topic 2: structure and bonding Flashcards
ionic bonding
strong electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
ions formation
- metals lose electrons from their valence shell, forming positive cations
- these electrons are transferred to non-metal atoms, which gain these to form negative anions
ions electron configuration
Ionic bonds high melting points
lots of energy is required to overcome the very strong electrostatic attraction between oppositely charged ions
ionic compound structure + charge
- lattice
- evenly distributed crystalline structure
- ions are in a regularly repeating pattern so positive cancels out negatice
- so the lattice is NEUTRAL
isoelectronic radius increases with…
ionic radius decreases with…
Why do negative ions with more negative charge have a larger radius?
- outermost e- further away from the positive nucleus
- weak attraction
- more shielding
- larger radius
Why do positive ions with higher charge have a smaller radius?
- same nuclear charge
- less sheielding
- fewer electrons
- stronger electrostatic force of attraction to nucleus
isoelectronic ions
ions with the same electronic configuration
ionic radii of isoelectronic ions
- higher number of protons means electrons are pulled in closer to nucleus
- so largest negative charge is largest
why are ionic compounds solid at room temperature
- high melting point
- lots of energy required to over come strong electrostatic forces of attraction between oppositely charged ions in the lattice
charge of ions effect on melting point
- higher the charge the higher the melting point
- stronger efa between oppositely charged ions
- more energy required to overcome
ionic compounds electrical conductivity
- when solid, ions are in fixed positions in lattice and are unable to move
- can only conduct when molten or in solution has ions can move
ionic compounds dissolve in …
POLAR solvents eg water
how do ionic compounds dissolve
ions are hydrated
general rule of solubility of ionic compounds
the higher the ionic charge the less soluble
electrolysis (evidence of ionic)
- positive ions in solution attracted to negative electrode
- negative ions in solution attracted to positive electrode
cu2+ ions are
CrO4 2- ions are
covalent bond is
strong electrostatic attraction between two nuclei and the shared pair of electrons between them
dative bonding
- lone pair of electrons can be donated to form a bond with an ELECTRON DEFICIENT ATOM
bond energy
is the energy required to break one mole of a particular covalent bond in the gaseous states
bond energy relationship to covalent bond
STRONGER bond = LARGER bond energy
bond length
INTERNUCLEAR DISTANCE of 2 covalently bonded atoms
triple bonds bond length and strength
- large electron density between 2 atoms
- increases attraction between nuclei and electrons between
- so atoms are pulled closer
- stronger covalent bond
how does VSEPR work (eg NH3)
- nitrogen (central atom) has 4 total e- pairs
- 3 bp, 1 lp
- lp-bp repulsion > bp-bp repulsion
- bond angle reduced from 109.5 to 107
- achieves max separation and minimum repulsion
- trigonal pyramidal
ability of an atom to attract the bonding electrons in a covalent bond
most electronegative element is
nuclear charge effect on electronegativity
- more protons = increased attraction for outer shell e-
- INCREASED electronegativity
atomic radius effect on electronegativity
- larger = electrons further, less strongly attracted to nucleus
- decreased electronegativity
shielding effect on electronegativity
- more = increased inner shells = less attractive force from nucleus = decreased electronegativity
electronegativity DOWN a group
- number of protons increase
- each element has an extra filled electron shell, so increased shielding
- increased atom radii
- decreased attraction between nucleus and bonding e-el
electronegativity across a period
- nuclear charge increases
- constant shielding as electrons added to same shells
- attraction increases between nucleus and bonding e-
- smaller atomic radii
non polar
both atoms have same electronegativity
electron density drawing map polar
delta + side is smaller, delta negative side is fatter
what is stronger between INTRAmolecular and INTERmolecular forces
INTRA - eg covalent > hydrogen
strength of imfs
permanent dipole- permanent dipole