Topic 3 Flashcards
why are the foundational values important
- illumines social settings in which
indigenous law emerged and explains why
it struggles to fit with modern conditions - enhances scholarly understanding of the
relationship between values and laws - offer a nuanced approach to the adaptive
interaction of laws in post-colonial
what are the 2 elements that laws are composed of
- social behaviour
2. sense of obligation
what holds the the two elements of law together
Are all social behaviours law?
All laws express social behaviour but not all social behaviour is law
What gives social obligation the character of law
a sense of obligation
What does a sense of obligation flow from
Normative value = the purpose of social behaviour –> the how and why social behaviour arises , operates and changes
What is the definition of a value
Individual or collective beliefs which people hold about what is wrong or right / useful and useless what is appropriate and condemnable in society/ social behaviour
What other role does the law serve other than its primary regulatory function
the law serves as a repository of values and expression of values
what are 5 indigenous law values
- Best interest of family and duty of care for dependants
- Preservation of the ancestral home
- Ubuntu
- Family involvement in marriage
- fair trade
What are indigenous values shaped by
the social settings in which the norms emerged
what are the social settings in which the law emerged marked by
for what 2 reasons are social settings marked by communality
- defence against wild animals, bandits and slave raiders
2. agriculture in which wealth was produced communally organised by a historical figure
Explain best interest of the family and duty of care to dependants
Male primogeniture: the male operates with best interest of family as foundational value of inheritance
- inherits properties of deceased person as well as their social status and responsibilities to maintain the dependants
Explain preservation of the ancestral home
important cultural and spiritual symbol that demands respect and preservation
There is a connection between the material world and spiritual world and a reverence for ancestral spirits.
translate motho ke motho ka batho ba bang
a person is a person because of or through other people - ubuntu