Topic 2 Quiz A Flashcards
Leader of multiple churches in a particular denomination; in Roman Catholic faith, the head of a diocese; in the LDS faith, leader of a single congregation
In a Greek Orthodox church, the open area in front of the iconostasis where the casket is placed is known as the
In the Episcopal Church, this would contain rubrics for funeral services as well as other types of services
The Book of Common Prayer
One who carries the crucifix/cross during an ecclesiastical procession.
In the Catholic faith, a chain of adjoining beads and a crucifix used as an aid in the recitation of prayers.
rosary beads
In the Jewish faith, a seven (7) day mourning period
Wings of the main part of the church which may serve as small chapels for baptism, weddings, and even small funeral services.
In the Jewish faith, the anniversary of the death.
In the Eastern Orthodox faith, a holy picture; usually mosaic or painted on wood.
A prescribed order or form of worship specific to a particular denomination which will have the Eucharist or Holy Communion as its central element.
This branch of Judaism would be considered the LEAST strict
Funeral rites without the body present
memorial service
This religious strictly forbids cremation
For those of the Jewish faith, this begins as sundown on Friday
The funeral service of a deceased member of the Church of Christ, Scientist may be held in any of the following places EXCEPT…
- funeral home chapel
- graveside
- Christian Science Church
- Residence
Christian Science Church
The head of the B.P.O.E. lodge is called
Exalted Ruler
The Buddhist place of worship
This religion has a very rigid caste system
With what religious group is it preferable to use terminology such as “passed on” rather than “dead” or “died”?
Christian Science
Which of the following is a Roman Catholic Men’s organization?
- Knights of Columbus
- Masons
- Oddfellows
- Shriners
Knights of Columbus