Topic 4 - Nutrition Flashcards
nutrient that is required by the body in large amounts (carbs, fats, protein)
nutrient that is require by the body in small amounts (vitamin, minerals)
Kilojoules (kJ)
a unit for measuring energy intake or expenditure
- provides fuel for the body
- preferred fuel of energy cos rich in glucose
- required for metabolism & growth
Food sources - veggies, rice, bread
Nutrtional imbalance:
- - stored as adipose tissue - weight gain
- ^ can develop sleep apnoea
- provides a feeling of fullness
- reduces cholesterol
- absorbs water, bulky faces, no constipation
Food sources - wholemeal bread, grains, seeds
Nutritional imbalance:
- underconsumption - risk of uncontrolled cell growth, tumours, colorectal cancer
- build, maintain and repair body cells
- 2nd fuel for energy if not enough carbs
Food sources - eggs, legumes, fish
Nutritional imbalance:
- overconsumption - stored as adipose tissue, weight gain, sleep apnoea
Monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats
- reduce cholesterol
- support brain function
- promote health of heart & blood vessels
Food sources - nuts, fish, avocado
Nutritional imbalance:
- overconsumption - CDV
Saturated and trans fats
- increase cholesterol
- fuel for energy
Food sources - milk, margarine, cheese
Nutritional imbalance:
- overconsumption - increased cholesterol, hypertension -> CVD
- required for energy for all chemical reactions
- a key component of many cells, tissues, blood and systems
Food sources - watermelon, apple, lettuce
- required for building bone tissue
- required for building hard tissue (teeth, cartilage)
Food sources - milk, cheese, yoghurt
Nutritional imbalance:
- underconsumption - osteoporosis
- regulates fluids in body (water, blood)
- fluid drawn to sodium - balance fluid in vs out of cells
Food Sources - salt, olive, fish
Nutritional imbalance:
- overconsumption - hypertension -> CVD
- forms the ‘haem’ in haemoglobin
- ^ carries oxygen around body
Food Sources - chicken, egg, tofu
Nutritional imbalance:
- underconsumption - anaemia
Vitamin D
- absobs calcium from intestine into bloodstream
- cell growth and development
Food sources - fish, egg yolks, cheese
Nutritional imbalance:
- underconsumption - low calcium absorbed - weak bones
B-group vitamins: B1, B2, B3
- essential for metabolising - converting fuels to energy
Food Sources - vegemite, eggs, fish
Nutritional imbalance:
- underconsumption - lack of energy, slowed muscle and bone growth
Folate - B9
- imprortant for DNA synthesis - required for cells to duplicate
- development of red blood cells
Food Sources- green leafy veg, citrus fruits, eggs
Vitamin B12
- formation of red blood cells
- ^they’re corrects size & shape
Food Sources - meat, eggs, cheese
Advantages and disadvantages of the AGHE
- includes water
- fruit and vegetables are separate
- is visual and includes pictures so that it can be easily understood
- doesn’t give serving sizes
- may be difficult to categorise mixed foods
Advantages and disadvantages of the HEP
- promotes herbs and spices to use for flavour
- suitable for all to read including children and people with limited food knowledge
- refers to salt and sugar with pictures and a cross to advise not to use in excess
- no serving sizes
- doesn’t include sometimes foods
- doesn’t categorise foods that may belong to different groups
Food marketing strategies
- immersive marketing
- infiltration of social media
- collection of personal data
- location-based mobile marketing
- celebrity endosements
- product placement
- social influence/blogger marketing
Enablers and barriers to healthy eating
Social - family, friends, ses, social media and advertising
Cultural factors - religion, ethnicity, gender
Political factors - food policies/laws, health promotion, food labelling