Comm. Skills, Fun Dir, Fun Serv Manag. & Sociology Flashcards
A deceased member of the Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons) who has received Temple ordinances would be dressed in a robe with
a green apron & white sash
A funeral rite that is adjusted to the needs and wants of those directly involved; one which has been altered to suit the trends of the times
What is the Jewish term for the grave?
What is a prayer shawl worn by men during the Morning Prayer service in the Jewish faith?
In the Jewish faith, what is the skull cap worn by the men at temple services and funeral services?
Who is the contact person for the Knights of Columbus?
Grand Knight
Which of the following would be included in a funeral for a member of the Church of Christ of Latter-day Saints (Mormons)?
- candles
- cross
- crucifix
- a bishop
a bishop
Place the following members of the Roman Catholic Church in order from the highest office down:
- College of Cardinals
- Bishops
- Monsignor
- Pope
- Archbishops
Pope College of Cardinals Archbishops bishops monsignor
Qualifications for burial at sea include:
- active duty members of the uniformed services
- retirees and veterans that were honorably discharged.
- U.S. Citizens that make request to the military
- Dependent family of members of the U.S. Congress.
1 & 2 only
- active duty members of the uniformed services
- retirees and veterans that were honorably discharged.
Application for Military Sea Burial is made to
Navy Mortuary Affairs
Burial at Sea must be how many nautical miles from land?
The Orthodox Jewish gravesite would include:
- lowering device
- wooden planks
- artificial grass
- cloth straps
wooden planks
cloth straps
How many times will the Rabbi stop and pray on the way to the grave?
Where is the union located when you place the flag on the casket?
top left hand corner over the left shoulder
In the Catholic service who leads the recessional?
What is the correct term for a monument that is erected to honor the WWII veterans, the Washington Monument, or a commemorative bench with a deceased person’s name inscribed?
In the Catholic religion, where are the Rosary Beads placed?
in the hands
If a family member dies outside the U.S. who is responsible to pay for the return of the remains?
the family
According the the FTC, if a client family buys a casket from a third party, what can the funeral director do?
require the family to be responsible for any defects
In the Jewish faith, what is a eulogy or true evaluation of the deceased’s life that is a part of the funeral service?
What are the first three letters in the Greek word for Jesus?
What is the leader of the local congregation called in the Islam faith?
What is the funeral or funeral prayer called in the Islam faith?
What is a vigil service associated with Eastern Orthodox funerals called?
Who are those that transport only in particular instances and only for those they choose to contract with such as funeral home vehicles and livery?
private carrier
What is an agreement which may be terminated by the purchaser at any time prior to the death of the beneficiary with a refund of the monies paid as prescribed by state law?
revocable contract
Which religious sect requests the use of the words “passed on” rather that “died or deceased” in the death notice or the obituary?
Christian Scientist
What is the Jewish Sabbath called that begins on sundown Friday and ends at sundown Saturday?
If you are facing the altar in a Roman Catholic Church, what is the area to the right called?
In the Jewish faith, what is the anniversary of the death?
Who is the officiate that leads the Mass in the Roman Catholic Church?
What agency has the responsibility to accredit colleges and programs of mortuary science or funeral service education?
The American Board of Funeral Service Education
What is the stage of moral development in which the individual is characterized as not understanding the rules or feeling a sense or obligation to them; wanting only to experience that which is good or pleasant or to avoid that which is painful?
What is regulating the activities or course of activities of an organization; to guide and/or supervise the activities of an organization?
actuating or directing
What form does the funeral director fill out and submit when applying to the Social Security Administration for the “Lump Sum Death Benefit?”
Form SSA 8
What is another name for altar attendant?
What is the title of the Buddhist priest?
What is the liturgical celebration of the Eucharist in the Roman Catholic Church?
What is a building containing crypts or vaults for entombment?
What is a culturally entrenched pattern of behavior made up of sacred beliefs, emotional feelings accompanying the beliefs, and overt conduct, presumably implementing the beliefs and feelings?
What is the definition of Ethics?
the discipline dealing with moral duty and obligation
If a person complies with the laws of his or her community solely because of fear of going to prison, which stage of Kohlberg’s moral development are they complying with?
pre-conventional stage
All of the following are examples of Kohlberg’s stages of moral development EXCEPT?
- pre-conventional
- conventional
- pre-moral stage
- moral stage
moral stage
Which of the following are the Veteran's Administration Discharge Papers? Form 21-530 Form 40-1330 DD 1375 DD 214
Which of the following is the Application for a United States Flag for Burial Purposes? DD 214 Form 40-1330 Form 90-2008 Form 21-530
Form 90-2008
A GPL must be presented in all of the following situations EXCEPT?
at the beginning of the arrangement conference
What is the time limit for filing VA “Application for Burial Benefits?”
2 years from date of disposition
What is the time limit for filing for Social Security Lump Sum Death Benefit payment?
2 years from date of death
Which of the following is a religious singer who assists a Rabbi?
Which of the following is information that is required on the death certificate? religious affiliation informant medical history police report
What is a teacher or ordained leader in the Jewish faith called?
What information should the funeral director collect from the informant to assist with the arrangement conference?
- name and contact information for the next of kin
- location of deceased
- doctor signing the death certificate
- the time of death
name and contact information for the next of kin
What is another word for prayer rail, kneeler, or a kneeling rail?
Prie Dieu
Who accompanies the Armed Forces deceased to the place of burial?
What is the person who presides at the funeral for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day saints called?
The American Flag is draped over a half couch casket in how many layers?
The delayed period for prearranged contracts made away from the Funeral Home, cancellation may be made prior to midnight of which business day after the transaction?
Where would a Church of Christ Scientist’s funeral be held?
funeral home
On the death certificate, the cause of death which indicates heart failure would be?
- respiratory failure
- ventricular fibrillation
ventricular fibrillation
In a military funeral, where is the chaplain positioned?
at the head of the casket
Which document is given to the family for them to keep is?
the general price list
What is the Buddhist place of worship called?
What is a casket used in a Jewish Orthodox funeral service called?
Under what condition can a Veteran’s Burial Benefit be paid directly to the funeral home?
only when the funeral expense is unpaid
At the conclusion of a Greek Orthodox funeral service, the congregation will pass by the casket and
stop to kiss the icon
What is the general term designating a place suitable for the reception of a dead human body?
Which of the following is a speech about the character of a deceased person at the funeral service?
What is another name for the funeral procession?
What is an unsolicited gift to a clergyman called?
What is the proper terminology for the placing of cremated remains into a final container?
What is the proper title for an officiant of the Christian Science faith?
What is the name given to a symbolic cloth covering placed over the casket?
What is the form of worship that has the scriptures as its central element?
What is the entry way into the church called?
What are the ritual garments worn by the clergy?
What is any item obtained from a third party and paid for by the funeral provider on the purchaser’s behalf?
cash advance
What is the portion of the church surrounding the altar, usually enclosing the clergy?
What is a transport company called that is required by law to convey passengers or freight without refusal, if the approved fare or charge is paid?
common carrier
what is a chamber in a mausoleum called?
An Orthodox Jewish service may include:
- a crucifix
- a Rabbi
- cremated remains
- a pagoda
a Rabbi
What is a commemorative inscription on a tomb or cemetery marker?
What are the first two and last two verses of a Buddhist hymn that is sung at a the funeral services?
What is a funeral rite that is in essence devoid of religious connotation?
What is a mournful poem or song of lamentation for the dead called?
What is Kohlberg’s stage of moral development in which the expectations of the family, community, and nation are supported and maintained?
In the Jewish faith; what is the 30-day mourning period?
What is the holy book of the Islam faith?
What is the order of participants in a Military Funeral?
- Colors and Guard
- Clergy
- Casket
- Band
- Escort
- band
- escort
- colors and guard
- clergy
- casket
What is a more pleasant term that is used as a substitute for a less pleasant term when referring to death, such as “they passed” or “they’re gone” instead of “they died”?
What is the primary objective of funeral service?
- financial stability of the funeral home
- provide social support network
- fulfill service to families
- provide grief counseling
fulfill service to families
Which of the following is the Statement of Death by Funeral Director form which is submitted to the Social Security Administration? DD 1375 Form 40-1330 Form SSA 8 Form SSA 721
Form SSA 721
If a family is requesting that the deceased be buried at sea, what are the requirements for sea burial?
connection to the military as a dependent, active or veteran
What is the form to “Request for Payment of Funeral and/or Interment Expenses” from the Veterans Administration?
In a Catholic funeral, if the aisle is too narrow for the casket-bearers to proceed alongside the casket, where should they go?
may move behind the casket in front of the family
In a Catholic funeral, how are deceased laypersons placed?
with their feet toward the altar
In a Catholic funeral, how are deceased nuns placed?
with their feet toward the altar
In a Catholic funeral, how are deceased priests placed?
with their head toward the altar
If you are facing the altar in a liturgical church, what is the area to the left called?
Which of the following would be appropriate in a funeral for a member of the Church of the Latter Day Saints?
- be held in the temple
- have a crucifix at the casket
- light a paschal candle
- be held in the chapel
be held in the chapel
Who leads the processional in a Buddhist funeral?
This is one in which the contract can be terminated by the purchaser at any time prior to their death with a refund of the monies paid as prescribed by state law and is known as a
revocable contract
A preneed contract in which the funeral home guarantees that the services and merchandise will be provided at the time of need for an amount not exceeding the original amount of the contract, plus any interest, regardless of the cost of providing the services and merchandise at the time of death is known as
a guaranteed contract
I’m kind of disappointed, I probably should not say this but…, Well, we could try this idea… These statements are examples of
powerless speech mannerisms
The use of words such as “fast and slow” & “short & long” are examples of ______. Without further explanation, the use of these words can lead to communication problems.
relative language
According to your text, when presented with conflicting verbal & nonverbal messages, communicators are more likely to rely on the ____ ones.
Communication in which two parties involved consider one another as individuals.
interpersonal communication
The process of pronouncing all the necessary parts of a word
The speed at which a speaker utters words
The medium through which a message passes from sender to receiver
A force that interferes with the process of communications
The emotional association of a term
Listening to understand another person or idea
informational listening
The believability of a speaker or other source of information
The Johari Window is a device that measures
self disclosure
You are right - the landlord is unfair. I’m here if you need me. I don’t care what your boss said: I think you did a good job. These statements are examples of a
supportive response
An expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scarce rewards, and interference from the other party in achieving their goals.
Listening in which the goal is to help the speaker solve a problem
empathetic listening
The process of focusing on certain stimuli from the environment
Words that have more than one dictionary meaning
The percentage of messages that are self-disclosing are relatively low. Three alternatives to revealing personal facts, feelings, and opinions are ____, equivocating, and hinting.
Regarding methods of conflict resolution, A ____ gives both parties at least some of what they wanted, though both sacrifice part of their goals.
Listening in which the goal is to judge the quality or accuracy of a speaker’s remarks.
evaluative listening
The emotional tone of a relationship as it is expressed in the messages that partners send and receive.
A speech given off the top of one’s head without preparation
impromptu speech
Kinesics, proxemics, and territoriality are studies of human behavior that provide insight into _____.
nonverbal communication
Deals with the arrangement of words in a sentence
Taking a speaker’s remarks at face value
insensitive listening
The following question refers to the Gibb Categories of Defensive and Supportive Behaviors. Which of the follow is an example of a supportive behavior?
- spontaneity
- strategy
- neutrality
- control
The degree of regard a person holds for himself
A speech that is read word-for-word from a prepared text
manuscript speech
The relatively stable set of perceptions each individual holds for himself or herself
A speech that is learned and delivered by rote without written text.
memorized speech
A speaker’s words or actions
Statements that reword the listener’s interpretation of a message are commonly termed ____. Sometimes this type of response will reflect the speaker’s ideas or feelings. (e.g. Speaker- I’d like to go, but I can’t afford it. Listener’s response - So if we could find a way to pay for you, you would be willing to come. Is that right?)
With ___ listening, the goal is to make sure you are accurately receiving the same thoughts the other person is trying to convey. Situation that call for this type of listening include: following the directions of your employer, learning your family history from a relative’s tales, and swapping ideas in a discussion about politics.
Excessive written or verbal information
message overload
The physical location and personal history surrounding the communication.
The highness or lowness of one’s voice
Which of the following serve to improve listening?
- get rid of distractions
- look for key ideas
- don’t judge prematurely
- all of the above
all of the above
A view of communication that is described as something one person does to another. (A sender encodes ideas and feelings into a message and then conveys that message, by means of a channel, to a receiver, who decodes the message.)
The _____ dimension of interpersonal communication is characterized as statements made about how parties feel toward one another. These messages deal with social needs such as control, affection, or respect.
A ____ relationship exists when the distribution of power is unequal.
A type of question disguised as an attempt to send a message, not to receive one. (Are you going to stand up to him and give him what he deserves?)
counterfeit question
Giving the appearance of listening
One person speaking with limited verbal feedback.
public communication
Most nonverbal communication reveals ____, in contrast to verbal message, which are better suited to expressing _____.
attitudes & feelings; ideas
Words that gain their meaning through comparison.
relative terms
The process of deliberately revealing information about one’s self that is significant and that would not normally be known by others.
self disclosure
Taking innocent comments as personal attacks.
defensive listening
You can always count on Wesley. This statement is an example of
static evaluation
Show a dozen people the same symbol (national flag) and ask them what it means, and you are likely to get twelve different answers. Like symbols, words can be interpreted in many ways. These statements suggest that
language is subjective
A pleasant term substituted for a more direct, less pleasant term
The objective, emotion free meaning of a term
Deals with the meanings of words
A speech planned in advance but presented in a direct conversational manner.
extemporaneous speech
Although many nonverbal behaviors are universal, their use and significance
varies from one culture to another
Incorrect assumptions that lead us to believe that we have heard the message before or that the message is too simple or too complex to understand
faulty assumption
Not listening because he/she is only interested in what he/she has to say
stage hogging
A disconfirming response with more than one meaning, leaving the other party unsure of the responder’s position.
ambiguous response
Which of the following is not an element of the listening process? (components of listening)
- hearing
- understanding
- preoccupation
- responding
- remembering
Advising, judging, analyzing, questioning, supporting are examples of
helping styles (listening to help others solve problems)
Message overload, rapid thought, external noise, and faulty assumptions are
examples of reasons why we do not listen
The study of body movement, gestures, and posture
We communicate to satisfy various goals or needs. Which of the following is characterized by this quote? “Communication is the most widely used approach to satisfy instrumental goals; getting others to behave as we want.”
- identity needs
- social needs
- physical needs
- linear needs
- none of these
none of these
Which of the following is a false statement?
- words are arbitrary symbols that do not have any meaning in themselves
- language is objective
- syntactic rules govern the way symbols can be arranged
- semantic rules govern meanings
language is objective
The process of human beings responding to symbolic behavior or to other person. A human survival skill needed to maintain contact with the world.
Which religion after embalming the decedent is dressed in white underwear and stockings and placed in a casket of the family’s choosing?
Which religion uses geographical divisions known as synods?
Which religion follows a liturgical form of worship?
What is a form or order of worship having the scriptures as the central element with the actual order of worship determined by the local congregation and clergy?
What is the female organization associated with a Masonic Lodge?
Order of Eastern Star
Which acronym would indicate Elks Lodge?
Which fraternal organization will utilize a sheepskin apron and a piece of evergreen during their service rituals for the deceased member?
Masonic Lodge
What form would be used to obtain a flag for a deceased veteran?
VA 27-2008
Which organizations regulate and license the broadcast of copyrighted music for publication?
What two different types of announcement concerning a death are usually published by a newspaper?
death notice and obituary
What is a legal document containing vital statistics of a deceased individual and is filed with a government agency?
death certificate
What is the right side of the traditional liturgical church (as the congregation faces the altar) from which readings and prayers are often proclaimed?
What is an altar attendant called?
Who was the founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints?
Joseph Smith
What is a Bonze?
Buddhist Priest
What is an unsolicited gift to a clergyperson?
Which organization is responsible for the development and administration of the National Board Exam?
International Conference of Funeral Service Examining Boards
What is the Jehovah Witness place of worship?
Kingdom Hall
Under which function of management would a manager evaluate the performance of the company in relation to goals and objectives?
Under which area of management would a manager maintain proper personnel records?
Vehicle maintenance would classify as what type of management?
What is the primary objective for funeral home management?
fulfill the needs of the client-family
What is DMORT?
Disaster Mortuary Operational Response Team
What type of funeral rite is held devoid of any type of religious connotation?
humanistic funeral rite
What is learning that comes from the cultural environment?
indirect learning
What is enculturation also referred to as?
Children often reflect the death attitudes of their
What would be a contemporary social factor influencing funeral rites?
The choice of surviving family members to have only a graveside service in Reno, Nevada where their mother lives and has just died whereas they live in Boston, Massachusetts would be due to what sociological factor?
In the Jewish faith, a candelabrum with a central stem bearing seven candles; the oldest symbol in Judaism.
In the Jewish faith, the funeral.
In the Jewish faith, a hand-sewn white linen shroud in which the deceased members of the Jewish faith are dressed.
In the Jewish faith, the ceremonial washing of the deceased before the burial; a ritual purification or cleansing of the deceased which should be performed by the Chevra Kaddisha
A prayer shawl worn by Jewish males during the morning prayer service.
In the Jewish faith, prayers said before the funeral by a group of friends and the shomer. These prayers come from the book of Psalms.
In the Jewish faith, the anniversary of the death.
In the Jewish faith, the skull cap worn by males at temple and funeral services.
Kippah, Yamaka, Yarmulke
______ is a philanthropic and educational women’s organization and an official auxiliary of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
relief society
Leader of multiple churches in a particular denomination; in the Roman Catholic faith, the head of a diocese; in the Latter-day Saints faith, Bishop of the ward is leader of a single congregation.
In the Church of Christ, Scientist included among the good and real is _____, and among be the unjust and the unreal, is ______.
health; disease
The act of directing and/or managing the activities of a business to achieve goals and objectives.
“Let the buyer beware” the buyer is responsible for making sure goods are of acceptable quality.
caveat emptor
Funeral service professionals have the duty to maintain the _____ of the family and deceased.
Douglas McGregor is to “Theory X and Theory Y” as _____ is to “the Hierarchy of Needs.”
Abraham Maslow
This document identifies expectations for a position as well as key responsibilities and tasks that an employee should fulfill.
job description
Which of the following is NOT an example of an open-ended question?
- would you describe yourself as self-motivating, detail oriented person?
- describe a time where you were faced with a difficult client and how you handled the situation
- what skill or knowledge do you bring to the table that other applicants may not have?
- what are some of your weaknesses and how do you compensate for them?
would you describe yourself as a self-motivating, detail oriented person?
A specialist who recruits, interviews, hires, and trains new employees and is well versed in the laws is typically involved in
human resource management
What seems to be a crucial element in retaining employees?
successful onboarding process
Which Act makes it illegal to discriminate against someone because of that person’s race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, or genetic information?
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
This is a federal agency that enforces the federal laws which prohibits employment discrimination
Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
The practice of making the public aware of the products and service offered by a business
Specialty vehicle designed to transfer casketed remains
funeral coach
A legal certified paper containing vital statistics, disposition information, and final medical information pertaining to deceased.
death certificate
A sudden incident such as an accident or natural calamity that causes great damage or loss of life or property.
This agency assists during state disasters dealing with mass fatality situations.
Federal law commonly known for minimum wage, overtime pay, child labor, record keeping, and special minimum wage standards
the Fair Labor Standards Act
This act entitles eligible employees to 12 weeks of unpaid, job protected leave for certain family and medical reasons
Family and Medical Leave Act
Services or acts provided by a funeral service professional after final disposition, such as helping with uncompleted tasks, provide information of grief support groups, or legal resources
A family unit consisting of one male and one female, their children together, and any children they each may have from previous marriages or relationships.
blended family
A funeral rite that is modified to the needs and wants of those involved; and has been changed to be appropriate of the times.
adaptive funeral rites.
A family structure that consists of one male and one female and the children from their previous marriages, and may include children from current marriage.
blended family
The viewing of people’s behavior from the perspective of their own culture.
culture relativism
A common practice or belief shared by all societies.
cultural universal
The totality of our shared language, knowledge, material objects, and behavior.
An action or behavior in line with tradition of a particular group or place, consistent with the tradition of the people
A collection of statistical data about characteristics of a population.
The process by which a cultural item spreads from group to group or society to society.
Attaining culture through deliberate instruction by other members of that society.
direct learning
A production process in which a worker or group of workers is assigned a specialized task in order to increase efficiency.
division of labor
An authority pattern in which spouses are regarded as equals.
The lifelong process through which people learn the attitudes, values, and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture.
The tendency to assume that one’s own culture and way of life represents what’s normal or are superior to all others.
A family in which relatives, such as grandparents, aunts, or uncles, live in the same household as parents and their children.
extended (joint) family
Norms governing everyday behavior, whose violation raises comparatively little concern
Rites performed with the body present
funeral service
Funeral rites lacking religious connotations
humanistic funeral rite
The process by which a society transforms from a primarily agricultural adaptive strategy (economy) to the manufacturing of goods and services through advanced technical enterprises.
A society in which women dominate in family decision making.
A society whose economic system is engaged primarily in the processing and control of information
A funeral rite conducted without the body present
memorial service
The ability to move or be moved freely and easily; the state or quality of being mobile; ability to migrate about social classes
Household or family unit formed by two or more nuclear families or friendships
modified extended family
Norms deemed highly necessary to the welfare of a society.
Funeral rites that deviates from the normal or established custom.
non-traditional funeral rite
An established standard of behavior maintained by a society
A married couple and their unmarried children living together.
nuclear family
A society in which men dominate in family decision making
People are relatively unknown to the larger community
social anonymity
Those elements of society that impact change
social dynamics
An organized pattern of beliefs and behavior centered on basic social needs.
social institution
An event that allows people to share something of which they have in common.
social function
Movement of individuals or groups from one position in a society’s stratification system to another.
social mobility
The structured ranking of entire groups of people according to rank, caste, or class that perpetuates unequal economic rewards and power in a society.
social stratification
The lifelong process through which people learn attitudes, values, and behaviors appropriate for members of a particular culture.
The structure of relationships within which culture is created and shared through regularized patterns of social interaction.
The systematic study of the relationships between the individual and society and of the consequences of difference
The systematic study of the relationships between the individual and society and of the consequences of difference
Social positions we occupy relative to others
A segment of society that shares distinctive pattern of more, folkways, and values that differs from the pattern of the larger society
A gesture, object, or word that forms the basis of human communication
Prohibited or restricted by social custom
Living patterns that reflect a high density of people in a relatively bounded space.
A collective conception of what is considered good, desirable, and proper (or bad, undesirable, and improper) in a culture