Topic 5 : Circulatory Systems Flashcards
What does the circulatory system do
Carries oxygen and nourishment to the tissues and removes waste produce
What three parts is the circulatory system composed of
Heart, blood and blood vessels
Where is the heart positioned
Behind the ribcage and between the lungs
What kind of organ is the heart
Roughly what size is the heart
The size of a clenched fist
What does the heart do
It pumps to keep the transport system moving
What type of walls does the heart have
Thick muscular
How many pumps is the heart divided into
How many chambers does each pump of the heart have
What are the two superior receiving chambers called
What are the two inferior pumping chambers called
What is the upper, smaller, thin walled chamber called
What is the lower, larger, thick walled chamber called
What does the upper atrium do
Receives blood coming in from the veins
What does the lower ventricle do
Contracts to squeeze blood out into the arteries
Where does the deoxygenated blood travel
Along the pulmonary arteries to the lungs where it receives fresh supplies of oxygen and becomes bright red
Where does the oxygenated blood flow in the heart
Along the pulmonary veins to the hearts left side pump
When the oxygenated blood leaves the left side of the heart what happens
Travels through arteries which gradually divide into capillaries
What happens in the capillaries
Food and oxygen are released to the body cells and carbon dioxide and other waste products are returned to the bloodstream which then travels in veins back to the right side of the heart
What does blood consist of
55% fluid, plasma and 45% solids, blood cells or corpuscles
What is plasma composed of
Water, mineral salts, proteins, nutrients, gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen) in solution, waste products, hormones, and enzymes
What three types do blood cells consist of
Red blood cells (erythrocytes), white blood cells (leucocytes) and platelets (thrombocytes)
What do red blood cells do and contain
Carry oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and contain a pigment called haemoglobin
What is haemoglobin
It helps the oxygen so the oxygen is absorbed by the blood
What three things make up white blood cells
Polymorphonuclear leucocytes (75% of total white blood cells), lymphocytes, and monocytes
What are white blood cells, what do they do
They are defensive and are concerned with the production of antibodies and the ingestion of cell debris and bacteria
What are platelets in the blood
They are concerned with the clotting of blood
What are blood vessels divided into
Arteries and veins
What do arteries carry
Oxygenated blood from the lungs to the tissues
What do veins carry
Deoxygenated blood from the tissues back to the heart before being pumped to the lungs where a gaseous exchange takes place
What types of vessels are both arteries and veins
What type of walls are arteries made of
Thicker walls which are capable of contraction and expansion
How do veins help to regulate the direction of blood flow to the heart
They are supplied with valves
What does the term tissue perfusion mean
The flow of blood into the tissues
What does severe inadequate tissue perfusion lead to
A clinical syndrome known as shock