NSG 316 TOPIC 1 Flashcards
Follow-up database
A follow up will occur so that the status of any identified problems can be evaluated (this will be done at regular and appropriate intervals).
second level priority
include mental status changed, acute pain, infection risk, abnormal lab values, and elimination problems.
third level priority
include lack of knowledge, mobility problems, and family coping
concentrated watching, first of the individual as a whole then of each body system. Inspection begins the moment you first meet the person and develop a “general survey.”
applies your sense of touch to assess: temperature, moisture, organ location and size and any swelling, vibration or pulsation, rigidity or spasticity, crepitation, presence of lumps or masses and presence of tenderness of pain.
tapping the person’s skin with sort, sharp strokes to assess underlying structures. Depicts location, size, and density of underlying organ.
listening to the sounds produced by the body, such as heart, blood vessels, lungs, and abdomen.
open-ended questions
Asks for narrative information. It states the topic to be discussed but only in general terms. Use it to begin the interview, introduce a new section of questions, and whenever the person introduces a new topic.
general survey
study of the whole person, covering the general health state and any obvious physical characteristics. four components of a general survey are physical appearance, body structure, mobility, and behavior.
close ended questions
Ask for specific information, eliciting a “yes” or “no” response.
What are the ten traps of interviewing?
- Providing false assurance or reassurance
- Giving unwanted advice
- Using authority
- Using avoidance language
- Engaging in distancing
- Using professional jargon
- Using leading or biased questions
- Talking too much
- Interrupting
- Using “why” questions
cultural assessment
the systematic assessment of individuals, families, and communities regarding their health beliefs and values
Steps to Cultural Competence
Understand one’s own heritage-based values, beliefs, attitudes, and practices
Identify meaning of “health” to patient
Understand how health care system works
Acquire knowledge about social backgrounds of patients
Become familiar with languages, interpretive services, and community resources available to nurses and patients
Spirituality Assessment
consider spiritual needs when planning care 1.
“Do you have any religious or spiritual preferences that we can support?”
Refers to a social group that may possess shared traits, such as a common geographic origin, migratory status, religion, language, values, traditions or symbols, and food preferences.
refers to an organized system of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, as well as the attendance of regular services. Religion is a shared experience of spirituality or the values, beliefs, and practices
health history components
- Biographic data
- Reason for seeking care
- Present health or history of present illness
- Past history
- Medication reconciliation
- Family history
- Review of systems
- Functional assessment or activities of daily living (ADLs)
functional assessment
Measures a person’s self-care ability in the areas of general physical health; ADLs, IADLs, and AADLs
ADLs (activities of daily living)
bathing, dressing, toileting, eating, walking
IADLs (instrumental activities of daily living)
refer to functional abilities necessary for independent community living. Typically IADL tasks include shopping, meal preparation, housekeeping, laundry, managing finances, taking medications, and using transportation
AADLs (Advanced Activities of Daily Living)-
instruments commonly include self-care, mobility, work (either paid or volunteer), recreational activities/hobbies, and socialization.
is a long-term depressed mood (≥2 weeks) with lack of pleasure; disturbed sleep and appetite; feelings of hopelessness, guilt, worthlessness, sadness, loneliness, and despair; suicide ideation.
Complete (Total Health) Database
Includes complete health history and full physical examination
Describes current and past health state and forms baseline to measure all future changes
Yields first diagnoses
Focused or Problem-Centered Database
For limited or short term problem. Collect “mini” database, smaller in scope, concerns mainly one problem, ONE cue complex, or ONE body system