Topic 3 - Transport Systems in Plants Flashcards
What is the function of the Xylem ?
Xylem tissue transport waster and mineral ions in a solution from the roots of the plants to the leaves.
Describe the structure of Xylem
- Xylem consist of xylem vessels which are long tube like structurees which are formed from dead cells joined end to end.
- There are no end walls, allowing for water and mineral ions to pass through the middle easily.
- The walls of the cells are made of lignin which is waterproof
- however pits are formed where there is no lignin, this allows water to move from one vessel to an adjacent vessel.
What is transpiration ?
Loss of water from a plant’s surface
What is a transpiration stream ?
The movement of water from the roots of the plant to the leaves where it evapourates.
How does a transpiration stream work ?
- Water evaporates from the stomata when they open , it moves down the concentration gradient by diffusion.
- This creates tension, pulling more water up to the leaves.
- Water molecules are cohesive meaning the column of water in the xylem moves upwards from the roots, enters the stems and up to the leaves where it will diffuse out of.
- Trunk diameter decreases.
What 4 things affect transpiration rate ?
How does light affect transpiration rate ?
- The lighter it is, the faster the transpiration rate, this is because the stonata open when it gets light to let in carbon dioxide for photosynthesis - allowing for water to diffuse down its concentration gradient into the atmoshphere and evapourate .
- When its dark, stomata close so theres little transpiration.
How does temperature affect transpiration rate ?
- as temperature increases, water molecules are given more kinetic energy
- so they diffuse out of cells faster, this creates a large concntration gradient causing water to difffuse out of the stomata faster
- increasing transpiration rate.
How does humidity affect transpiration rate ?
The lower the humidity, the faster the transpiration rate because dry air around the leaf increases the concentration gradient between the leaf and the atmosphere, this increases the transpiration rate.
How does wind affect transpiration rate ?
The windier it is, the faster the transpirationrate because lots of air movement blows away water molecules from the stomata, increasing the concentration gradient and therfore, the rate of transpiration.
What does a potometer measure ?
The water uptake of a plant, but it assumes that water uptake is directly linked to water loss (transpiration rate)
How would you use a potometer ?
- Cut a shoot underwater to prevent air bubbles from entering the xylem. Cut it diagonally to increase the surface area.
2.Assemble the potometer underwater and insert the shoot underwater so that no air can enter.
3.Remove tha apparatus from the water but keep the end of the capillary tube submerged in water. Check tha apparatus is water tight and air tight.
4.Dry the leaves, allow time for the shoot to acclimatise and then shut the tap.
5.Remove the end of the capillary tube from the beaker of water until one air bubble has forme, then re submerge it in the beaker.
6.Record the starting postion of the air bubble, start a stop eatch and record the distance of the bubble every hour for 6 hours. The rate of the air bubble movement is an estimate of the transpiration rate.
What is the function of translocation ?
The movement of solutes (amino acids and sucrose) from sources to sinks in a plant.
What is a source ?
Where the solute are loaded onto the phloem ( high concentration), for example the leaf.
What is a sink ?
Where solutes are removed from the phloem (Low concentration), for example roots.