Topic 5: The UK's Evolving Human Landscape Flashcards
Population density
The number of people per kilometre squared
Lots of cities put together
Multiplier effect
Where more people are needed if you do something
Counter urbanisation
Moving out of urban areas to suburbs
Rural periphery
Areas away from the urban cores
Enterprise zone
A compromise from the government to encourage people or big firms to move there. For example, they might reduce taxes or provide start-up costs
Regional development grants
Grant of money to allow companies to start up in rural areas. However, funds are small.
EU grants
Where the EU provides grants for rundown areas. However, that is across the whole of the UK
Transport/Internet improvements
Improving transport links to rural areas and getting faster Internet so people can work from home
Movement of people into a country
Movement out of the country
Net migration
Balance between immigration and emigration
Anything that comes out of the air, land or sea
Use raw materials to make things or assemble things
Service industry. For example, insurance, transport, advertising Etc.
Knowledge based industry
Knowledge economy
An economy based on specialised knowledge and skill
Flexible, you can work anywhere. You do the same job in different places across the country or the world
Increased connections between countries around the world. This can be due to TNC’s, shipping route or containerisation
Urban structure
How the city land uses are structured
The actual piece of land built on
The location within the surrounding area including the UK
How easy it is to connect and travel to other places
Building age
Different ages of buildings
Housing density
How developed a housing area. High density = lots of houses per km2 and a high number of people
Land use zones
The land use structure
Environmental quality
The quality of the environment
Air, land, sea
Free trade
The free flow of goods and services between places. No tariffs added
The change of ownership from the public sector (government) to the private sector (owned by shareholders)
Foreign direct investment
Investment from abroad
Transnational corporations
A company that operates in more than one country and therefore causes more globalisation
Global shift
The change of location of companies usually from developed to developing world countries
Airport “hub”
Lots of links around the world.
The lack of access to goods and services needed to live a good quality of life
Decreased activity in manufacturing and closure of industries, leading to unemployment
The decline of the total population of an area
Shift of shopping activity and employment away from the CBD to new areas
The movement of people from the inner suburbs to the outer suburbs
The movement of people from the outer suburbs in towards the city
Green belt
Undeveloped areas of land around the edge of cities with strict planning controls