Topic 4b: Microbial Diversity Flashcards
what are phototrophic bact
chlorophyll based
phylum cyanobact
oxygenic (PS I and II); use E of light to make org compounds
–have thylakoid mems and carboxysomes (have intermol struct where photosynth occurs)
co2 fixers
not all phototrophic
g neg
blue/green algae
most obligate photolithotophs (water = e donor)
-may use gas vacuoles to locate in water (to get to right dist from light)
-or gliding motility or ligh sensory organs
-many = N fixers
why are cyanobact imp
do ab 1/3 of all co2 fixation
have biofuel potential
purple sulfur bact
anaerobe, usu photolithoautotrophs
-use H2S = e D (litho)
–gets fully ox’d to S stored in granules
-fix co2 (auto)
split into chromatiacaea (sulfur granules internal to cell) and extothiorhodospiraceae (sulfur granules externally stored)
purple non sulfur bact
more w protobact
phylogenetically and metabolically diverse
usu photoheterotrophs
-can use C from organis as e source and other things
anoxygenic photosynthesis
*dif than sulf bact based on mems where photosynth happens
–no xtra photosynth mems (doing it all in PM)
green sulf bact
anoxygenic phototrophs
obligate anaerobic photolithoautotrophs
e D = H2S, elemental sulfur, hydrogen
sulfur granules external to cell (like purp)
have organelles (struct that contains their photosynth)
–chlorosome (contains photosyn pigments)
-can use gas vesicle to position selves
have diverse morphology
g neg
diverse morph
photoautotrophs, chemolithotrophs, chemoheterotrophs
5 classes
alpha proteo
most abundant bact in oceans
oligotroph - can live on low nuts
what are the 2 orders of alphaproteo
-g neg
-parasitic or mutualistic
-lack glycolytic pathways (get away w this bc para/mut t/f rely on s/o else to get food)
-have tca cycle
-cause typhus (affected napoleon)
-fix N and grow symb w plants
-agrobact (plant pathogen)
-brucella (animal pathogen)
beta proteo
Chemoheterotrophs, photolithotrophs, chemolithotrophs
2 orders of beta proteo
-non motiles, aerobic, g neg
-causes meningitus (inflammation to brain)
-causes gonnorhea (STI w antibiotic resisyance)
-includes Bordetella (mammal parasite, causes pertusssis)
gamma proteo
physiologically diverse
4 main orders (legionellales, pseudomonadales, enterobacteriales, vibrionales)
g proteo - legionellales
intracellular pathogens w dimorphic lifestyles (2 cell types)
-can form highly infectious cysts called mature intracellular forms (MIFs)
–causes pnemonia
g proteo - pseudomonadales
use entner-doudoroff
can use p. aeruginosa to study biofilms
-obligate respirer (use ETC); internal e A varies
-opportunistic pathogen, cystic fibrosis
-can degrade polyaromatic hydrocarbons
photorhabdus luminescens
-angels glow (better prognosis)
-nemotoad and bact = mutualistic and toxins to break insects made wounds cleaner
endo v exo toxin
endo - LPS (on surface of cell)
exo - made and secreted (create toxin and pumped into env)
g proteo - enterobacteriales
use embden myerhoff
divided in ferm prods
-mixed acid or butanediol (ethanol and co2; less acidic)
common = e coli, salmonella, shigella, klebsiella, yersinia
what caused plague/black death
yersinia pestis (g proteobact - entero)
get enlarged lymph nodes
detah 3-5 days
g proteo - vibrionales
g neg, fac anaerobes
-diarrhea, water/food borne
-use die from dehyd
-john snow (epidemiology - study of numbers w disease)
-bact enters cell, efflux Cl which go outside and release water to balance (exotoxin secreted into env which causes symptoms)
delta proteo
anaerobic sulfur or sulfate reducing bact (imp for S cycle)
bdellovibrionales - can act as predator
epsilon proteo
g neg
2 pathogens = camplybacter and helicobacter (can cause alcers)
g neg
anearob/ fac anaer, or aerobes
causes lyme disease and syphilis
move w flagella, anchored and tucked in bw mems (rotates like corkscrew)
–can evade IS bc flagella protected by sheath (outer sheath foes not have LPS which is usu target)
more ab stds/syphilis
no tca or ox phos t/f imports ATP
intracellular parasite affecting CNS and cardiovasc syst
penicillan to treat
Tuskgee exp
class bacteroides = imp
-common in gut
-anaer chemoheterotroph
-g neg, non spore forming
-dont reduce S
obligate intracellular parasite (need host to survive bc have small genome now cant do glycolysis/make atp)
g neg
non motile cocci
has 2 dif life forms (elemental body = smaller, denser, met inert inside host; once in cell, stim’d and do binary fission)