psychology igcse edexcel

This class was created by Brainscape user Sophie Bell-Knight. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (61)

topic 1 - developmental psychology VOCAB
memorise these terms!
49  cards
topic 1 - Piaget's stages of development
What are the four stages in piage...,
What happens in the sensorimotor ...,
What happens in the pre operation...
10  cards
topic 1 - Dweck's mindset theory
What is mindset,
What are examples of a growth min...,
What are examples of a fixed mindset
8  cards
topic 1 - Willingham's learning theory
What is willinghams theory,
Why is knowledge important,
According to willingham how do we...
10  cards
topic 1 - Piaget and Inhelder (1956)
three mountains task
8  cards
topic 1 - Gunderson et al
What is this study based on,
What theory is this study related to,
What is this studies aim
8  cards
topic 1 - Kohlberg's theory of moral development
What are the term of morals,
What are the terms of morality,
What is pre conventional morality
6  cards
topic 1 - development of the brain
17  cards
designing pyschological research
notes on page 131-135 in textbook
20  cards
page 135 in textbook -
5  cards
methods of sampling
pg 136 last page !!! woooo
8  cards
topic 2 - memory vocab
memorise and look at the terms
23  cards
topic 2 - structure and process of memory
What is input,
What do we input,
How is the information retained i...
12  cards
topic 2 - features of stm and ltm
What is the duration of the stm,
What is the capacity of the stm,
What is the duration of the ltm
10  cards
topic 2 - amnesia
Define anterograde amnesia,
Define retrograde amnesia,
What are the symptoms of anterogr...
5  cards
topic 2 - Theory of Reconstructive Memory (Bartlett, 1932)
What is active reconstruction,
In bartletts theory what is a sch...,
In bartletts thoery how are schem...
9  cards
topic 2 - Atkinson and Shiffrin (1968) MSMM
What are the different stores of ...,
What is the sensory register,
What is the role of attention in ...
15  cards
topic 2 - Bartlett (1932) War of ghosts
What is the background to the study,
What were the aims to the study,
What was the procedure
12  cards
topic 2 - Peterson and Peterson (1959)
What was the background of the study,
What was the aim of the study,
What was the procedure describe w...
9  cards
topic 2 - reductionism & holism debate
What is the debate about,
Define the term reductionism,
Define the term holism
7  cards
topic 3 - unipolar depression
What is unipolar depression,
What are the symptoms of unipolar...,
How long should the symptoms be p...
41  cards
topic 3 - addiction
Define addiction what is it,
What is withdrawal define it how ...,
What does the icd 10 refer addict...
48  cards
topic 3 - Caspi et al (2003) Influence of Life Stress on Depression: Moderation by a Polymorphism in the 5-HTT Gene
What is the background of the study,
What is the aim of the study,
What is the 5 htt gene
14  cards
topic 3 - Young (2007) CBT with Internet Addicts: Treatment Outcomes and Implications
What is the background of the study,
What is the aim of the study,
What is the procedure
10  cards
topic 3 - issues and debates Nature and Nurture
What is the debate about,
What is meant by the term nature,
What is meant by the term nurture
6  cards
9 mark question!!!
What is the structure of the 9 ma...,
What does paragraph 1 have to inc...,
What does paragraph 2 have to inc...
4  cards
vocab for topic 3 - psychological problems
40  cards
topic 4 - The structure and function of the brain
How much does the human brain weigh,
Define the term brain what is the...,
What are the two halves of our br...
19  cards
topic 4 - Lateralisation of function in the hemisphere
What does lateralisation of funct...,
Define the term asymmetrical what...,
What side of the brain controls w...
11  cards
topic 4 - the role of the central nervous system
What is the central nervous syste...,
Given an example of how the centr...,
What is the peripheral nervous sy...
19  cards
topic 4 - the impact of neurological damage
What does neurological damage ref...,
What would happen if parts of you...,
What would happen if a large part...
18  cards
topic 4 - Damasio et al (1994) - Phineas Gage
What was the background of the study,
What was the aims of the study,
What was the procedure
7  cards
topic 4 - Sperry (1968) Hemisphere Deconnection and Unity
What was the background to the study,
What was the aim,
What was the procedure
7  cards
topic 4 - Issues and Debates: How Psychology has changed over time
How has the term psychology changed,
What is neuroscience,
How did psychology start
10  cards
research and experimental design
What is a research design,
What is an experimental design,
What are the types of research an...
9  cards
issues of reliability and validity
What is the definition of reliabi...,
What is the definition of validity,
What is the definition of interna...
4  cards
Ethical issues in psychological research
What is the guide used to help ps...,
What are the 4 principles in the ...,
Elaborate on respect for the auto...
11  cards
Understanding research methods
What are the types of experiments,
What does lab experiment mean wha...,
What does field experiment mean w...
7  cards
topic 5 - terms used in social influence research
What does the term obedience mean,
What does the term authority figu...,
What does the term conformity mean
12  cards
topic 5 - bystander intervention
What are the different factors on...,
What are the situational factors ...,
What does the term diffusion of r...
10  cards
topic 5 - conformity
What is conformity an example of,
Which study was used in order to ...,
What did arthur jennesss 1932 stu...
17  cards
topic 5 - obedience to an authority figure
What is the defintion of obedience,
What are examples of authority fi...,
What is the definiton of blind ob...
20  cards
topic 5 - understanding the behaviour of crowds
What does the term prosocial beha...,
What does the term anti social be...,
How are the terms deindividuation...
4  cards
topic 5 - understand ways to prevent blind obedience to an authority figure
What are the different ways to pr...,
Explain how social support preven...,
Explain how familiarity of the si...
5  cards
topic 5 - Piliavin et al (1968) Good Samaritanism
What is the background of the study,
What was were the aim aims of the...,
What was the procedure of the study
7  cards
topic 5 - Zimbardo et al (1973) Prison Study
What was the background of the study,
What were the aims of the study,
What was the procedure
7  cards
topic 5 - Issues and Debates : Social and cultural issues in psych
What is a social issue,
What does society mean,
What is the most widely researche...
14  cards
topic 6 - understanding learning theories as an explanation of criminality
Who developed the operant conditi...,
What did skinner believe about op...,
What is operant conditioning defi...
26  cards
topic 6 - biological explanations of criminality
How did biological explanations o...,
What do the biological explanatio...,
What does the biological explanat...
30  cards
topic 6 - understanding the effects of punishment on recidivism
What is recidivism,
Why are people put in prison,
What does the term rehabilitative...
18  cards
topic 6 - treatments to rehabilitate and reduce criminal and antisocial behaviour and increase prosocial behaviour
What is a token economy programme,
What operant conditioning theory ...,
What are examples of prizes in to...
14  cards
topic 6 - Bandura et al (1961) : transmission of aggression through imitation of aggressive models
What was the background of the study,
What was the procedure of the study,
What were the results of the study
6  cards
topic 6 - Charlton et al (2000) : children's playground behaviour across five years of broadcast television
What was the background of the study,
What was the aim of the study,
What was the procedure of the study
7  cards
topic 7 - Concepts of the self and self-concept
Define the self,
Define self concept,
How is the idea of self developed
22  cards
topic 7 - the role of identity and free will in the development of self
Who suggested that we develop by ...,
What did erikson focus on,
How many stages are there
64  cards
topic 7 - the humanistic explanation of the self
What is the humanistic approach,
Who took a humanistic view,
What was rogers humanistic theory
30  cards
topic 7 - internal and external influences on the self and self-esteem
Define internal factors,
Define external factors,
Explain how ideal self external f...
24  cards
topic 7 - how personality can be measured
Define personality,
What is a method to measure perso...,
Define scales
22  cards
topic 7 - the use of trait theory as a measure of personality
Define factor analysis,
Who has a theory about certain pe...,
Briefly describe allport s theory...
19  cards
topic 7 - Vohs & Schooler (2008) - the value of believing in free will
What was the procedure of the voh...,
What was the aim of the vohs and ...,
What was the conclusion of the vo...
13  cards
topic 7 - Van Houtte and Jarvis (1995)- the role of pets in preadolescent psychological development
What was the aim of van houtte an...,
What was the procedure of van hou...,
What were the results of van hout...
20  cards

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psychology igcse edexcel

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