topic 7 - how personality can be measured Flashcards
define personality
it’s about someones way of behaving, feeling and thinking and relates to their view of their self.
what is a method to measure personality?
define scales
classifying information using numbers that represent certain characteristics ie likert scales.
advantage of using scales to measure personality?
Scales offer an objective way of measuring personality as those running the test do not interpret the results, reducing bias.
what do personality tests involve?
define items
statements or questions on a questionnaire such as those on a personality tests which are answered using a standard scoring system
what do scales include?
define dimensions
things that can be measured such as ‘openness’ in personality. For example, “On a scale from 1 to 10 how happy are you”
What are the Big Five dimensions?
O - openness C - conscientiousness E - extraversion A - agreeableness N - neuroticism
define openness
trait that features characteristics such as imagination and insight.
>People who score high tend to be more adventurous and creative.
> People who score low struggle with abstract thinking and are more traditional
define conscientiousness
trait that features thoughtfulness, impulse control and goal-directed behaviours.
> people who score high tend to be organised and mindful of details
> people who score low tend to be disorganised, lazy and unmotivated
define extraversion
trait that is characterised through social encounters such as talkativeness, assertiveness, excitability etc
> people who score high tend to be outgoing, energised and excited
> people who score low tend to be more reserved and less energy to expend in social settings.
define agreeableness
trait that features trust, kindness, affection and other prosocial behaviours.
> people who score high tend to be more cooperative
> people who score low tend to be more competitive and sometimes manipulative.
define neuroticism
trait that is characterised by sadness, moodiness and emotional instability.
> people who score high tend to experience severe mood swings, anxiety, irritability and sadness
> people who score low tend to be more stable and emotionally resilient.
what is a weakness of using a personality test to measure personality?
response bias. Someone answering the questionnaire might get used to answering in the same way throughout the test because they are unsure or they are tired of the questionnaire.
define response bias
some way of answering questions or items in a misleading or set way.
what are the two types of theories in personality types?
type theory or trait theory
define type theory
a theory suggesting that a person’s personality can fit into a certain category or type such as introvert or extravert.
define trait theory
a theory suggesting that personalities have certain characteristic that are on a continuum.
define continuum
two characteristics that are opposites extremes with a line between them on which someone can fit.
who had a personality type indicator?
Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs (1956)
what were personality types classified in as symbols by Myers and Briggs ?
extravert (E) introvert (I) sensing (S) intuition (N) thinking (T) feeling (F) judging (J) perceiving (P)