Topic 5 Flashcards
Aka Nuclear__, are physicians who use radioactive materials to diagnose and treat disease.
Nuclear medicine radiologist
Nuclear Medicine __ work with nuclear instrumentation and radiation dosimetry
Nuclear medicine physicist
Once known as radiopharmacist, specialize in preparing, dispensing, and distributing radiopharmaceuticals or radioactive drugs
Nuclear pharmacist
Works closely with the nuclear medicine radiologist. The technologist may prepare and administer radiopharmaceuticals, perform imaging procedures, enhancing images utilizing a computer and analyzes biomedical specimens.
*He/she also performs statistical analysis of the data and must digitally process the images.
*Key responsibilities: Patient Safety and accurate documentation.
Nuclear medicine technologist
He/she reviews the imaging protocols used in the nuclear medicine department and reviewing all dosimetry records for the facilty.
He/She served on the radiation safety committee.
Radiation safety officer
__is required if the activity administered to the patient is __ or __ than (15mCi), or if the dose rate at __ distance from the radioactive patient is __ or __ than (2.5 mrem) per hour.
equal, greater 0.6 GBq
1 meter
equal, greater 25 mSv
The __ is often chosen for treatment of hyperthyroidism because of its simplicity: it is given in a single dose. Another advantages of __ is its lack of side effects.
Treatment for hyperthyroidism is almost always done in an outpatient basis because the dose required is relatively small.
The __ is swallowed in a single dose, in capsule or liquid form and is quickly absorbed into the blood stream in the GI tract and concentrated from the blood by the thyroid gland;
The patient will be able to return home following radioactive iodine treatment, but should avoid prolonged close contact with other people for several days, particularly to pregnant women and small children.
Nearly all the radioactive iodine leaves the body during the first 2 days following the treatment, primarily through the __. Small amounts will also be excreted through __,__,__,__, and __.
radioactive iodine (RAI)
radioiodine I-131
saliva, sweat, tears, vaginal secretion and feces
For RAI (I-131) patients with __, one of the most common side effect is hypothyroidism
graves disease
Recommendations for patients undergoing RAI:
Patient should be well hydrated
Patient should urinate frequently
Patient should use antiperspirant medication
Patient should avoid the use of laxatives
When possible, each patient receiving radiopharmaceutical for therapy and is hospitalized shall be provided with a __ furnished with private toilet and bathroom, and entrance door posted with appropriate radiation warning sign.
Dedicated room
Monitoring px
Furniture and telephone sets are surveyed
Areas suspecting to be contaminated are surveyed
The __ must make daily visits on the patient to conduct an overall radiologic assessment. Records of such visit must be attached or incorporated in the patient’s chart. Any event, problem or unforeseen circumstances involving the radioactive patient must be reported to the __ and must be incorporated in a log book/patient’s chart.
Radiation survey of the room and the surrounding areas must be conducted immediately after administration of the therapeutic dosage of the radioactive material.
Radiation protection officer (RPO)
Exposure rates shall be measured at the bedside, ____ . The RPO must determine how long the visitors may remain outside a delineated area which shall be posted on the patient’s chart and on the door.
He must conduct daily monitoring of the room and the surrounding areas and recalculate permitted times for visitors.
1 meter away from the patient and at the door
The __ or the __ must conduct regular assessment of the patient to determine potential radiation effects on the patient other than that intended by the therapy procedures. Any potential effects must be recorded and evaluated.
authorized user, physician
the __ who will be attending to hospitalized radioactive patients must have a basic knowledge on radiation protection and must be properly trained to handle such patients. The nursing staff must be instructed on the details of the nature and activity of the radioactive substances, the time and date of administration and any relevant instructions for nurses and visitors.
The __ must be provided with a personnel monitor, if possible. __ must limit their time spent near the radioactive patient. Special restrictions must be noted on the patient’s chart. Nurses must become familiar with the RPO’s instructions or restrictions before attending the patient.
Attending nuclear medicine technologist must wear __ or __ when handling __, __, __, . After use, they must dispose the gloves in the designated radioactive waste container then wash their hands.
disposable rubber or plastic gloves
urinals, bedpans, emesis basins, etc
Occupational dose
The annual limit of the occupational dose to an individual adult__ (0.05 Sv)
The annual limit on the occupational dose to the lens of the eye is __(0.15 Sv).
The annual limit on the occupational dose to the skin and other extremities is the shallow-dose equivalent of __ (0.5 Sv).
The total effective dose equivalent to individual members of the public is __ (0.001 Sv) per year.
However, this limit can be increased to __ (0.005 Sv) provided the need for such a higher limit is demonstrated.
The dose in an unrestricted area from an external source is __ (0.02mSv) in an hour.
5 rem
15 rem
50 rem
0.1 rem
0.5 rem
2 mrem
the patient can be discharged if the radiation level at __ from the patient is less than __. Even if the patient will be discharged, he must not come in contact with children or pregnant women.
one meter, 2.5 mR/hr