Topic 4: Validation and Verification Flashcards
What is validation of data?
Validation is a process that ensures data being put into a system is sensible and reasonable.
A process that ensures data being put into a system is sensible and reasonable is what?
Validation of data.
Name and describe how one validation method could be used in a website registration form.
Name: A software developer will write a short piece of code that prevents data being entered if it doesn’t fit certain rules.
Describe: A website registration form would require a presence check for essential fields such as name and address.
A format check could be used to make a date of birth is entered as DD/MM/YYYY.
A range check could be used to ensure that the year of birth makes sense for an adult between the ages of 16 - 99.
A presence check is a type of what method?
A format check is a type of what method?
A range check is a type of what method?
What is a presence check?
Occurs for essential fields on forms, i.e. name and address.
What is a format check?
Occurs to make sure that the format of information is correct, i.e. to make sure that a date of birth is entered as DD/MM/YYYY.
What is a range check?
Occurs to make sure that information makes sense, i.e. to make sure that a year of birth makes sense for an adult between the ages of 16-99.
Give an example of data validation in a website registration form that requires ‘presence’.
A website registration form usually has a validation check which prevents someone from leaving if they have left a essential field blank. These would likely be things like first name, or address.
What is verification of data?
A verification check involves comparing two sources of the same data to ensure they are identical.
A process that involves comparing two sources of the same data to ensure they are identical is known as what?
Verification check.
What is an example of a verification check?
An example of a verification check is needing to enter a new password twice. This is also known as double entry.
Needing to enter a new password twice is an example what kind of what kind of check?
Verification check.
An employee proof reading data on a computer to ensure it is the same as the original paper source is an example of what kind of verification?
Manual verification.
Give an example of manual verification.
An example of manual verification is an employee proof reading data on a computer to ensure it is the same as the original paper source.
Why are validation checks and verification checks necessary?
Validation and verification checks are necessary in order to reduce the number of errors that get into a data system. The aim is to reduce the problem of GIGO.
Define GIGO (Data, Information, and Knowledge)
Do validation and verification checks ensure data input into a system is perfect?
No, it is impossible to ensure that data held on a computer is 100% perfect.
There will always be some errors that get through because not everything can be checked.
If a developer is very careful to code plenty of validation and verification checks, can they be sure that all customer addresses are correct?
No. This is because only the customer knows if their address is old or new/current.
If the customer is asked to confirm their address, however, this is a better verification check.
A check which occurs to see if a postcode is not longer than 8 characters is called what?
A length check.
A check which occurs to see if the first and last name are completed is called what?
A presence check.
A check which occurs to see if someones age is between 12 and 100 is called what?
A range check.
A check which occurs to see if a username is taken or not is called what?
A file/table look-up.
A human error is known as what kind of error?
A transcription input error.
What is a transcription input error?
A human error.
Give two examples of a transcription input error.
Occurs due to a typing mistake
Misreading handwriting.
What check can be used to detect transmission errors?
Parity check.
A parity check is sometimes used to detect what kind of errors?
Transmission errors.
Describe how even parity is used to detect transmission errors.
The binary code for the ASCII character ‘C’ contains three ones (1000011). An extra parity bit is therefore set to 1 before transmission so that the number of ones is even. This is called ‘even parity’. If after this the total number of ones at the receiving end is not even then an error must have occurred,
An error check that notifies the consumer that the long credit card number must not have letters of special characters is called what?
A type validation check.
An error check that notifies the consumer that their postcode does not match their billing address is known as what?
A cross-field validation check.
An error check that notifies the consumer that their password entries do not match is known as what?
A verification check.
An error check that notifies the consumer that they must enter their email in the form xxx@xxx.xx.xx is known as what?
A format check.