Topic 3d: Controlling growth Flashcards
-chem/phys agent that inactivates microbes (decreases # of cells)
-use decimal reduction time (D) = time req’d to kill 90% of microbes
all cells, spores destroyed or removed
killing or severly lim’g growth that may cause disease (not sterile!!)
treat object to make it safe to handle
like disinfection, level of microbes reduced
chem agents to kill pathog microbes in tissue
use chem agents to kill or inhibit growth of microbes on host tissue
what factors effect efficiency of biocide
-pop size
-pop composition
-[] /intensity of antimicrobial agent
-contract time
using heat to control
moist heat kills lots
boiling does not sterilize
–must autoclave
–pasteurization (short blast of high temo, not ster, but remove pathogens/bact that could spoil food)
–tyndallization (ster, and let sit, let endospores germ, then boil, repeat to get rid of spores)
using radiation to control
-UV - low amnt of penetration
-like disinfectant to decrease microbe load
-only good for surface
-ionizing (deep penetration, destroys spores)
-good for food treatment, not viruses
using filtration to control (4 ways)
1) depth filters - thick layer w small diam channels (not sterile)
2) Hepa filt - high eff air filt, 0.3 um retention)
3) Membrane filt -porous mems w variety of pore sizes
4) Nucleopore filt - polycarbonate film irradiated and chemically etched (control pore size); good for e mic
using chems
-for disinfection (for inanimate) and antisepsis (for live) to decrease mic load
-effective against wide range or orgs at low []s
-overuse can lead to resistance
chem - alc and phenolics
-alcs: dont ster/kill spores, just denature prots
-phenolics: denat prots and disrupt mems; Lister used; disinfectant
–dif than alc bc remains active for longer periods of time
—can be used to kill agents of TB
chem - halogens
F, Cl, Br, I = common biocides
I - ox’s part of cell and mods prots
—tincture = KI in water/ethanol used as antiseptic
—idophor = I w organic carrier is water sol to reduce irritation (used in hosps)
Cl - ox’s cell material, kills almost all microorgs; also reacts w organic compounds
chem - heavy metals and detergents
Hm - rare; s/t use silv nitrate or copper sulfate
dets - good for disinfect; amphiphilic, can disrupt mems and denat prots
chem - aldehydes and sterilizing gases
ald - highly reactive, inactive nu acids and prots, fixative, sporicidal
sterilizing agents - ethylene oxide both microbicial and sporocidal; alkylating agents react w dna prots
component added puts e/t on hold, bact cant grow anymore
cells being killed but no drop in total cell count bc even though dying, not breakinf apart
kills cells and bust them open
what are the methods to test effectiveness (3)
1) dilution tests
2) diffusion test
3) phenol coefficient test