Topic 7 Flashcards
Who were 3 people who contributed to the history of stress theory?
What was Selye’s theory about stress?
Stress is not nervous tension, can have positive consequences, not something to avoid, total absence is death and it’s inevitable
What are the different levels of potential stressors?
Individual, Group, Organisational, Extraorganisational
What are different coping strategies/outcomes of occupational stress?
Psychological/Attitudinal, Behavioural, Cognitive, Physical Stress
Occupational Stress: What are Stressors on Managers?
- Role ambiguity, conflict, overload
- Unrealistic expectations
- Difficult decisions
- Managerial and subordinate failure
- Economic Situation
- Status
Occupational Stress: What are Stressors Created by Managers?
- Inconsistent behaviour
- Inadequate support, direction
- Lack of concern
- Expecting high productivity
- Focus on negatives
- Emotional labour
Occupational Stress: What are other work stressors on employees?
- Hazardous substances
- Strenuous activities
- Shift work
- Noisy/crowded offices
- Offices with little privacy
Occupational Stress: What are Non-Work Stressors?
- Work and family life balance
- Child care problems
- Teenage difficulties
- Loss of jobs
- End of marriage/relationship
- Financial
What are the types of stress?
- Eustress (positive stress)
- Karoshi (negative stress)
What are the 4 individual differences?
- Perception
- Self-esteem
- Locus of control
- Type A
What are characteristics of Type A?
- Hurried speech
- Walk, move, eat rapidly
- Constant impatience
- Do 2 or more things at once
- Turn conversations around to personal subjects
- Interrupt others
- Guilt feelings during relaxation
- Oblivious to surroundings
- Schedule lots in minimal time
- Feelings of competition
- Development of nervous tics
- Believe success is due to getting things done fast
What does a Model of Burnout look like?
- Personal and Job/Organisational Stressors
- Emotional exhaustion, depersonalisation, feeling of lack of accomplishment
- Attitudinal and behavioural symptoms of burnout
How can an individual overcome burnout?
- Remove
- Social Support
- Solitude
- Diversify
- Teach
- Mental stimulated
- Renew passions
What is social support?
Amount of helpfulness derived from social relationships
List individual coping strategies to manage stress in the workplace
- Exercise
- Time management
- Support groups
- Role management
- Relaxation