Topic 3 Flashcards
Define the Term “Demand.”
The number and types of employees you will need to achieve the organization’s strategic mission
Define the Term “Supply.”
The number and types of employees who will be available now or in the future to fill the jobs
Delphi Technique
A method of group decision-making and forecasting that involves successively collating the judgments of experts.
Developing Data
The first phase of the process of human resources planning. Developing data includes taking inventories of the current workforce, projecting future needs, and understanding what will be required to meet those needs.
Abbreviation for Human Resource Planning
Human Resource Planning
Human resource planning, or HRP, involves forecasting the human resource needs of an organization and planning to meet those needs.
List the Ways That Human Resource Planning Helps Organizations
To consider the organization’s future staffing needs, and to help execute the organization’s business strategy.
Managerial Estimates
The most common method of estimating HR demand. Managerial estimates are typically made by top management (a top-down approach).
Multiple Linear Regression
An extension of simple linear regression analysis. In multiple linear regression, instead of relating employment to just one variable, multiple variables are used.
Nominal Grouping Technique
A group process involving problem identification, solution generation, and decision-making.
Redundancy Planning
HR planning associated with the process of laying off employees who are no longer needed.
Replacement Planning
Replacement planning uses charts that show the names of the current occupants of positions in the organization and the names of likely replacements.
Simple Linear Regression
A projection of future demand is based on a past relationship between the organization’s employment level and a variable related to employment, such as sales. A linear regression shows how these measures are connected.
Succession Planning
Succession planning tends to be long-term, developmental, and flexible. Although succession planning is widely practiced, many employers who use it tend to emphasize characteristics of managers and downplay characteristics of the positions to which the managers may eventually be promoted.
What Actions Are Involved in Reduction Planning, to Maintain Dignity and Morale?
Planning should involve outplacement counseling, buy-outs, job skill retraining, and job transfers.
What Are the 4 Steps or Phases in the HR Planning Process?
Phase 1: Developing Data. Phase 2: Establishing HR Objectives and Polices. Phase 3: HR Programming. Phase 4: HRP Control and Evaluation.
What Are the Factors That Organizations Have Shifted Toward in Order to Attract Employees?
Increase employee self-control, increase bottom-up communications, emphasize intrinsic rewards, create more broadly defined job roles
What Are the Supply Forecasting Methods?
Succession Planning and Replacement Planning
What Is An “Attraction” Plan?
A type of HR program in which the employer creates a workplace culture that attracts and retains workers.
What Is a “Reduction” Plan?
An HR program in which a company needs to lay off employees
When Should Linear Regression Be Used Instead of Multiple Linear Regression?
When you have one variable with which you are forecasting labor demand (need), use linear regression; when there is more than one variable, use multiple regression.
Which of the Demand Data Gathering Methods Are Judgmental Techniques?
Managerial estimate, Delphi technique, nominal grouping technique
Which of the Demand Data Gathering Methods Are Statistical Techniques?
Linear regression, multiple linear regression, productivity ratios, trend analysis, stochastic analysis