Topic 5 - Global development Flashcards
What are 3 economic factors that comprise quality of life?
Job security
Standard of living
What are 3 social factors that comprise quality of life?
Family and friends
What are 4 physical factors that comprise quality of life?
Water supply
Environmental hazards
What are 3 psychological factors that comprise quality of life?
What are 3 measurement indexes that measure development?
Gross Domestic Product
Human Development index
Corruption perceptions index
What measurements make up the Human Development Index (HDI)?
Life expectancy
Mean years of schooling
Expected years of schooling
What does GNI stand for?
Gross National Income
What 4 trends do we see happen as countries develop?
- Infant mortality rate falls
- Total fertility rate falls
- Life expectancy rises
- % of population living in urban areas rises
What two measuring systems do we use to measure inequality?
Gini Coefficient
Gross Disposable Household Income
Give 7 examples of global strategies to reduce uneven development.
- International aid
- Fair trade
- Debt relief
- Remittances
- Top-down development
- Bottom-up development
Give 6 different types of aid.
- Tied aid
- Multilateral aid
- Bilateral aid
- Charitable aid
- Long-term aid
- Short-term aid.
What does the level of development of a country show?
How economically, socially, culturally or technologically advanced it is.
What is the human development index?
A compound index used to measure development - key components are education, health and wealth.
Give 8 measures that can measure development.
Birth rate
Death rate
Access to clean water
Number of people per doctor
GNI per capita
Infant mortality rate
Life expectancy
Literacy rate
What does GNI per capita mean?
The total income of a country divided by the number of people in that country.
Gross National Income
What is infant mortality rate?
The number of infants that do not survive past the age of 1 per 1,000 live births.
What is literacy rate?
The percentage of adults that can read and write.
What does DTM stand for?
Demographic transition model.
What is the DTM?
Shows 5 stages of development - how population, birth rate and death rate are linked depending on level of development.
Why is the HDI the best measurement of develpoment?
Because it takes into account both economic and social measures.
What is an example of a physical factor that can influence development?
Very hot climates or arid climates which make it difficult to grow sufficient food.
What are some examples of environmental factors that can influence development?
Extreme flooding or desertification.
What is desertification?
Desert conditions in arid regions due to human activities, drought or CC.
What are 5 factors contributing to the human development of a country?
- economic
- social
- cultural
- technological
- food and water security