plasmid
- Pili
3.4) Cell wall in prokaryotic cells
Strengthens and Supports the cell and prevents it from changing shape.
Made of peptidoglycan.
3.4) Capsule
A final layer surrounding some prokaryotic cells (e.g. bacteria) made up of secreted slime. helps to protect bacteria from attack by cells of the immune system.
Helps cell to retain moisture and adhere to surfaces.
3.4) Plasmid
Small loops of DNA that are separate from the main circular DNA molecule. They contain genes that can be passed between prokaryotes.
(E.g. genes for antibiotic resistance)
3.4) Flagellum
Long, hair like structure that rotates to make the prokaryotic cell move.
3.4) Pili
Short hair-like structures which help prokaryotes stick to other cells and can be used in the transfer of genetic material between cells.
3.4) Mesosomes
Inward folds in the plasma membrane. Their function is debated with many scientists believing that they are just artefacts from the preparation process of microscopy, which others believe they contain enzymes required for respiration
3.4) Circular DNA in prokaryotes
No nucleus, DNA floats free in cytoplasm. Circular DNA = one long coiled up strand. it’s not attached to any histone proteins.
3.6) How is the ovum (egg cell) specialised for it’s function.
- Zona pellucida = a protecting coating which the sperm has to penetrate in order for fertilisation to occur, it then hardens after they have entered. The main purpose of the ZP is to prevent polyspermy.
- Haploid nucleus so that a full set of chromosomes is restored at fertilisation.
- Cortical granules release substances which cause the zona pellucida to harden.
- Follicle cells from a protective coating around the egg.
3.6) How are spermatozoa (sperm cells) specialised for it’s function?
- Contain lots of mitochondria to provide energy for rotation of the flagellum which enables cell to move.
- Acrosomes contain digestive enzymes which break down the zona pellucida and allow sperm to penetrate egg.
- haploid nucleus
3.7) Describe the process of fertilisation
1) The sperm head meets the protective jelly layer around the egg cell called the zona pellucida and the acrosome reaction occurs - enzymes digest the zona pellucida.
2) The sperm head fuses (via Exocytosis) with the cell membrane of the egg cell thus allowing the sperm nucleus to enter the egg cell.
3) The cortical reaction occurs - the egg cell releases chemicals from cortical granules which thicken the zona pellucida making it impenetrable to other sperm. (prevents polyspermy)
4) The nuclei fuse and a full set of chromosomes is restored, thus forming a zygote.
Core Practical 5: Prepare and Stain a root tip squash to observe the stages of mitosis
1) Using a scalpel cut 1cm from the tip of the growing root (the tip is the growing region therefore mitosis should be occurring there).
2) Place root tip into test tube of Hydrochloric acid (HCL), which softens a loosens the root tissues, and then into water bath as 60 degrees for 10 mins.
3) Using pipette rinse root tip with cold water and leave to dry on paper towel.
4) Cut approx. 2mm off the tip and place onto microscope slide (use filter paper to absorb any excess water)
5) Use mounted needle to break tip open and spread cells out thinly.
6) Add drop of stain (toluidine blue or aceto-orcein) to make chromosomes easier to see under a microscope.
6) Gently lower cover slip over cells using mounted needle to prevent air bubbles forming.
7) Push down firmly to squash tissue to make the tissue thinner and allow light to pass through when viewing under microscope.
8) Can now look at stages of mitosis under a light microscope.
9) Calculate the mitotic index using: mitotic index = number of cells with visible chromosomes / total number of cells observed
Risk Assessment
Hazard: Scapel Risk: Cut yourself Prevention: Cut away from your body, cut on white tile to prevent slipping
Hazard: hydrochloric acid Risk: Irritant (corrosive depending on conc.) Prevention: wear googles, wash hands if spills
Light microscopes
Use light to form an image
max. resolution of around 0.2um. Max usefull magnification = x1500
Electron microscopes
Use electrons to form an image
higher resolution that light microscopes so give more detailed images
max magnification= about x1500000
Transmission electron microscopes (TEMs)
- uses electromagnets to focus a beam of electrons through the specimen. Denser parts of the specimen absorb more electrons, which makes them look darker on the image you end up with. Give high resolution images but can only be used on thin specimens.
Scanning electron microscopes (SEMs)
Scan a beam of electrons across the specimen. This knocks off electrons from the specimen which are in a cathode ray tube to form an image. Shows the surface of the specimen and can be 3D. Can be used on thick specimens but have lower resolution images than TEMs
Core Practical: Mitosis root tip squash
Why do you only use the first 5mm from the tip of the onion root?
This is where you will find cells that are undergoing mitosis (it is where there is meristem tissue).
Core Practical: Mitosis root tip squash
Why do you press down firmly on the cover slip?
To get a thin layer of cells so that light can pass through.
Core practical: root tip squash
Why was a stain used? What stain can be used?
To stain the chromosomes to make them visible (1) so that the stages of mitosis can be identified (1)
Can be either toluidine blue or acetic orcein
Core Practical: root tip squash
when counting the cells to calculate the mitotic index, what should you do to ensure that your count is accurate?
- Examine large number of fields of view / many cells;
- to ensure representative sample
Core Practical: root tip squash
Why is hydrochloric acid added to the root tip? (2 Marks)
Adding hydrochloric acid:
- Breaks down the middle lamella (1)
- Allowing cells to be seperated / produces a thin layer (of cells) (1)
- To allow light to pass through (1)
Describe the decisions that society has to make about the use of embryonic stem cells.
- embryonic stem cells are totipotent and can be used in a wider range of therapies. (1)
- Source of embryonic stem cells has to be (considered/regulated). (1)
- (moral/ethical) issues as the use of embryonic stem cells destroys embryos. (1)
- Need for research establishments to be (regulated/licensed). (1)
- The addition of acetyl groups (CH3CO) to histones
- Promotes transcription
- Loosens DNA around a histone protein - chromatin less condensed.
- DNA accessible to RNA polymerase/transcription factors
- more protein produced