Topic 3 - Gas exchange Flashcards
Where is the exchange system of oxygen in fish ?
The gills
How do gills have a large surface area ?
The gills consist of thin plates called gill filaments. These are also covered in lamellae.
How does lamellae speed up diffusion ?
- They increase the surface area
- They have lots of blood capillaries
- They have a thin surface layer of cells
How does the counter-current system in fish work ?
- water enters the fish through its mouth.
- The blood flows through the gills in the opposite direction to the water.
- This maintains a large concentration gradient down the whole length of the gill - there’s always a higher concentration of oxygen in the water than the blood so that it can diffuse down its gradient into the blood.
How does air enter an insect ?
Through pores on its surface called spiracles.
Explain how gas exchange works in insects
- Insects use rhythmic abdominal movements to move air into the spiracles by changing the pressure.
- Air enters the insect through pores called spiracles on the insect’s surface.
- The air enters tracheae (tubes with rings of chitin) and then these branch into tracheoles which are smaller tubes that are go into individual cells.
- The oxygen diffuses down its concentration gradient from the air in the tracheoles into the cells.
- Carbon dioxide then diffuses down its concentration gradient out of the cell and towards the spiracles.
How does air move in and out of spiracles
Insects use rhythmic abdominal movements to move air into and out of the spiracles by changing pressure
How are the tracheoles a good exchange surface ?
- They have thin permeable walls so the diffusion distance is short
- They are branched so there is a large surface area
- They enter tissues so short diffusion distance
How are tracheae strengthened ?
They have rings of chitin
How is gas exchange in insects a fast system ?
There’s no need for gases to bind to pigments like haemoglobin, also oxygen doesn’t need to travel in the blood stream to get to cells
Why can insects not be larger ?
Because gas is diffusing directly in and out of their body so bigger size would mean more cells and therefore a greater diffusion distance so gas exchange would not be efficient for the insect.
What can happen to tracheoles when the insect is resting ?
Tracheoles can fill with fluid to limit diffusion
What happens to active insects?
lactic acid concentration increases in the muscle cells, this draws water into the cells by osmosis
What adaptations do insects have to minimize water loss ?
- They have a small surface area to volume ratio
- A tough waxy, waterproof exoskeleton which stops them from drying out
- They have the ability to close spiracles using their muscles
- Spiracles have hairs to trap humid air.
- All of this reduces evaporation
Where is the main exchange surface in plants ?
the mesophyll cells as they have a large surface area and air gaps.