Topic 4 - Urban Futures Flashcards
What is a slum?
A cowded urban area where people live in inadquate housing and poor living conditions
Why do slums usually develop in EDC and LIDC’s?
Slums develop in LIdc’s and EDC’s because they are growing faster than they can be planned and their infranstructure is unable to cope with the growing population.
How many people globaly live in slums?
over 1 billion
What basic services do most slums lack?
A clean water supply, reliable sanitation in cluding a sewage system, relaible electricity, waste collection, roads and street lighting.
Where are the biggest slums located?
Kenya, south africa, india, pakistan, mexico
Why do slums grow? rural-urban migration
Rural-urban migration: when loads of people arrive in the country, they move to the city for jobs and education, they are prepared to live anywhere
Why do slums grow? unemployment
People are forced to live in cheap housing if they cant find a job or if they have to work on low wages
Why do slums grow? poor urban planning
Lack of money or poor organisation mean that cities do not build enough afordable houses for residents
Why do slums grow? poor infranstructure
Poor roads and lack of transport force people to live in a place where they will be able to travel to work easiy
What is a mega city?
A mega city is where a city has a population with over 10 million
What is a world city?
A world city is where it has a lot of connection which are the most important cities in the global econmy
What is urban?
towns, cities, crowded, poor, rich, polluted
What is suburbanisation?
The growth of suburbs as the cities grow outwards due to the increase movenment of people and industries
What are some urban push factors?
- smog and pollution from heavy industry
- changing econmy lack of industrial jobs in urban areas e.g delcine of automobile industry
- De-industrilisation led to urban decline in inner city areas
- poor quality of schools
- lack of green space
- natural disasters
- war and conflict
- droughts
What are some suburban pull factors?
- employment oppotunities, shift to service type jobs means that buisness dont need to locate in CBD
- better schools and services
- shopping centres
- technological development, people can work from home
what is urbanisation
the increase of people living in urban areas such as towns and cities
what type of cities are there
- megacities
- world city
what are examples of world cities
- london
- Tokyo
- new york
- paris
what are some examples of mega cities
- dhaka
- shanghai
- delhi
what are push factors
something that pushes people out of that place
what are pull factors
something that draws people to a place
what are some pull factors for urbanisation
- more jobs
- better education and healthcare
- increased quality of life
- following family members
What social consequences of rapid urbanisation are there?
- Little official housing available
- Infrastructure struggles to support the growing population
- Increased crime rates
What environmental consequences of rapid urbanisation are there?
- Rubbish may not be collected
- Sewage and toxic waste pollutes river environment
- Increased congestion produces more pollution
What economical consequences of rapid urbanisation are there?
- may not be enough jobs
what are the casestudys
- Istanbull
- newcastle