TOPIC 3 Flashcards
the health history provides
Subjective data for health assessment
Objective data (the signs perceived by examiner through physical examination)
what physical assessment tools are performed on a patient? (in order)
inspection begins at…
general survey
what is included general survey
physical appearance
body structure
Concentrated/ close watching/ careful scrutiny
-first the individual as a whole, then each system of the body
inspection requires…
good lighting
adequate exposure
occasional use of instruments
applies your sense of touch to assess temperature, texture, moisture, organ size, location, swelling, lumps, tenderness, pain
best for fine tactile discrimination, as of skin texture, swelling, pulsation, and determining presence of lumps
fingers and thumbs
detection of position, shape, and consistency of an organ or mass (grasping action)
Dorsa (backs) of hands and fingers
best for determining temperature because skin here is thinner than on palms
base of fingers or ulnar surface of hand
best for vibration
bimanual palpation
the use of both hands to envelop or capture certain body parts or organs, such as the kidneys.
tapping the person’s skin with short, sharp strokes to assess underlying structures
direct percussion
striking hand directly contacts body wall
indirect percussion
using both hands, the striking hand contacts stationary hand fixed on person’s skin (use middle finger on dominant hand as “striking finger”)
areas with more air produce what sound?
louder, deeper, longer sound (lungs)
listening to sounds within the body such as heart, blood vessels and lungs (must be channeled through a stethoscope)
Stethoscope does not magnify sound, but
blocks out extraneous sounds
The diaphragm is best for
high pitched sounds (breath, bowel, normal heart sounds)
bell is best for
low pitched sounds (extra heart sounds or murmurs)
hold the diaphragm
hold the bell
lightly to form a seal
what is the single most important step to decrease microorganism transmission
washing your hands
when do you want to wear gloves
before and after physical contact with each patient
risk of contact with any body fluids (blood, mucous membranes, body fluid, drainage, open skin lesions)