Topic 5b - Motivation Flashcards
What is motivation?
Internal state that drives people into action
Energises, directs and perpetuates behaviour
Directed towards satisfaction of needs
If unsatisfied - generates physiological / psychological arousal
How do personality and motivation compete?
May be motivated to take on a new job that doesn’t suit your personality due to money and power benefits
What are models of motivation? - Murray 1938
Press + Perceived need -> motives -> behaviour
Primary needs (biological = food and water)
Secondary needs (psychogenic)
Press = Situational / external conditions influence needs
What are the original 20 psychogenic needs?
- Need for achievement
- Need for affiliation
- Need for aggression
- Need for autonomy
- Need for dominance
- Need for exhibition
- Need for nurturance
- Need for order
- Need for play
- Need for sentience
- Need for sex
- Need for understanding
What are the three main needs - McClellands Needs Theory
Need for achievement
Need for affiliation
Need for power
How are needs measured?
Thematic Apperception Test
What are sub components of need for achievement?
Hope for success, fear of failure
What are sub components of need for power?
Hope for power, fear of weakness
What does Hill (1987) propose the subtypes for need for affiliation motives are?
- Need for emotional support (be around others and feel comfort)
- Need for positive stimulation (feed off others)
- Need for attention
- Need for social comparison (being about others and compare with self)
What is need for achievement?
Gaining satisfaction from achievement
What tasks do people with need for achievement prefer? (Schultheiss, 2008)
Tasks of moderate difficulty - chances of success are not too high or too low
More indicative of ability
What are the individual level aspects of Need for Achievement?
- Entrepreneurial success and innovation
- Poor leadership and managerial skills (lack of control)
What are the societal level aspects of Need for Achievement?
- Economic growth and innovation
- Civil war / ineffective leadership
What did Bradburn & Berlin, 1961 find about need for achievement and economic growth?
- Societal level of need for achievement in England from 1501-1830 (content analysis from popular literature)
- Samples of popular and imaginative literature - projection of authors needs and motives
- Changes of need for achievement in society linked to increases in economic growth
What are the individual level aspects of need for power?
High testosterone, sexual activity, aggression, managerial and leadership career success
What are the societal levels aspects of need for power?
- Increase in war and arms
- Effective leadership
What did Spangler & House (1991) find about effective leadership and need for power?
High need for power and its correlation with presidential performance (factors that indicated measures of war, greatness and decisions)
What is need for affiliation?
Desire to spend time with others and form social ties
What is need for power?
Need to influence, dominate and control
What is need for affiliation at individual level?
Like similar people to self, dislike dissimilar (to avoid conflict)
What is need for affiliation at societal level?
Peace and disarmament, political scandal
What did Langer & Winter (2001) find about need for affiliation and conflict?
Importance of concessions and to avoid and resolve conflicts - can affect willingness vs unwillingness to allow a third party in
What is the link between need for power and health outcomes?
High testosterone -> high need for power -> more engagement in power-challenge situations -> activates sympathetic nervous system stress response (fight or flight) -> chronic high blood pressure over time -> lowered immunity
What did McClelland et al. (1982) prison study find?
- 133 male prison inmates completed thematic apperception test (4 stories about pictures)
- Coded their need for power and need for affiliation
- Number of stressors recorded
- Number of severity of illnesses in the past 12 months
- S-IgA (indicator of immune functioning)
- High power, high stress = high illness severity and lower immune functioning
What is the link between need for affiliation and health?
- Associated with parasympathetic activity, increased immune functioning - general positive effects on health, this conserves energy and promotes functions
What did McClelland & Kirshnit (1988) find about need for affiliation and health? - short film study
- 132 students
- Used TAT to measure needs
- Need for affiliation group primed further in post-film writing about love and caring
- S-IgA measured before and after
- Measured number of illnesses in the year
- Those who watched Mother-Teresa Film had an increase of S-IgA = increased immune functioning
- Protective effects of need for affiliation
- No overall change in need for power
- Sub group with inhibited power motive syndrome = sensitive to need for power, low affiliation. Had low S-IgA after WW2 film
What sort of jobs will high need for power people seek?
- Leadership and managerial
- Teaching - high generativity
- More children