Topic 6: Science And Religion Flashcards
Scientific truth claim
Based upon observation, hypothesis, experiment and repeat testing.
Eg; big band created the universe
Truth claim
Any statement that claims to accurately describe reality.
Does not need proof
Religious truth claim
Based upon spiritual revelations and are part of the doctrine of religion.
Eg; Jesus was god’s son
Evolving truth claim
May change as new knowledge becomes available.
Often associated with scientific claims.
Eg; evolution is true but this may change over time.
Absolute truth claim
Fixed and unaltered for all times and cultures.
Often associated with religion .
Eg; Jesus is the son of god and he rose from the dead.
Note: does not have to be absolutely true!
Questions science answers that religion doesn’t
What is an atom?
The reactivity series.
Questions religion answers that science doesn’t
How to pray
Do science and religion answer the same questions?
Different emphasis:
‘Science is about things within the physical world that can be tested’
‘Religion is about things outside the physical world that cannot be tested’
Lots of overlap
Potential for conflict
But not doing the same thing
Why does modern society seem to favour science?
Science has disproved much of religion
Science is easier than religion
More practical
What affect has this had on religion
1) . Some religious beliefs become scientific. Metaphor.
2) . Some religions become relevant & exciting to draw people in.
3) . Fundamental reaction. Becoming very strict & anti-science. Sometimes violent.
Has modern society becoming more scientific been good for society?
Science made religion reevaluate We understand the world better Freer society. vs Less of a moral code eg divorce Caused fundamentalism? Less of a community
Can science and religion be compatible?
Richard Dawkins & young earth creationists=no
‘Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.’
Main battlegrounds:
1). The origins of the universe
2). The origins of life
The Cosmological Revolution
16th Century
The original conflict between religion & science.
Geocentric theory (earth in middle)
Nicholas Copernicus (Heliocentric Theory
Church: no
Galileo proved
Took 200 years for church to recognise it.
What was the challenge to medieval religion because of the cosmological revolution?
First time science challenged instead of supported religion.
Sun as focal point= problem. God’s image.
Church wrong & science right= what else religion wrong about…
If science can explain the universe why do we need religion and God
Christian Creation Story
Genesis 1:1-2 God creates the universe ex nihilo in 7 days 1). Light 2). Water and sky 3). Land sea and vegetation 4). Sun, moon and stars 5). Sea creatures and birds 6). Land creatures (NOT ADAM AND EVE!)
Big Bang
14 billion years ago
Big explosion sends matter out in all directions
Universe went from nothing to massive in a second. Still growing
100 million years later the first stars were formed.
Is the Christian creation story and the Big Bang compatible?
Depends on interpretation of genesis.
7 day creationists= no
Many christians= yes
Reasons genesis should be taken literally
Bible says so. Only outside influence has changed our view on it.
God is an infinite creator so could do it in no time at all.
‘Let god be true but every man a liar’
Reasons genesis should be taken metaphorically.
‘One day is with The Lord as a thousand years’
Hebrew word for day didn’t always mean a single 24 hour period
Metre shows it was written like a poem
Darwin’s Theory of Evolution
1) . When any life reproduces there are random genetic mutations
2) . Some of these mutations are better for survival then others
3) . Overtime this mutated advantage form of life becomes more prevalent as they can reproduce more and are killed less.
4) . Over millions of years this is evolution
The idea of design
God created us directly and intentionally the way we are in his image.
Genesis 2: Adam & Eve
Man from dust
Breathed life into him
Made eve from Adams spare rib.
Made to have a relationship with him and rule over the world.
Consequences for believing that god made us
Supports morality
The sanctity of life
Look after the weak
Consequences for believing in evolution.
Doesn’t support morality
We are more evolved animals
Nihilism- loss of meaning
Don’t look after weak- they are just slowing us down
Is evolution and the creation story compatible
Genesis literal: - young earth vs millions of years - Adam and Eve vs come from a single bacteria - gods image vs change - change is bad vs change is good Genesis metaphorically: - death from fall vs death always there -land creatures separately made by god vs all from bacteria
Problems with evolution & religious teachings
We have adapted to evolution but religious teachings tell us we were created to fit the world in the image of god.
Do we have to believe this?
-No, missing links
Some scientists
-no, clearly contradicts basic concepts of design
- yes, genesis non literal, bible not perfect
- evolution is gods method
- missing links are divine intervention